Chapter 356: 【Riya Star】

[Forging Blueprint: Tooth of Silence]


[Standard Item Level: Level 6]


[Explanation: ...When hitting, it may freeze the opponent's magic power, and cannot release magic for a short time. 】


[Main Materials: Black Iron, Shadow Stone, Purple Lotus]




There is only one thing, and my luck is a little dark, but the forging blueprint of Silent Fang is also OK. In the early days of Warcraft, this one-handed sword was also one of the graduation standards for the defense profession.


The three materials are also considered normal, and they can be used by protective knights in the future, which just works well with the shield of the dragon man.


After exiting the Sanctuary space, Rowe heard a knock on the door outside the room.


"Dong dong."


He opened the door, and saw Thor and Ander standing outside the door, both looking a little excited.


"Ander's holy light infusion is finally completed!" said the horse-faced Thor, "Rovi, let him become a real Paladin now!"


This speed was slightly beyond Rowe's expectations. He thought it would take close to twenty years, at least fifteen years, but in fact it only took a little over thirteen years.


During the thirteen years, Ander had already remembered the essentials of the Holy Light's inspiration, and after the Holy Light's affinity, it was a matter of course, and he naturally mastered the Holy Light's inspiration.


So now it only needs Rowe to bestow the holy deed, and Ander can become a paladin.


Rowe immediately took out the sacred book and handed it to Ander: "This is your holy deed. Write your name on the first page with holy light."


"It's finally time to wait!" Ander took the sacred book with some excitement.


No wonder he was so excited. Although ten years was nothing to the Protoss, he couldn't do anything for ten years, and meditating every day was definitely a form of torture.


Ander turned to the first page, a holy light glowed in his hand, and he wrote down his name seriously, finally becoming a real paladin.


Then the three of them had a barbecue to celebrate.


"Rowe, how many paladins do you think the Silver Hand will have in a thousand years?" asked the horse-faced Thor.


"A thousand years from now..." Luo Wei looked up at the starry sky.


Now is the end of the thirteenth century AD. It will not take a thousand years, but only about seven hundred years to be the era of the Avengers and Infinity War.


"Perhaps all over the universe?" Ander said.


"hope so……"


The next day, Rowe and Ander returned to Asgard.


"Ander, you can relax for a while, but don't forget to learn Holy Light Infusion, a fourth Paladin should join us soon," Rowe said.


"Are you from Asgard too?"


Luo Wei nodded: "Of course, unless I meet someone with extraordinary talent, I shouldn't recruit members other than the Protoss."


After returning to Asgard and staying at home for two days, Rowe went to the teleportation hall again.


"Where are you going?" Heimdall asked.


Rowe: "Ria, the hometown of the Cronans."


The Rainbow Bridge opened, and the dazzling beam of light flashed away, sending him to Rhea, a planet almost full of mountains, the hometown of the Kronan people.


Most of the planets with life are colorful and green, but Rhea is mainly gray, with rocks, mountains, and deserts.


For example, the location where Luo Wei arrived was a place surrounded by mountains. At first glance, it was a steep mountain peak.


The unique environment gave birth to a unique race. The Kronan people originated from Rhea. They are a rare rock life race in the universe. Their rocky bodies have the same gray tone as Rhea.


After Rowe arrived in Rhea, he looked around and saw two Kronan people a few dozen meters away.


The two Kronans were obviously stunned by the sudden arrival of the rainbow bridge beam of light, and looked at each other, feeling a little overwhelmed.


They looked at Rowe, and then one of them didn't hesitate to turn around and run.


Another Cronan yelled, but ran after him: "Wait for me, you bastard!"


Behind Luo Wei, the magic floating cloak stirred and floated up. After a while, he caught up with the two cumbersome stone men, stopped in front of the road, and said lightly, "Stop."


The two Kronans stopped quickly, and the one who ran at the front knelt down on the ground. His movements were very smooth, as if they were already preparing: "Ah... Honorable God Asa, I am your humble servant."


Although the Clunan people are generally low in intelligence, the Rainbow Bridge is still acquainted.


So the two Kronan people realized from the beginning that Rowe was an Asgardian, and that most of the people who could use the Rainbow Bridge alone were a relatively powerful Protoss, so they had no intention of confrontation.


Luo Wei looked at them: "If you answer my question truthfully, I will let you go."


"Yes." Both Kronans knelt on the ground, like two huge boulders piled on the ground.


"Among the Kronans you know, who is the most vicious and ruthless?" Rowe asked.


He came to the hometown of the Cronans, of course, to collect the blood of the mountains.


The creation of the Dragon's Shield just requires the blood of the mountains. In addition, this thing is widely used. Luo Wei has seen it in the drawings more than once, and it is estimated that he will use it in the future.


The replacement for the blood of the mountains was born in the Kronan's body, or more precisely, the heart of the mighty Kronan.


But Rowe is a Paladin after all. Although it is not very noble, he can't do it if he catches any intelligent life and kills it, so naturally he has to find a Kronan who has evil deeds~www.novelhall .com~ can also be regarded as a way to help justice.


"The most vicious person?" The two Kronans were startled.


"The most evil and powerful person," Rowe said.


"Marco the robber!" one of the Cronans said immediately, "Marco, this guy is a robber who burns, kills, loots, and does all kinds of evil. He even spares a newborn baby. He is also very powerful, and he may be the most powerful in the West Strong warrior...Respected Protoss, are you ready to punish this villain?"


Rowe didn't answer, and continued to ask, "Where is the robber Marco?"


The Cronans stretched out their hands: "Crossing that mountain is Marco's sphere of influence. As far as I know, there are at least hundreds of robbers squatting behind the mountain. They collect tolls there. Anyone who wants to pass will be Being extorted a lot of money, but it is still an important road, my uncle's cousin was extorted, and even his coat was taken away..."


Luo Wei turned to look at the mountain he pointed to, and immediately got up and flew away.


Most of Rhea's mountains are not small, and it is common for them to stretch for hundreds of miles, so it took him quite a while to climb over the mountain, and then he saw a narrow path in the distance.


Falling to the ground, Luo Wei walked on this narrow path for a while, and the ground shook faintly.


However, several burly Kronan people came with weapons, their heavy rock bodies made the nearby ground tremble slightly.