Chapter 360: 【Hand of Silver】

[Forging Blueprint: Sulfuron Warhammer]

[Item Level: Level 7]

[Explanation: ... Saffron Warhammer is the embryonic body of the ninth-level weapon "Sulfras, the Hand of Ragnaros, the Fire Demon". If you defeat Ragnaros in the experience space, you can obtain the transformation method, which will make Saffron The Dragon Hammer became the legendary artifact Sulfuras. 】

[Main materials: Blazing Core, Heart of Mountains, Dark Iron, Sulfuron Iron Ingot, Arcanite]


Sulfuron Warhammer, the predecessor of the Orange Hammer.

Seeing this drawing, Luo Wei's mind immediately popped up three words: the whole one.

But after only half a second of excitement, he calmed down immediately.

The Sulfuron Warhammer is the embryo of the Orange Hammer, which can be turned into the artifact Sulfuras in the future, which is very tempting, but the method of transforming the artifact requires defeating Ragnaros to obtain it.

In Zhou Zhuo's experience space before, Luo Wei has seen the big screw, and he is definitely not inferior to the existence of the peak Surtur, only the peak Odin can defeat.

He really can't think of how he can defeat the big screw.

Duel is absolutely impossible, you must find help.

But for now, the only help Rowe can find in the experience space is Brian Bronzebeard and the random reinforcements from Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo.

Brian's strength is not bad, but compared to mortals, he is too far behind an elemental lord like Big Screw, and he will definitely give it for nothing at that time.

Zhou Zhuo's random reinforcements are sharper. They have appeared on Fording and Malfurion. They are both top heroes in Azeroth. It is estimated that they can hold out under the big screw for a while, but they will definitely not be able to beat them.

Unless Zhou Zhuo can call in existences such as the astral mage, the guardian dragon, or the Pantheon Titan, Luo Wei can't see the hope of defeating the Balrog.

But... Zhou Zhuo, the fat man, has such a wide social circle?

From the material point of view, the Sulfuron Warhammer is definitely expensive to manufacture. There is nothing to say about Black Iron and the Heart of the Mountain, but Aojin needs to be replaced by Ulu, which is not easy to obtain.

As for the Fiery Core and Saffron Iron Ingot, this was the first time Rowe saw it. He didn't know what to replace it with. The former's replacement should not be too precious, but the latter's thought would not be ordinary.

The cost is high, but the hammer is not very powerful, and the item level is only seven, which is the same as the weapon he is using now. If it can't be transformed into an artifact, it's not worth building at all.

But transforming the artifact requires defeating the Balrog...

Looking at the forging blueprint of the Saffron Warhammer, Rowe frowned and fell into contemplation. In the end, he shook his head and decided not to think about it for now and talk about it later.

After taking his attention away from the Sulfuron Hammer blueprint, Rowe looked back at the other two rewards.

The Tome of Experience of Emperor Thaurissan, and the forging blueprint for the Hammer of Grace.

Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, the king of the Dark Iron Tribe, and the master of the Blackrock Abyss, should be considered a relatively difficult boss, and his rage is quite fierce.

However, this unfortunate emperor is only a sixth-level boss after all. With Luo Wei's current strength, it should be no problem to challenge a few more times.

The Hammer of Gift, the standard weapon of the milk rider, the forging materials are not complicated, black iron, golden pearl, purple lotus, Luo Wei immediately decided to make one.

A few days later, Rowe returned to New Corbin from Nidavi with the Hammer of Gift he had just built to find Ander.

"The High Lord," Ander said.

At the beginning, the three new knights were not used to this title, but after using it for a period of time, they gradually got used to it.

Rowe nodded, and then with a hand, the Hammer of Gift appeared abruptly, as if by magic.

After the holy deed is integrated into the body, he takes the object from the holy deed space is the effect of this magic, and he comes out with one hand.

"This is..." Ander looked at the Hammer of Gifts and was stunned.

"I gave Bill a pair of armor and Brunok a pair of swords and shields. This is for you. The holy knight's exclusive warhammer, the gift hammer just released by Nidavi." Rowe said with a smile.

Although Ander didn't say anything, Rowe could also guess that there would be some imbalance in his heart.

Now that the Silver Hand has been formed, Rowe definitely hopes that the Knights can grow and become stronger, and the three of Ander are three paladins. Of course, he must take care of the Knights as much as possible.

Ander took the Hammer of Gift and couldn't help clenching the handle of the hammer in his hand. His expression was a little complicated, and he felt a little guilty and moved: "Thank you..."

Rowe patted him on the shoulder: "Using the Hammer of Gift to release healing spells, you can get twice the result with half the effort. Come and try it, Ander."

"Don't try, I can feel the power of the Hammer of Gift." As he spoke, the holy light lit up in Ander's hand. The holy light spread over the warhammer, and suddenly it became brighter and brighter, reflecting the surroundings like a golden cast. , shining brightly...

The three people took turns to infuse Brunnok with holy light, and the efficiency was naturally faster than before.

In the end, it took less than ten years for Brunnock to acquire the Light Affinity physique and become a true Paladin.

With Brunnock injecting his holy light into the book of protection, the three knights of the silver hand are equipped, which is finally "complete with all internal organs".

This day was also designated by later generations as the beginning of the history of the Holy Knights.

"Lord, should our Silver Hand do something?" Brunok asked while turning the Dragon's Shield with his fingers.

Luo Wei smiled: "Of course, but before that, I think we should have a barbecue first."

"That's right." Horse Mian Thor nodded, "Barbecue should become a tradition of the Silver Hand."

At night, when the four of them were having a barbecue, Brunnock suddenly asked: "Lord, should we find a place to establish the headquarters of the Silver Hand, and the Knights should have their own territory."

"Yeah." Rowe agreed while nibbling on the leg of lamb.

Although there are currently only four members of the Knights, but from the perspective of the universe, the four of them are already very powerful forces, and even in Asgard, their strength is worthy of attention.

If they just want turfthey can conquer a planet tomorrow.

However, the Paladins obviously can't engage in aggression, and the large territory is meaningless to them, so it is natural to consider where to choose to build the headquarters.

It is obviously not suitable to be located in Asgard. After all, the Silver Hand is an unofficial military organization. If it develops and grows in Asgard, Odin will definitely intervene.

In fact, Luo Wei had already made up his mind about the location of the headquarters.

He looked at the three of them and said, "What do you think of the earth in the atrium? There are many no-man's land there. Although the environment is a bit barren, it is not a problem for us."

Asgard has always had a favorable impression of the Atrium, and the Corbins, as Asgard's vassals, are naturally affected by this.

Ander nodded immediately: "Yes, the atrium is a good place."

Brunnock: "I support it."

Ma Mian Thor: "Me too."