Chapter 366: 【Emperor Thaurissan】

Unprecedented fiery flames erupted from Rowe's body, but the fiery red skin quickly cooled down and returned to his normal complexion.


Nildy looked at Rowe who was gradually returning to normal, hesitant in his eyes, and finally did not approach, but took a few steps back and turned to leave.


Her spirit body was as swift as light, and in just a moment, she went out of the range of the sun and went straight to the earth.


Luo Wei opened his eyes and looked down at his body.


His red skin, which was like a branding iron, returned to normal. Obviously, with the second awakening of the flame power, his ability to withstand flames has been greatly improved, and the temperature here can no longer hurt him.


Is this the feeling of second-order divine power...


Luo Wei clenched his fists and felt the power filling his body.


After awakening again, his power has been improved in all directions, not only has the power of more powerful flames, but also has a huge leap in other aspects of the ability, as if he has been imbued with the anger of perpetual vengeance.


Luo Wei clenched his right hand, and then suddenly opened it.


"Boom!" A pillar of fire shot out from his palm, with a strong force, and shot a large distance in an instant.


Before the second awakening, Luo Wei's flame power had almost no ability to project, and could only be released in a small area, or only when he wore flame gloves, could he release a column of fire like this.


Now it is different. After the strength of divine power has been greatly improved, Rowe can project flames at will without relying on the flame gloves.


And this flame is no less than the temperature of the surrounding sun, causing waves in the endless flames.


The temperature near the surface of the sun is five or six thousand degrees, and this is already a relatively deep area, with a temperature of at least tens of thousands of degrees.


Ten thousand degrees of flame.


However, this has not reached Rowe's limit. When he thought about it, the flame in his palm churned, becoming more and more hot and bright, showing a dazzling white color, which even made him feel a little dazzling.


Then Luo Wei released flames from his legs and flew out, dragging a fiery trail behind him.


After possessing the second-order divine power, the ability of flame flight is naturally greatly improved, and Rowe can easily fly out of the sun without using the wrath of vengeance.


During the flight, Luo Wei suddenly frowned, as if he had remembered something.


I don't know if it was an illusion. When he just woke up, he always felt that someone was watching him secretly nearby.


Although this feeling is vague, but it lingers, it is very likely to be true.


Could it be... Heimdall?


Due to the All-Seeing Eye, Heimdall does have rumors of voyeuristic demons. Although Heimdall himself has repeatedly emphasized that he will not spy on anyone's privacy, many people are skeptical about this...


After flying out of the sun, Lowe returned to the Droplet spacecraft.


"Where's your clothes?" Venom asked.


"It's burnt," Rowe said casually.


Most of his clothes were burnt when he woke up, and even the dragon leather armor was damaged a lot, but fortunately, the sanctified underwear was still strong.


Rowe touched the dragon leather armor on his body.


The material used for the dragon leather armor is only the dragon skin of an ordinary giant dragon. For him now, this level of defense and fire resistance is seriously insufficient.


Maybe it's time to change to a vibranium armor.


He took out a new suit of clothes from the Sanctuary space and put on it, and sat in the cabin to rest for a while. Rowe opened the Sanctuary and turned to the book of experience of Emperor Thaurissen.


The Great Emperor Thaurissan was very powerful, and he also carried a priest nurse with him, the dwarf princess Moira, which was very difficult to fight.


He has challenged several times on and off in recent years, but all ended in failure.


Now that he has second-order divine power, he should be able to defeat it relatively easily.


Entering the experience space, Rowe appeared in a spacious hall, with a throne in front of it, and Emperor Thaurissen, a short stature and as black as carbon, sat on it, holding a warhammer in one hand.


Next to him is his wife, Princess Moira.


Princess Moira was the daughter of the dwarven king of Ironforge, but ended up falling in love with her nemesis, Emperor Thaurissan.


This made the King of Ironforge very angry and insisted that his daughter was bewitched, so Azeroth had a well-known mission to save the princess from the abyss.


Speaking of which, the princesses of Azeroth look uglier than the other.


Moira is not very old, but she looks like an aunt, with a chubby body and a big face.


However, this is already an excellent appearance among the many princesses in Azeroth. At least it can be seen. The princesses of Elwynn Forest and Maraudon are the real ones.


As soon as he saw Rowe, Emperor Thaurissan immediately got up from the throne, raised the opponent's warhammer in his hand, and shouted: "You will pay for this!"


Princess Moira has already started to attack.


She is a priest and naturally uses holy light to attack, raising her hand to shoot a holy light.


However, the power of this attack was not very good, and it did little damage to Luo Wei. Luo Wei took one in his left hand, and a dazzling white column of fire blazed out.






Nepal, Kathmandu.


Nildy's body trembled slightly, and then she opened her eyes.


"You're finally back, why did you go so long this time?" Kalulu said with a ring carved in his hand.


"I went to the sun," said Nielty.


"The sun?" Kalulu stopped what he was doing. "What did you see?"


Nierdi was silent for half a second and then smiled slightly: "Sun God."


Kalulu was stunned when he heard the words, and then he said in disbelief, "Are you serious?"


"If you don't believe it, you can go and see for yourself. I did see a powerful creature in the sun." Nierdi said.


Kalulu showed his heartbeat, but in the end he shook his head again and again: "No, no, even if I die, I will never touch the Book of Darkness."


Nierdi was a little helpless and sighed, "You are too stubborn."


After a while, she suddenly changed her expression, raised her head, and said in a serious voice, "Someone is here."


Saying that, she pushed open the door and walked out. Kalulu obviously sensed something, his expression changed, and he hurried out.


Nearby villagers worship Nierdi and Kalulu as gods and often come to visit. After King Mara, Nepalese dignitaries also often come here.


But this time, it was not the villagers, nor any princes and nobles, but a few people with black hair and black eyes. Their dressing styles were very different from those of the locals.


After being proficient in black and white magic, Nierdi has never been to any country, and naturally recognized the identities of these people: "Huaxia's... Mage?"


The leader of the group was a gray-haired elder. He stepped forward and bowed his hands: "I am the guardian mage of the Second Supreme Sanctuary. According to your Western habits, you can call me 'Dong'."