Chapter 367: 【Instant Portal】

"Hello." Nildy greeted, seeming a little uneasy.

The mage surnamed Dong nodded: "We recently learned that there are two hermits living here. They can open the portal and enter and leave the two places at will. It must be the two of you."


"Can you show us your teleportation magic?" Mage Dong asked.

Nierdi and Kalulu looked at each other and hesitated, then Kalulu snorted coldly: "Who are you, if you say let's show it, do we have to show it?"

As soon as this statement came out, a mage on the opposite side was provoked and stretched out his hand: "The Supreme Sanctuary is the supreme inheritance of earth magic, and it is also the only inheritance. The teleportation magic was created by the first-generation supreme mage Agamotto, where did your spells come from? come?"

Kalulu: "The only inheritance? I don't think so. Do all the mages and spells of the entire earth belong to you?"

It stands to reason that very few people dare to say it to death, but the enraged mage is obviously not an ordinary person, he said without hesitation: "That's right!"

Kalulu was speechless for a moment.

The mage surnamed Dong immediately showed the demeanor of an elder, stepped forward and raised his hand to signal that the two should not quarrel: "Although the Supreme Sanctuary has been passed down for thousands of years, it cannot be said to be the only mage organization on earth."

He then changed the conversation: "It's just that teleportation magic is really rare. And our Supreme Mage disappeared a few years ago when he was looking for the dragon, and your deeds began to spread almost at the same time, so we have reason to suspect that your spells are Not from the Supreme Master."

When he said this, Nierdi and Kalulu both looked a little nervous.

Master Dong attracted with both hands, and soon opened a portal, and said at the same time: "This is the teleportation magic of the Supreme Sanctuary. You can also use your own teleportation magic, compare it, and the truth will naturally be revealed."

Nierdi looked at the portal, hesitated for a while, and finally said directly: "Our spells are indeed learned from the remains of a mage."

As she spoke, she waved her hands lightly, and almost instantly opened a portal, leading to a field of snow: "The remains of the mage are buried under the snow."

Mage Dong was about to say something, but when he saw the portal opened by Nierdi, he glared at him and said in disbelief, "You..."

The other Sanctuary mages also dropped their jaws and looked at Nierdi in amazement.


Naturally, they had expected this kind of possibility that Nierdi said.

It's not surprising that the Supreme Mage died while chasing a dragon, and then someone found a magic book from a corpse and learned some spells.

But what they never imagined was that someone could learn to this level without a teacher. Compared with the grinding and chirping when they opened the portal, Nierdi's portal was instant.

"What's the matter? Isn't this an instant cast spell?" Nierdi looked at them suspiciously.

She, who has been self-taught magic, doesn't have many references, so naturally she is unaware of her world-shattering magic talent.

The mages of the Supreme Sanctuary looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a while.

After a while, Master Dong coughed twice: "Cough... Let's go and see the remains of the Supreme Master first."

After saying that, he passed the portal and came to the Himalayas. The others followed closely, and Nierdi and Kalulu also entered.

In a few years, Nierdi and the two came here once again, and built a formal cemetery, with a straight tombstone standing in the snow with the words: Tomb of the Unknown Teacher.

The mages seemed to be about to open the tomb, and Kalulu said quickly, "What are you doing?"

"Of course, check the corpse to see if it is our Supreme Mage." It was the Mage who had quarreled with him before.

However, after seeing Nierdi's magic level, the mage's temper suddenly changed a lot for some reason.

Kalulu frowned: "Don't you understand the truth about the rest of the dead?"

The mage said: "But if we don't open the tomb, how can we determine the identity of the deceased and the real cause of death. And if it is indeed the supreme mage, we will definitely move his tomb to the supreme sanctuary."

Kalulu hesitated, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Then the mages opened the tomb and saw a corpse in the coffin.

Due to the extremely cold climate of the Himalayas, the corpse is still intact, and its appearance and demeanor can be clearly seen before his death.

"Supreme Mage!" All the Mage exclaimed, and some knelt down and cried.

With a heavy expression on his face, the mage surnamed Dong approached the corpse to examine it. After a while, he said, "Long Yan... The supreme mage should indeed have died while fighting the giant dragon."

Nielty recounted the original incident: "My lover and I are both British. We came here to explore, but we didn't expect to encounter the remains of the Supreme Mage and two magic books..."

After listening, the Master surnamed Dong nodded: "You didn't do anything wrong. Setting up a tomb for the Supreme Master will not let him abandon his corpse in the wilderness. We also want to thank you."

"This is what we should do, after all, the Supreme Master is also our teacher Nierdi said.

Master Dong thought for a while: "But I have a question... Well, how did you accomplish the teleportation magic so quickly?"

Kalulu heard the words and said, "I can do it, no matter how difficult it is."

After speaking, he waved his hand and opened the portal almost instantly, stunned everyone again.

Kalulu was suddenly a little proud, and his eyes swept over the mage who was arguing with him just now, and it was even more faintly provocative.

The corner of the mage's mouth twitched twice, but he didn't dare to respond.

Seeing the level of magic shown by the two of Nierdi, the sanctuary mages were silent for a long time.

The mage surnamed Dong twisted his beard and said deliberately: "Well... I believe that both of them are reasonable people. These magics belong to the supreme sanctuary, and only the mage of the sanctuary can learn it. Since you have learned it, you should Join the Supreme Sanctuary."

Nierdi then asked, "I don't know what are the obligations of joining the Supreme Saint?"

"Supreme Sanctuary is not a place with strict commandments. In short, there are only two things we need to do, one is to protect the human world, and the other is to inherit magic." said Master Dong.

"Only these words, of course we can agree." Nierdi nodded, "but I promise to protect the people here, so when I have nothing to do, I may stay in Kathmandu more."

"It doesn't matter. Of course, the mages have free time to arrange." The mages surnamed Dong smiled and said, "In this case, you are members of the Second Supreme Sanctuary."

Nierdi both nodded, but immediately noticed something: "Wait, how many are there in the Supreme Sanctuary?"