Chapter 363: 【Suspended Ring】

The cowherd was stunned for a while, until the cow barked a few times before he finally came to his senses. He hurriedly stepped forward to hold the cow and thanked him, "Thank you, thank you, venerable."

Nildy smiled and turned to leave.

The cow herdsman looked at her back, stood there for a while, and waited until she completely disappeared into the forest, and then led the cow Shi Shiran back.

I just didn't expect that as soon as I returned to the village, a scene of fire came into view.

"It's on fire, put out the fire!"

"The fire is too big!"

Most of the buildings here are made of wood, and they are adjacent to the forest, which can be said to be very easy to catch fire.

By the time the villagers discovered the fire, several houses had already caught fire, including the cattle herder's home.

The cattle herder's family was busy putting out the fire, so he quickly tied the cattle and rushed to put out the fire.

However, the fire continued to burn and spread, one house after another was set on fire, and thick smoke rose into the sky.

Not only that, the flames also burned into the forest. If the fire continues at this rate, I am afraid that this large area of ​​forest will turn into a sea of ​​fire.

Seeing that it was useless, the cattle herder became more anxious, sweating profusely, and immediately said to the people around him, "You guys are waiting here, I'll find someone!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran into the forest.

Somewhere in the forest, a log cabin was built by the water. In front of the log cabin door, Kalulu was waving his hands nervously, and with his movements, golden-red radiance burst out from time to time.

The golden-red rays of light fluttered and jumped, trying to form a circle, but at every critical moment, they lost their formation in a tremor and became scattered.

There seems to be an elusive balance running through the process.

Nierdi sat quietly watching.


After a while, Kalulu let out a frustrated breath, sat down on the ground, and looked at Nierdi: "Why do you learn so fast?"

"I don't know, just learn and learn." Nildy shrugged.

Kalulu frowned and looked at his hands. Because of frequent practice, his fingers were shaking slightly.

Just staring at his hands for a moment, he said, "I think maybe we can design a magic weapon."

"What magic weapon?" Nildy asked.

Kalulu: "A magic weapon that can help open the portal."

"Do you have any ideas?"

Kalulu shook his head: "Not yet, I just said it casually. But my intuition tells me that I should be able to design this kind of magic weapon, and I will try it in the future."

While the two were talking, Nierdi took out the Book of Darkness and studied it in his hand.

Seeing this, Kalulu couldn't help frowning: "Nildi, this sealed book obviously has evil content, and we shouldn't study it."

Nierdi doesn't think so: "How can magic be divided into good and evil, and only magicians can be divided into good and evil."

"No, my dear, magic can also be divided into good and evil, such as..."

At this moment, there was a faint shout in the distance: "Sir, save my village, please!"

Nierdi listened carefully, then opened the portal with a wave of both hands, stepped out of the portal, and saw a grotesque farmer, who was a talented cattle herder.

Seeing her appear, the cattle herders hurriedly knelt down and said, "Sir of kindness, please save my village, please! Please!"

The cowherd begged you several times in succession, but he never said what happened. His typical speech was unfocused.

However, Nierdi looked up and saw that the sky was blowing smoke in the distance, and suddenly understood something: "Your village is on fire?"

"Yes, yes." The cowherd nodded again and again, and said again in disbelief, "How do you know?"

"..." Nierdi didn't speak, opened the portal again, and stepped into the burning village.

The cowherd hesitated for a moment, then followed through the portal and returned to the village.

The fire has developed into a forest fire, with smoke and flames everywhere, and the smell of scorching in the air.

Some of the villagers were still fighting the fire, and some of the villagers had already begun to flee the place, and no one noticed Nielty's arrival.

Looking at the village with flames everywhere, the cattle herders became even more anxious, and knelt down again and said, "Sir, save the village quickly!"

Nierdi looked serious and waved her hands constantly. Along with her movements, a circle of golden-red circles continued to expand during the formation, and finally had a diameter of several meters.


As soon as this large portal was formed, a torrent of water poured out from it, hung in the air, poured on the place where the flames were most prosperous like a waterfall, and then spread out in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, the fierce fire was stopped.

As more and more river water passed through the portal, the fire quickly subsided, and then the excess river water was teleported away, and the place returned to calm after a while.

The villagers came to kowtow to Nierdi one after another, expressing their gratitude and worship.

"Thank you, Venerable, you are the kindest person in the world."

"You must be the reincarnation of Buddha!"

Nierdi looked at the kneeling villagers: "I live in the nearby forest. You can come to me if you encounter any trouble you can't solve in the future."

"May I ask the Venerable's name?" a villager asked cautiously.

Nierdi thought for a while, but didn't say his real name: "You can call me 'Ni'."

After that, Nierdi used the magic she learned from "White Magic" to help the nearby villagers from time to time, and the villagers also regarded her as a **** and a Buddha, and worshipped her.

And Kalulu is still practicing teleportation magic hard However, his magic talent is too far behind that of Nierdi, and he has made no progress for a few years.

until this day.

Inside the cabin, Kalulu was holding a carving knife in his hand, carefully carving a brass ring with complex lines on it.

This brass ring has a peculiar shape, with double holes, and seems to be worn on two fingers.

After sculpting again, Kalulu observed carefully for a moment, then put the ring on his hand, and then began to cast a spell, trying to open the portal.

The result was a big disappointment to him. After wearing the ring, he still failed to open the portal successfully, and it was not even different from before.

"How could this be..." Kalulu said in distress while holding the brass ring.

At this time, Nierdi came in from outside, holding two chickens in his hand, and said with a smile, "Let's eat this tonight, a villager just brought it."

Kalulu looked at the chicken unintentionally, his eyes still stayed on the brass ring, and after a while he said, "Come and help me see what's wrong with the ring I designed."

Nierdi came over, took the ring from his hand, and observed it carefully for nearly half an hour.

"How is it?" Kalulu asked.

Nierdi didn't speak, but picked up the carving knife and cut **** the brass ring twice, making a notch on each side.

"Try again." She handed the revised ring to Kalulu.

Kalulu was dubious, but he still put the ring on his hand and tried to open the portal again.

Immediately, he waved his hands, and a portal appeared in front of him, both smooth and abrupt.