Chapter 362: 【"White Magic"】

The two moved forward in the long ice and snow, leaving a trail of footprints behind them.

About half an hour later, Nierdi suddenly pointed out: "Look."

Kalulu looked up when she heard the words, looked in the direction she was pointing, and then showed a shocked expression: "This..."

In front of them, a snowy mountain with a steep trend was suddenly broken by an unknown force, and the broken peak was lying quietly on the snowfield.

Obviously, this is not the destruction of natural phenomena.

"Let's go take a look."

The two looked at each other and then rushed towards the broken snow-capped mountain.

As they approached, the devastation of the snow-capped mountains was more clearly displayed. In addition to the huge broken peaks, there were also large and small rubble scattered around, as well as some black with streamlined outlines that were obviously cooled by lava. rock.

The broken peak is not a whole, but is broken into several large pieces, and the gaps between these pieces are often several meters or even tens of meters wide.

All these scenes, like a **** fighting a battle here, are very amazing.

Nierdi and Kalulu walked carefully around Broken Peak, looking around and talking to each other.

"I can't believe what happened here. I don't think it's a natural phenomenon." Nierdi said in amazement.

Kalulu also said: "That's right, it's like a terrible battle just now."

As he was talking, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at some snowy field not far away, and then as if he had found something, he ran over and said excitedly: "Dear, come here, my God, that seems to be …”

But Nierdi didn't notice his words, but looked down at his feet, as if he had found something, and then leaned over to push away the ice and snow.

She carefully pushed away a layer of snow on the ground with her hands, and then her pupils shrank, and she saw a corpse.

The corpse belonged to an old man with white hair. His clothes were badly damaged, and there were obvious burn marks on the edges, but it was difficult to conceal the luxurious materials. Obviously, the dead old man had an extraordinary identity.

Nierdi was startled at first, but quickly calmed down, then glanced away and found two books in the old man's arms.

A book with a white cover, a book with a black cover, **** for tat.

Their names are also **** for tat, the white-covered book is called White Magic, written in Latin.

The black-covered book was called the Book of the Dark Gods, which Nierdi thought at first was in English, but soon realized that it wasn't any known script.

But strangely, she could read it like her mother tongue.

Nierdi placed his hands on the two books and stroked them a few times, feeling a little lost...

"Nildi, look what I found!" At this moment, Kalulu's excited voice came from not far away.

Nierdi looked up and saw Kalulu running over with a crimson thing in his hand.

When Kalulu ran over, she also saw clearly what he was holding, a fiery red scale the size of a palm.

"Dragon scales!" Kalulu waved the fiery red scales in his hand, excited, "This is definitely the scales of a giant dragon, we really found the giant dragon, the legendary giant dragon!"

Nierdi did not show much enthusiasm for Dragon Scale. After a few glances, his attention returned to "White Magic" and "Dark God Book".

Kalulu also noticed the old man's body and these two books, looked down, and said in surprise, "Could this old man be a mage?"

Nierdi: "I think yes, since dragons can exist, so can mages."

Kalulu looked at the dragon scales in his hand, and then looked at the surrounding destruction scene, showing a sudden look: "I understand, this must be caused by the battle between the dragon and the mage!"

Immediately, he also looked at the two books, and then picked up "White Magic" to read.

Nierdi picked up the Book of Darkness, but when she tried to open it, she found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open the cover of the book, as if the whole book was locked by an invisible force General.

"What's the matter, can't be turned on?" Kalulu asked.

Nierdi tried a few more times, but still couldn't open the Book of Darkness: "It seems like this..."

"I'll try it." Kalulu handed the "White Magic" to her, and at the same time took the "Dark God Book" and tried to open it.

However, the result is still the same, even if he is a male, he can't shake the cover of this book with all his strength.

"I guess the mage sealed this book." Kalulu took a breath and looked at the book in his hand again, "Dark God Book... This is obviously an evil or dangerous book, we should not try to open it. It is."

Then the two got together and read the content of "White Magic" together, and gradually they became a little fascinated.

After a while, Nierdi showed a bit of surprise and looked at Kalulu: "I think we can also become magicians!"

Kalulu was also very excited: "Yes, we can completely learn these white magics and become a powerful and respectable magician! This is really a legendary adventure experience."

The two watched "White Magic" for a while, and Nierdi said: "Let's bury this old mage, he is also our teacher."

"You're right." Kalulu also said, and then the two of them worked together to dig a pit, put the body of the old mage in and bury it.

When the mage was buried, he asked, "Honey, where are we going next?"

Nierdi thought for a while: "There is a Mala Kingdom nearby, let's go there first, until we learn these white magics-including a teleportation magic, which seems to be able to directly cross a long distance, learn this magic, We should be able to return to the UK soon."



Great Sanctuary, London, United Kingdom.

The mages seem to be having a meeting, and it should be a very important meeting. Most of the attendees are well-groomed older mages.

"...London is the first sanctuary, and the Supreme Mage is missing. As the guardian Mage of the London Sanctuary, I should act as the Supreme Mage." A middle-aged man with long hair wearing a mage's robe said.

As soon as the voice fell, someone objected: "Missing? Master Oren, will someone be missing for two years? When the Supreme Master left, he was looking for the trace of the giant dragon. He was missing for two years, obviously an accident happened. Nine times out of ten, he was buried in the dragon's mouth. ."

After a pause, he continued: "The Supreme Mage died. We should follow the traditions and rules of the Sanctuary and choose the next Supreme Mage, instead of looking for an acting Supreme Mage."

Master Oren's face was a little unhappy: "Didn't the original Supreme Master disappear for a year? Is there a big difference between one year and two years?"

A mage said: "But after the disappearance of the first-generation Supreme Mage, the choice of the three Sanctuaries was to elect a new Supreme Mage, but after the first-generation Supreme Mage returned, the new Supreme Mage's position was revoked."

Master Oren said: "Since it has to be revoked, why bother..."

Someone interrupted him: "The Supreme Mage has to be revoked until he is dead. By saying this, aren't you assuming that the Supreme Mage is not dead?"

Oren Mage asked back: "Do you hope that the Supreme Mage is dead?"

The man was stunned when he heard the words: "This..."

"Bang!" At this moment, a mage with a big shoulder and a round waist stood up, pointing at Mage Oren and scolding, "Olen, you are just arguing!"

"Normal people can judge that the Supreme Mage has encountered accidents in all likelihood, but you have to break the rules of the Supreme Sanctuary for your own selfishness. With a sane look, you don't just want to be the Supreme Mage, but you don't Is it better than us?"

When Master Oren heard the words, his face suddenly sank: "I'm not sure I can beat you? Shanel, you can come and try."

Shanel was fearless, and immediately opened his eyes like copper bells, rolled up his sleeves, patted the table and said, "Come here, whoever is afraid!"

Seeing him like this, Oren flinched a little: "First of all, I want to remind you that we are mages, and mages should compete with magic and knowledge, not hand-to-hand combat."

"Who said that? Who stipulated that hand-to-hand combat is not allowed in magic competitions?" Shanel said.

"We are mages..."

At this time, a master came out to persuade: "Calm down, we are all members of the Supreme Sanctuary, don't hurt the peace."

Shanel looked at Oren and snorted coldly: "If you want to be a Supreme Mage, you must use knowledge and strength to defeat everyone, and call yourself a Supreme Mage, no one will recognize it!"

Oren Mage was silent for a while.


Mala Kingdom, Kathmandu.

Although not far from the snow-covered plateau, Kathmandu has a completely different environment and climate compared to the Himalayas, and the vegetation is quite lush.

This is a forest, and there is a small village nearby, and there are many cattle in the village.

On that day, a cowherd was milking the cow, but the cow, who did not know what to do, suddenly howled, broke free, and ran wildly into the distance.

"Moo—" the cow howled, and ran into the forest not far away.

"Come back!" The cow herder was startled and hurriedly chased after him.

But where can a man outrun a cow? At first, he could still see the figure of the cow, but soon, the cow disappeared in the lush forest, and the howling gradually faded away.

The cowherd looked around at a loss, looking at the lush trees around him, his eyes filled with despair: "Buddha..."

He knelt on the ground in pain and babbled for a while.

There is no doubt that for the people of the agricultural age, the loss of a cow is absolutely a huge disaster. The poor cattle herder was about to collapse at this time.

But at this moment, a little golden-red brilliance suddenly lit up beside him.

The cowherd looked up and saw the brilliance that appeared out of thin air, and immediately widened his eyes, full of disbelief: "This!"

Immediately, the golden-red radiance surged to form an aperture, which then led to another scene.

A beautiful blonde woman walked out from behind the aperture, holding a cow in her hand. She smiled and asked, "Is this your cow?"



ps: Master Gu Yi doesn't have a real name. He originally wanted to use the actor's name "Tilda", but after checking the legend of Nepal, he thought of an interesting setting and changed it to "Nildi". Kalulu is a cartoon character.