Chapter 364: 【"Dark God Book"】

Looking at the sudden appearance of the portal, Kalulu's eyes were about to pop out, and he turned to look at Nierdi, speechless for a long time.

"Congratulations, magician." Nierdi said with a smile.

Kalulu lowered his head and sighed after a while: "Maybe I'm not suitable to be a mage at all."

"That's not necessarily true. We haven't seen other magicians. Maybe you are the third person in the world to learn these magics." Nierdi said.

"No, I feel that there are still many magicians in the world, and we may see them soon." Kalulu said.

Late at night.

Nierdi lay on the bed, but couldn't sleep for a long time, as if thinking about something.

After a while, she lifted the quilt and tried to get up, but was pulled by Kalulu: "Where are you going, dear?"

"You haven't slept yet?" Nildy asked.

Kalulu didn't speak.

Nierdi said again: "I think of a way to unlock the seal of the Book of the Dark God."

Kalulu frowned and propped up his body with his arms: "You still don't want to give up that evil book, it will bring disaster to us."

Nierdi smiled: "Magic can't be evil."

After saying that, she left the bed, went into another room, held the Book of Darkness in her hand, and watched silently.

After a while, she put the book on the table, took a deep breath, and turned her hands gently as if they were touching some mechanism, and then a diamond-shaped magic circle appeared in front of her, with golden-red lines shining brightly. Hui.

With the flickering of the golden red light, the structure of the magic circle quickly became complicated, and countless mysterious symbols and words circulated endlessly.

Maintaining this magic circle was obviously not easy, and a layer of sweat soon oozes out of Nierdi's forehead, and his hands trembled slightly.

Then, when she vibrated her hands, the magic circle shot out in the rotation, and was instantly printed on the cover of the Book of Darkness.

Immediately, the "Book of the Dark God" radiated a lot of light, emitting strong magical fluctuations, and at the same time, two crossed golden chains appeared. Obviously, this was the seal of the dead mage on it.

The sealing chain was entangled with Nielti's magic circle. She slowly turned her hands, and the chain twisted and twisted tightly together.

The chains flickered rapidly.

Nildy's hands trembled more and more violently, and sweat dripped from her forehead.

After a while, there seemed to be a light "click", and then the cracks appeared on the golden chain, and then spread rapidly.

"Crack!" When the cracks spread, the golden chain finally couldn't hold it any longer, it collapsed, and the light spots that turned into stars disappeared into the air.


With a smile on Nildy's face, after breathing for a moment, she picked up the Book of Darkness from the table, and reached out to read it.

Sure enough, this time, she successfully opened the "Dark God Book", just like opening an ordinary book.

After opening the cover, Nierdi was deeply attracted by the content and couldn't look away.

After a while, she murmured, "Multiverse..."

After half a year.

Nielty walked to the river with the bucket, filled a bucket of water and returned to the cabin.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she came back, she turned her head to look, and saw a large group of figures suddenly appearing in the distance.

These figures are dressed in different styles, ranging from handsome poets, to soldiers who are staunch and determined, and knights on tall horses. There are hundreds of people, and it can be said that the battle is not small.

But obviously these are ordinary people, so Nierdi always looked calm and watched them come.

Arriving near the cabin, the group separated from left to right, and a middle-aged man with luxurious clothes and a beard got off his horse and walked towards Nielty.

The middle-aged man was quite respectful, he bowed first, and asked, "You must be a hermit, right?"

"I am." Nildy nodded.

The middle-aged man smiled: "I am the king of the Mala Kingdom. I have long heard that a reincarnated hermit lives here, and I finally saw it today."

"Although I revere Buddha very much, I am not the reincarnation of Buddha." Nierdi said lightly, "Your Majesty, what are you doing here?"

At this moment, a warrior drew his weapon and shouted at the same time, "Kneel down! You won't kneel when you know the king is coming!"

Instead, King Mara scolded him: "Take the sword back! This is the reincarnation of Buddha, the guardian of the kingdom."

The samurai quickly withdrew his weapon and retreated.

In fact, if it was a veteran who had experienced hundreds of battles, he would be sneered when he saw this scene. The king and the warrior were obviously red-faced and white-faced, and their acting skills were not very good.

But Nierdi is still younger after all, and having lived in seclusion for many years, it is inevitable that he is dull about these things, so he doesn't feel anything.

King Mara turned his head: "As a king, I would first like to thank you, thank you for protecting the people of Kathmandu over the years..."

"Hands up," said Nielty.

King Mara hesitated for a moment: "Well... I have a ruthless request, I hope His Holiness can agree."

He continued: "The Kingdom of Mara is a troubled country We need a strong and respectable guardian very much, so I would like to ask His Holiness, are you willing to serve as the guardian of our kingdom The one who protects the whole kingdom, like the people here, protects the people from disaster and the invasion of the enemy."

"...If you don't dislike it, the Kingdom of Mara will dedicate its wealth and change its name to Nepal as an offering to you." King Mara bowed deeply again.

Hearing this, Nierdi couldn't help but be moved.

In the local language, Boer means shelter and salvation, and Nepal is naturally the place where Nepal is sheltered.

Although the amazingly talented Nierdi is already the top magician on earth, she is still an emotional mortal after all. A country renames herself, and anyone will be moved by this kind of thing.

But what's a little embarrassing is that "Ni" is not her real name. And aside from his emotions, Nierdi thought about it seriously and felt that he was not suitable to be the guardian of the kingdom.

So she finally shook her head: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I'm here to practice in seclusion, and helping the villagers is also a labor of my own, and I don't want to take up such an important position."

King Mara said quickly: "To be the guardian of the kingdom, you don't need the venerable to be busy, you only need to help in times of crisis... Even just keep the title, you can do nothing, everything is up to your heart. ."

"In any case, the Kingdom of Mara will use Nepal as its official name in the future."

In the face of the king's plea, Nierdi was silent for a long time, and finally said, "I will not hold this position, but when I can, I will protect the people here."