Chapter 355: 【Dean Jiading】

"Your companion has already gone to Valhalla. The dead can't be resurrected, sorry." Rowe said, patting Valkyrie on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.


Valkyrie was stunned for a moment, then her already red eyes burst into tears again, and she burst into tears while hugging her companion.


Luo Wei didn't say anything else, turned around and went to treat the wounded.


"Lord Rowe, did the dragon escape?" asked the wounded soldier who was being treated.


Rowe nodded: "Yes, it escaped into the space channel hidden deep in the volcano and then destroyed the channel."


"Space channel?" The soldier was stunned for a moment, then clenched his fists and said reluctantly, "So, we can't find it anymore, damn..."


"Not necessarily, it's probably still within the Nine Realms." Luo Wei said casually.


As far as the entire universe is concerned, space channels that stably exist on planets are actually very rare. But the situation in the Nine Realms is rather special. If he remembers correctly, Loki once mentioned in the movie that there are many interconnected space channels within the Nine Realms.


In fact, this is indeed the case. What he discovered at the beginning was the space passage connecting Asgard, Atrium, Muspelheim, and Walter Alheim. Trolls and frost giants also discovered passages to invade Warnerheim.


So in terms of probability, the space channel through which the red dragon escapes is most likely to lead to somewhere in the Nine Realms, rather than randomly leading to all parts of the universe like space cracks.


Therefore, the possibility of finding the trace of the red dragon in the future is not small, and Asgard is the enemy of the red dragon, and it probably does not want to see Asgard again.


Moments later, Rowe treated the wounded, and Heimdall opened the Rainbow Bridge to transport everyone back to Asgard.


In the teleportation hall, besides Heimdall, there are two others, one is Ander who is waiting for Lovi, and the other is Tyr, the **** of war.


Looking at the dragon hunting team that had lost more than half of it, Tyr sighed: "The arrangement of this operation was my mistake. I underestimated the strength of that high-level dragon..."


Valkyrie looked at Heimdall with a bit of grief and anger on his face: "Heimdall, I implore you to find that evil dragon! I will cut off its head with my own hands!"


Heimdall nodded: "I will try my best, Valkyrie. As long as it is still within the Nine Realms, it will not be difficult to find."


When everyone was talking, Thor suddenly ran in from the outside, still looking like he was hot and hot. Although he was an adult physically, his personality was still like a child, and it could even be said to be a child.


Someone in Asgard even commented on Thor: The goat is more mature than him.


"Didn't you catch the dragon?" Thor looked around.


"Thor, you..." Tyre looked at him, not knowing what to say.


Thor said regretfully: "I said, you should call me!"


Tyr, the **** of war, said casually, "Okay, Thor, if you can lift up Mjolnir, I'll let you go with them."


Thor was startled: "Mjolnir, do you mean the warhammer in the treasury?"


"Yes. No one can lift it except His Majesty Odin." Tyr, the **** of war, waved his hand, "Let's go back, the warriors need to rest."


Tyre, Valkyrie and the others left one after another, and Thor also followed thoughtfully, leaving the teleportation hall after a while, leaving only Rowe and Ander.


"I just came here, what happened?" Ander asked.


"A high-level red dragon... Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's go to New Corbin Star." Rowe said.


Ander nodded, and then the two were teleported to the new Corbin star to find the horse-faced Thor.


"Bill, this is the third member of the Silver Hand, Ander." Rowe said.


Horse-faced Thor stretched out his hand and greeted Ander, "Hello, welcome to the great Paladin Order of the Silver Hand. I'm Beta Ray Bill, a chivalrous knight and a guardian of the Corbin nation."


Andel shook his hand: "Hello, Bill."


Rowe said with a smile: "The Knights have just been established, how come it has become the 'great hand of silver'."


"I have this hunch." Ma Mian Thor said in a serious tone, "The Holy Light is a great power. As a belief, it is not any personality, but pure justice. I believe that under the guidance of the Holy Light , the Silver Hand will be a great order of knights."


It seems that although the contact time is not long, the horse-faced Thor's belief in the Holy Light is quite firm and devout.


The three of them chatted for a while and gradually got to know each other. Rowe said, "Bill, the two of us will take turns to instill the Holy Light for Ander. This process should last ten to twenty years."


Ma Mian Thor nodded: "I know."


"Let's start now."


Rowe asked Ander to sit down, and then sat behind him, putting his hands on his shoulders.


As soon as this pose was taken, Luo Wei couldn't help but startled.


It looks a lot like the posture of the martial arts drama...


He dispelled his memories, golden light surged between his hands, and began to fill Ander's body with holy light.


The three of them started their boring practice in this way. Ander meditated every day, and then Rowe and the horse-faced Thor took turns to infuse him with holy light, baptizing him with the power of holy light.


Ander was undoubtedly the most tormented. Apart from eating and sleeping, he spent most of the day meditating, and occasionally went home to have a look.


Luo Wei and Ma Mian Thor are relatively better. In the case of taking turns on duty, they have a few hours of free every day to do other things.


On this day, the Sanqi experience space.


At this time, the scene of the experience space is a dark and spacious space, with two floors up and down, and some rooms are obviously classroom structures.


The logo of the skeleton can be seen everywhere here, it is the famous psychic college in the plague land of World of Warcraft.


A gloomy old man in a purple-black robe waving a skeleton staff in his hand was fighting fiercely with Rowe.


Both sides were covered with bruises and wounds, and it was obvious that they had fought hard for a long time, and it was the crucial moment to decide the outcome.


Luo Wei roared, and the wings of the Holy Light vibrated behind him. Taking advantage of the last few seconds of the wrath of revenge, the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand danced wildly one after another, pouring out the remaining divine mana.






The Demon Slaying Sword slashed hard at Dean Garding's chest, and then he disappeared in the blast of light.


"Huh" Luo Wei exhaled a long breath.


Gading, the dean of the psychic academy, he has played dozens of times, and he finally succeeded in killing him today.


After all, he is also a level 6 boss, so he should be able to drop some good things. I wonder if he can produce a blueprint for the Dean's Staff or something...


Luo Wei thought for a while, then picked up Dean Gading's drop list from the ground and looked intently.