Chapter 359: 【Call me the great lord】

Brunnock was so straightforward, but it made Rowe a little at a loss for what to say: "Well... I have to explain to you the obligations of being a paladin. First of all, you need to abide by some precepts, of course, not harsh precepts, and secondly you You need to obey the arrangements of the Knights."

"What do the Knights do?" Brunnok was in love with the Dragon Shield, stroking gently like a lover, and asked casually without raising his head.

"Protecting the homeland of all members from aggression - that's the job of the heart of the Paladins of the Silver Hand," Rowe said.

"Will the Knights recruit alien members?"

Rowe nodded: "Of course, we now have an alien member, Bill of New Corbyn, you should have heard of him."

"The Corbin who was given the Thunder Hammer by His Majesty Odin?" Brunnok recalled.

"That's right." Rowe put his hand on his shoulder, "Don't talk about that, you have to prepare in advance, you have to go to New Corbin with me in a few days, and I need to infuse you with Holy Spirit there. Light, so that you can master the spell of Light and become a true Paladin."

A few days later, Rowe called Ander and Brunnock to go to New Corbyn together.

"I didn't expect the protection knight to be you, Brunnock. We will work together in the future." On the road, Andel said with a smile.

"Of course it's me, you know, I'm probably the person who is best at using shields in Asgard." Brunnock said, and then he brought the dragon man's shield, and said, not without flaunting, "Look, the captain gave me the one. The shield, the work of the Dwarf King, isn't it awesome, it's definitely the most perfect shield I've ever used."

"'s really good." Ander said, but his expression was a bit strange.

As a human being, there will be some jealousy to some extent. Seeing Brunnok's dragon shield, Ander felt a little unbalanced in his heart.

After all, Brunnock has just joined the Knights, and he has not yet mastered the Holy Light. Strictly speaking, he is not a real Paladin, but he was gifted such a sophisticated weapon by Rowe.

It was me who came first, whether it was on the battlefield or joining the Knights, why did it become like this? Ander frowned and walked on the road without saying a word.

When he was about to reach the teleportation hall, Luo Wei suddenly said: "By the way, don't call me the head."

"What's that called?"

"Call me the high lord." Rowe said. As a member of the Million Lord, of course he had to choose this title as the title of the leader of the Knights.

Arriving at New Corbin Star, the process is the same as before, except that the number of people responsible for Holy Light infusion has changed from two to three, and the efficiency has improved.

During the boring holy light infusion process, time passed day by day.

In the free day, Luo Wei decided to challenge the book of experience of the seven black iron sages, then opened the holy deed and entered the experience space of the seven black iron sages.

As soon as the scene in front of him bloomed, Luo Wei was in a dark and reddish room, and seven iron cast coffins were listed around.

In front of each coffin stood a translucent ghost. They all looked like black iron dwarves. They were short, dark-skinned, and fierce in temperament. They were the seven black iron sages.

"You challenged the Seven Sages of the Black Iron, die!" The seven sages were headed by Dumrel, he shouted and pointed the staff directly at Rowe.

As soon as the voice fell, a pair of coffins lit up with runes, and at the same time, the ghost Angelel standing in front of the coffin moved in response and rushed over.

Angell was clearly a warrior, holding a round shield in his left and a warhammer in his right, heading straight for Rowe.

Sword of Justice!

Luo Wei suddenly swung the Demon Slayer Sword, and Angell hurriedly blocked it with his shield, only to hear a loud clanging sound, and both of them retreated.

Rowe took a step back and stopped, but Angell stepped back to his coffin before stopping, and made a high judgment.

After knowing what he knew, Luo Wei shot more sharply, waving the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand like the wind, beating Angell to defeat.

During the fight, he sometimes observed the other six Dark Iron dwarves, but no matter what he beat Angelel, the other six of the Seven Sages of the Dark Iron just watched and did not step forward.


In the end, the dazzling holy light on the Demon Slayer Sword poured out on Angell's chest, and in the dazzling golden light, his body collapsed and vanished.

Almost at the same time that Angell disappeared, another dark iron dwarf responded. She was a mage, waving a staff, and a blue ice arrow shot out.

Luo Wei was caught off guard by the Frost Arrow, and while the pain at the place where he was hit was piercing, his whole body was suddenly cold and his movements were very slow.

He hurriedly activated the divine power of fire, blazing flames all over his body, dispelling the cold, and in the process stabbed the sword into the ground, and the sword of justice poured out from the feet of the dwarf mage.

The holy light bloomed, and with one blow, the ghost body of the dwarf mage was beaten a lot.

Immediately, Luo Wei expelled the cold from his body, deceived himself to kill the mage, and instantly seized the initiative before and after, and killed him in a short while.

In the history of World of Warcraft, the Dark Iron dwarves belonged to a branch of the dwarves who lost the struggle for the supreme power of the dwarves and eventually fell to Blackrock Mountain.

The Seven Sages of the Dark Iron were the most trusted vassals of the Dark Iron Dwarf King Thaurissan. It was with their assistance that Thaurissan summoned Ragnaros, the Fire Demon King, which was also the cause of their death.

The seven sages have different abilities, and they are mutually supportive. It is reasonable to say that they are a complete and powerful team. If they can make a shot together and cooperate tacitly, Luo Wei will definitely not be able to beat them.

But these seven dwarfs insisted on going the way of the gourd baby, and they had no intention of going into battle together, and they only came up one by one.

And fighting alone, each of them is not strong, they are obviously weaker than Luo Wei, and the result is naturally defeated one by one. Luo Wei even felt that this should be the easiest level 6 experience book.

The last person to appear is Dumurel, the head of the Seven Sages. Dumurel is naturally the strongest of the seven dark iron dwarves. Unfortunately, he is a warlock, so he summoned three demons.

Luo Wei then opened the rage of revenge and swung the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand, and with one sword, a demon was wiped out, and the three summoned demons were swept away in a blink of an eye.

The battle continued for a while, and Rowe took a shadow arrow and stabbed it with his backhand. Immediately, the Demon Slayer Sword instantly pierced into Dumrel's already very dim ghost body.


Dumrel disappeared in the light and dust, which also announced the end of the challenge, and Rowe stepped forward to check the drop list.

[Forging Blueprint: Hammer of Gift]

[Book of Experience: Emperor Thaurissan]

Both things are good, especially the former, which is the standard warhammer of the early Holy Knights, just for Ander.

But Rowe's attention hardly rested on them, and was drawn to a third thing.

[Forging Blueprint: Sulfuron Warhammer]

Sulfuron Hammer!