Chapter 368: 【Book of Heroes' Experience】

When Master Dong heard this, a hint of embarrassment flashed across his face, and he hesitated: "Well, this... can be said to be one, or three."


The two of Nierdi were at a loss, inexplicable.


The Master surnamed Dong continued: "In ancient Greece, the first Supreme Master Agamotto established the Supreme Sanctuary, which consists of three temples."


"Originally, these three temples were all run by the Supreme Masters of all dynasties. The only difference is the geographical location. However, due to the disappearance of the Supreme Masters in recent years, the Three Holy Temples have not been able to elect a new Supreme Master, so they do their own thing for the time being."


Kalulu: "You split up?"


"I can't say that either, it's just..." Master Dong tried to correct this statement, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't refute it.


After all, no matter how you look at it, the three sanctuaries that each go their own way are undoubtedly divided.


He had to change the subject: "By the way, the magic books you got from the Supreme Mage are "White Magic" and "Dark God Book"?"


"Yes." Nildy nodded.


Mage Dong said, "You shouldn't have opened the Book of Darkness, right? This book is full of evil black magic, and that's why the Supreme Mage sealed it."


Nierdi was silent for half a second, then shook his head: "No."


"That's good." The Master surnamed Dong nodded, "These two books are shared by the Masters. Since you are a member of the Sanctuary, you should return them."


Nielty: "Of course, I'll get it right away."


After speaking, he opened the portal and went in. Kalulu hurriedly followed, and the two disappeared one after another.


Looking at the portal that opened and closed instantly, all the mages in the sanctuary looked at each other, and their expressions were a bit complicated again.


"It's unbelievable...the two of them can learn this by themselves." Someone sighed.


They don't know about the existence of Suspended Ring yet, they think that Kalulu, like Nierti, has a magical talent far beyond ordinary people, and they can easily crush them just by self-study.


All of a sudden, they encountered two magical wizards who were rare in a thousand years, and the mages were a little suspicious of life for a while.


Master Dong pondered for a while, and then said something surprising: "Do you think it is possible for them to become the new Supreme Master?"


"They? How can this be done, they have just joined the Supreme Sanctuary." Someone immediately objected.


Some people also expressed their approval: "The first-generation Supreme Master said that the Holy Land of Magic is not a place to compare qualifications. They are powerful, and as long as their conduct is fine, there is nothing wrong with becoming a Supreme Master."


Several mages argued with each other.


In the end, Master Dong said: "If there is no Supreme Master, the three Sanctuaries will completely fall apart sooner or later, or even turn against each other. We don't want to see such an outcome. They should have the ability to subdue the three Sanctuaries, and they are on our side. It is a good choice for them to become Supreme Mage."


Someone hesitated: "But they have just joined us after all..."


Master Dong surnamed: "They built a tomb for the Supreme Master, and they sheltered the people of one side. They are definitely not evil people. Let's observe it for a while. If there is no problem, we will support them to challenge the position of the Supreme Master."


On the other side, in a cabin in Kathmandu.


Kalulu asked, "Nildi, you've unlocked the seal of the Book of Darkness, what do you do now?"


Nierdi was very calm: "Just re-seal it."


As she spoke, she took out the Book of the Dark God and cast a spell to set a seal.


Kalulu: "What if other mages see the problem? You shouldn't have learned these black magics in the first place."


Nielti didn't say anything, and cast the spell on her own. After a while, two golden chains crossed appeared on the cover of the Book of Darkness, and then disappeared.


She reached out and tried to flip it a few times, but the result was just like the beginning.


"Well, they can't find anything. I should be the only one who can break this seal," Nierdi said.


"I can also untie it, I just saw your seal." Kalulu said, and then changed the subject, "Of course, I'll keep my word, even if I die, I will never touch this book of evil. of."




Experience space.


Princess Moira had already been defeated, while Emperor Thaurissan was in a state of rage, with flames burning all over his body, and his size had grown twice, becoming about the same as Rowe.


As the servants of the Balrog Lord, most of the dark iron dwarves possess the power of fire.


This is especially true of Emperor Thaurissan. After entering a state of rage, his power will be greatly enhanced, and he can release fiery flames at the same time.


It's a pity that today's Rowe has awakened the second-order flame power and has a strong immunity to flame damage. Emperor Thaurissan's flame attack has no effect on him.


"Ragnaros, grant me strength!" Emperor Thaurissan was bruised and bruised, he roared, and the opponent's warhammer in his hand went straight to Rowe.




A large swathe of flames shot out from the warhammer, drowning Rowe, but Rowe didn't change his expression, and he didn't have any burns on his body.


He avoided the warhammer, then struck back with a sword.


The Sword of Justice!


The holy light flashed, and the edge of the Demon Slayer Sword slid across Emperor Thaurissan's shoulder, and then only heard a scream, and one of Emperor Thaurissan's arm was neatly cut off.


After losing an arm, Emperor Thaurissan didn't even have the strength to parry, so he turned and ran.




At the same time near the corner, the wall opened, revealing a secret passage.


Seeing this, Luo Wei directly activated the wrath of revenge, and then the Holy Light fluttered and instantly caught up with the rushing Emperor Thaurissan.


The Demon Slayer Sword fell, and with a bang, Emperor Thaurissan's body turned into light and dust, and at the same time, a page of the drop list fell.


Rowe picked up the list and looked intently.


[Forging Blueprint: Opponent]


[Item Level: Level 6]


The opponent is the warhammer used by Emperor Thaurissan. It is a good warhammer, but compared to the Vibranium Slayer Sword and the Rivendell Sword, there is nothing outstanding, and Rowe is not very interested in it. ::


In addition to this blueprint, there is also a book of experience.


【Book of Experience: Magni Bronzebeard】


【Type: Hero】


【Experience Level: Level 8】


Magni Bronzebeard, the king of the dwarves in Ironforge, as a faction leader, Rowe was not surprised that Magni was rated as an eighth-level character. How to say this old king is also one of the most difficult leaders in the massacre activities.


It's just that he doesn't understand what this "hero" type means.


Before that, all the targets he challenged in the experience space were of three types: common, rare, and boss. It was the first time that he had seen the hero type. Could it be the exclusive label of the faction leader?