Chapter 361: 【Holy Spirit Horse】

"Then choose the atrium." Rowe nodded.

"Of course, there is no need to build a headquarters for the time being. We should recruit some more members, at least until a few people can be arranged to stay there."

After eating the barbecue, Rowe went back to his room to rest, lying on the bed and flipping through the holy deeds.

With the completion of the formation of the Knights, the fifth layer of spells is finally unlocked, and the [Holy Horse] can already be learned.

As the name suggests, this spell is to summon the Holy Spirit to travel.

For Luo Wei, who now has the affinity of the Holy Light, it is almost not difficult to learn the Holy Spirit Warhorse, so it only took a few days for him to master this spell.

As soon as Luo Wei's mind moved, golden light surged up from under him, and within a short while, a tall horse made of holy light condensed and hunched him up.

The Holy Spirit's warhorse formed by the Holy Light was radiant and looked solemn and mighty. Rowe rode on it, like a holy warrior from heaven.

Although it was the first time to drive, Luo Wei did not feel jerky. With his heart, the warhorse moved with his heart, as smooth as arms and fingers, as if it was not a horse, but his legs.

In fact, this is also the case. The Holy Spirit War Horse can indeed be said to be legs and feet, not a real horse.

The warhorse summoned by this spell is not a horse in any sense, but another form of limb, similar to the wings of the Holy Light, but it looks like a horse.

Condensing the Holy Spirit Horse requires a lot of Holy Light power, and a horse basically consumes all of Rowe's Holy Mana.

However, it is not necessary to consume the whole body mana to condense the warhorse every time it is summoned. It only takes one time to condense the warhorse. It can be summoned and used repeatedly in the future, and only a small amount of mana is required to be used.

The Holy Spirit Horse can run and fly, and because it is not a real horse, there is no problem of losing control or losing control, so this spell is still very convenient.

But for Rowe, it doesn't make much sense. After all, he already has the holy magic floating cloak, and the two effects are similar.

Fortunately, the Holy Spirit Horse actually has another purpose.

As soon as Luo Wei's mind moved, the Holy Spirit War Horse separated from him, and then rushed towards the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Soon, the speed of the Holy Spirit Warhorse broke through the sound barrier, but because it was not an entity, it did not cause a sonic boom.

As the speed continued to soar, the Holy Spirit Warhorse gradually faded from the horse's shape, revealing its essence, a mass of pure holy light energy.

And this group of holy light is constantly shrinking, eventually becoming the size of a basketball.

The energy group flickered violently, and then suddenly exploded.

A dazzling golden light burst into the sky, and even overshadowed the sun's rays for a while, and then a thunderous sound resounded through the sky.


The power is good, Rowe can't help nodding.

It's a pity that every time you gather the Holy Spirit Warhorse, you need to consume all the mana. If you are in a high-intensity battle environment and don't have enough time to recover the mana, then this move may not be used a second time until the battle is completely over. It belongs to the trump card. .

"What happened?" Ma Mian Lei Shen apparently noticed this amazing movement, thinking that something had happened, and hurried over.

"It's nothing, I just tried a new spell, Holy Spirit Warhorse." Rowe said, "This is a spell shared by the three schools, you can also learn it, and read the book of punishment when you have time."

Then he changed his words: "By the way, I will recruit a few more Paladins in Asgard in a few days. When they become qualified Paladins, we will probably find our own territory in the atrium."


Atrium, near the sun.

"Eddie, do you want to go out with me?" Sitting in the Droplet spacecraft, Rowe said to Venom with a smile.

"No..." Venom shivered in the corner of the spaceship.

Luo Wei patted it like a dough: "You and the common symbiote are not the same species for a long time, maybe they are not afraid of fire anymore."

After feeding on the power of holy light for a long time, the various attributes of venom have already been completely changed. It can indeed be said that it is two very different creatures from the symbiote.

"That's the sun, the sun! Understand!" Venom's body spasmed.

Luo Wei was just joking, patted it again and said, "Then wait here."

"Wait..." Venom said quickly, "Why don't you drive me back to the moon in a spaceship, or stay near the sun all the time, it's too scary."

"Don't worry, the Droplet is Commander Kerry's escape ship anyway. It will be fine to stay in this area for a hundred years." Rowe left the spaceship and flew towards the sun.

In a short time, he flew to the surface of the sun, and then without hesitation, he continued to go deep into the interior of the sun.

The fiery rays of light filled his surroundings, and he couldn't see his fingers, and the rising temperature made his skin gradually redden, as if he was receiving smelted metal in a furnace.

Having practiced in the Moon Pyramid for many years, Luo Wei's flame power has already grown by leaps and bounds, and he is only a thin line away from the second-order power.

But it is this line of separation that is as insurmountable as a moat, and cannot be broken through for a long time.

The power of the sun brought by the pyramid has no effect, so Luo Wei decided to enter a deeper area inside the sun this time, endure the extreme fiery power, and see if he can break through the second-order divine power.

Anyway, now that he has the anger of revenge and is retreating properly, he can't bear it, and he can withdraw quickly.

As the sun continued to deepen, the extraordinary flame power of the sun also became extremely rich, and together with the burning pain, it madly drilled into Luo Wei's body...

Meanwhile, Earth.

Compared with the interior of the endlessly hot sun, the environment here is exactly the opposite. It is a white snow field, and in the distance, one after another snow-capped mountains tower into the clouds, endless.

In the icy environment, there seems to be no sign of life.

No, there are actually two.

Two figures wrapped in heavy coats staggered in the snow They were a man and a woman, both blond and blue-eyed, typical of Western Europe.

Among them, the woman's appearance is quite beautiful, especially her eyes are clear and bright. Walking on the street can definitely attract the attention of many passers-by.

The two walked in the snow supporting each other. The man seemed to complain and said, "This should be the Himalayas."

"I think so, Kalu Road, this place is definitely a hundred times colder than Scotland," the woman said.

After walking in the snow for a while, the woman said again, "Do you think we can really see the legendary dragon?"

"Maybe, but even if you can't find it, it's worth a trip to the Himalayas. If we can see it, we are definitely the greatest explorers of all time." Kalulu said.

The woman thought for a while: "If we find the dragon, will it eat us?"

Kalulu smiled and said: "We don't need to go to the front of the dragon, Tilda, as long as we can find a footprint."