Chapter 354: 【Origin of Red Dragon】

In the blink of an eye, the huge red dragon like a hill turned into a red-haired man and went straight to the crater. ¥♀8¥♀8¥♀ Reading ¥♀ book, .2≠3.o◆


The extremely fast speed made him smash into the crater like a meteorite, splashing a lot of hot magma, and the air was billowing with heat waves.

Luo Wei Shengguang's wings vibrated, chasing into the magma almost at the same time.

The dense lava submerged him, making his vision red and his skin feeling a little hot.

Obviously, this volcano is also unusual. The temperature of its lava is much higher than that of ordinary volcanoes. Thanks to Rowe's fire power, he is largely immune to fire damage.

There was a sudden flash of holy light in Rowe's hand, and the pointer of the holy light pointed directly behind him.

He hurriedly waved his sword and turned around, and the ice pole blade and the Demon Slayer Sword released golden light.


A figure flew out of the magma, and it was the man who changed from the red dragon.

Rowe chased after him.

The red dragon man froze, and then, out of nowhere, took out a big sword and went up to meet him.

After the distance between the two sides was close, Rowe once again saw a strong hatred in the eyes of the red dragon. The hatred was very different from when he looked at other people.

But this time, because the red dragon had transformed into a humanoid and was so close, Rowe was able to spot the focus of his gaze—the dragon leather armor on his body.

Red Dragon!

Lightning flashed in his mind, and then he suddenly remembered the hunting festival of that year.

More than 1,500 years ago, when Luo Wei participated in the hunting festival, he joined forces with Hela and others to capture a female red dragon. The dragon leather armor he is wearing now is made of the skin of that red dragon.

He remembered that the female dragon had two cubs, one of which was caught by the outburst of luck, Tia, and the other young dragon was outrageously strong. Tia not only failed to catch, but was almost burned die. →+?eight→.?eight** reading?? book, .↓.o≥

The high-level red dragon in front of me... Could it be the young dragon that escaped back then?

It's too late to talk about it, these thoughts are fleeting, Luo Wei didn't have time to think about it, and the weapons of the two sides collided.


There was only a loud bang, and waves of waves were set off in the magma, which looked like a volcanic eruption from the outside.

Luo Wei flew out and quickly stopped.

When the dragon transforms into a human form, its strength will decrease. Even so, the power of this high-level dragon still exceeds that of most Protoss.

Even though Luo Wei had the all-round blessing of the wrath of revenge, he couldn't get any advantage in the competition of power.

This time, the two sides shook a long distance.

Luo Wei's sight was severely blocked by the presence of magma. If he was a little further away, he could only rely on the pointer of the Holy Light to judge, but the red dragon didn't seem to be affected.

After thinking about it, he took out a white helmet that resembled a helmet of dominance from the Sanctuary space and put it on. It was the perception helmet that was captured from the frost giant.

The helmet blocked his vision, but it allowed him to gain omnidirectional perception, and the surrounding magma suddenly appeared to be nothing.

Then he took the initiative to attack and rushed towards the red dragon. The red dragon was stunned for a moment, but then he also waved his big sword to meet him again.

Luo Wei has realized that even if the opponent is not a dragon, his strength will surpass himself, so this time he made full use of his technical advantages and tried not to confront him as hard as possible.

In fact, Red Dragon's fighting skills can almost be described as third-rate, and he is obviously not very suitable for close combat in human form.

In contrast, Luo Wei, who has been practicing Paladin fighting for many years, has almost perfect fighting skills.

So after a fight, Luo Wei not only did not lose, but gradually gained an advantage.

Jin Hui surged, and the Demon Slaying Sword slashed across the back of the red dragon man, leaving a deep wound.

At the same time, Rowe tactically leaned back, avoiding the big sword that came from the opponent.

Looking at the red dragon man who was covered in bruises but with undiminished fighting spirit, he couldn't help frowning.

The time for the wrath of revenge is about to end. Although his mana is enough to use it again, after using it again, he will not have much mana to cast other spells, and I am afraid that he will fall into the disadvantage.

Rowe quickly made a decision and summoned the Sanctuary in his heart.

Holy Shield!

The golden brilliance of the holy deed imprint surging, and the rune holy light instantly enveloped him.

The red dragon roared, and the big sword in his hand slashed Luo Wei's head, but Luo Wei did not dodge, and it seemed that he was going to die together.

For a battle at the level of the Protoss and dragons, one second is not a very short time, and their reaction speed is enough to allow them to complete multiple actions in one second.

Almost as soon as the rune holy light appeared, the red dragon man's eyes filled with nervousness, and when Luo Wei showed the gesture of perishing together, doubts, panic, and determination flashed across his face quickly.

Immediately, he moved his body, only slightly avoiding the key point, and the big sword in his hand was still slashing at Luo Wei's head.


The big sword slashed on the holy shield technique and returned without success. Luo Wei stabbed with both swords and inserted them into the abdomen of the red dragon man.

"Roar!!" The red dragon man's pupils shrank suddenly and let out a painful dragon howl.

At the same time, the scales on his skin surged, and his mouth also showed fangs, as if he was about to restore his dragon body.

But he did not change back to the dragon body in the end, but pulled away and retreated sharply.

Just as Luo Wei chased after him, his expression suddenly changed, but he found a dark space passage at the edge of the perception range, and the direction of the red dragon's escape was towards this space passage.

The red dragon man covered his abdomen with his hands, clenched his teeth, and swam in the magma at full speed. In a blink of an eye, he came to the front of the space passage, and then burrowed into it.

Luo Wei also wanted to chase into the space passage, but at the moment when he was about to chase in, his expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly backed away.


Then only a loud noise was heard, and the space channel burst open, blowing him directly out of the magma.

Luo Wei stared at the stars for a while, and quickly manipulated the magic floating cloak, fixed his figure in the air, and then gasped in embarrassment.

There is actually a space channel hidden in the volcano...

"Heimdall, take a look, is that giant dragon still nearby?" Rowe asked No, he should be no longer in Warnerheim. Heimdall's voice sounded in his ear, and then he said, "By the way, you'd better get out of here as soon as possible, the volcano is about to erupt. "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a faint tremor from the volcano below, and then the sound became more and more intense, and it became a thunderous sound in the blink of an eye.


Rowe sighed, put a flash of holy light on himself to treat the injury, and then left this place and returned to Valkyrie and others.

Valkyrie quickly ran over with a Valkyrie in her arms, her eyes were red, and her voice was hoarse: "Save her!"

Rowe looked down, a little speechless.

The person in Valkyrie's arms should be the Valkyrie who was hit by the dragon's tail before, but her neck has been broken, and she is undoubtedly dead.

But she is obviously a very important person in Valkyrie. Even if the death is like this, Valkyrie still has illusions: "Save her, please, there must be a rescue!" 11