Chapter 369: 【Dragon Trace Reappearance】

Luo Wei thought for a moment, then entered Magni Bronzebeard's experience space. ∟★Eight∟★Eight∟★Read ∟★Book, .2▲3.o︾

As he expected, the scene of the experience space was Ironforge Palace. Magni Bronzebeard, the dwarf king with a beard, stood in front of the throne with a hammer and axe, with a serious expression.

"Warrior, you challenged me," Magni Bronzebeard said, his beard shaking.

Rowe clenched the weapon in his hand and stared carefully at the old king.

Magni Bronzebeard, as the leader of the faction, an eighth-level character, he is definitely not an opponent now. He came in this time to see the gap between himself and the king.

Just listening to a loud shout, the old king's short body showed amazing speed, and he rushed up with an arrow, and the hammer was hit.

"Boom!" Rowe blocked with two swords, and then he felt a sudden force attack, knocking him out, and stopping until he hit the wall.


Faction leader, so terrifying!

The old king kept moving and continued to chase, his stout stature making him look like a cannonball.

Luo Wei didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly added the king's blessing and the wrath of revenge to himself, with the holy light all over his body, dodging with a flash, and then slashing at the old king with two swords.


The old king's expression remained unchanged, and at the same time as he swung his axe to meet him, the warhammer suddenly hit the ground.


A loud noise seemed to collapse the palace, accompanied by a deafening sound, where the old king's warhammer struck, a round of thunder unfolded and spread instantly, drowning Luo Wei.

Thunder Clap!

After being swept away by the thunder, Luo Wei only felt paralyzed all over his body. Even with the wrath of revenge, his movements were very slow.

The old king charged again, and Rowe couldn't avoid it, so he could only resist. ∟★Eight∟★Eight∟★Read ∟★Book, .2▲3.o︾

"Boom boom boom!"

In the face of Magni Bronzebeard's attack, Luo Wei naturally had to go all out. Every confrontation between the two sides caused a thunderous sound in the palace.

If Luo Wei had been defeated long ago, fortunately, he has now awakened for the second time, his strength has soared, and he still has some strength to fight against the old king.

It doesn't seem like the difference is that big...

One-on-one camp leaders, don't even think about it in World of Warcraft. Luo Wei has been fighting against the old king in the experience space for so long, and he has this idea in his heart.

Maybe you can pass it after trying a few more times. I don’t know what the old king of the hero type will drop after defeating it.

However, when Rowe was thinking about it, Magni Bronzebeard suddenly shouted, his whole body was surging with wind and thunder, and his short body suddenly grew a few times: "You don't know anything about power!"


Seeing the change of the old king, Luo Wei couldn't help being surprised.

Heavenly God descended to earth is similar to Emperor Thaurissan's madness, both of which greatly increased his power in a short period of time, but as the leader of the faction, Magni Bronzebeard's rage was higher than Emperor Thaurissan's.

Despite Rowe's precautions, when the old king's warhammer came, he was still powerless to fight back and was blasted out.


The old king was followed by another hammer, and even though Luo Wei parried, his whole body shook violently and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

This time, the old king swung his battle axe and slashed at Rowe's face.

But just as the battle axe was about to strike, he suddenly stopped, making the axe blade close to Rowe's skin.

Rowe was stunned.

Immediately, the old king withdrew his weapon and his body returned to normal. He said lightly, "It's over, young man, you are not my opponent."

Having said that, he returned to the throne and disappeared.

Rowe took a few breaths, recalling the battle with Magni Bronzebeard just now.

It's not bad that he is an eighth-level character. Although he can barely fight the old king in an ordinary state, as long as the old king starts the gods, he will have no power to fight back.

Comparing the battle with Emperor Thaurissan, Luo Wei estimated that according to the evaluation standard of Shengqi, his current strength is undoubtedly at the level of seventh level.

In addition, he also has a more accurate understanding of the strengths of other Azeroth characters.

Magni Bronzebeard is an eighth-level character, and other faction leaders are probably in this rank.

Ragnaros the Firelord should be level 9 and Archimonde the Defiler should be level 10. Sargeras or something, if any, might be level 11 or 12.

However, he felt that Sargeras should not exist. After all, if he wanted to defeat a character of this strength, he would have to collect all the Infinity Stones and snap his fingers.

Withdrawing from the experience space, Rowe returned to the moon, parked the spacecraft, and contacted Heimdall to send him back to Asgard.

"Are you awakened for the second time?" Heimdall asked as soon as they met.

"Sure enough, you were in tōukuī me." Luo Wei remembered the lingering feeling of being tōukuī before.

"tōukuī?" Heimdall said in surprise, "How is it possible, you know, I would never do such a thing. It's just that your aura has changed significantly, and I guess you have completed your second awakening."


Luo Wei immediately asked: "Is there any news from His Highness Hela?"

"No." Heimdall shook his head, and then changed the conversation. "But I just found the trace of Goch. It is certain that Goch is currently in the atrium."

"Goch, you mean that high-level dragon?"

"Yes." Heimdall said, "Although it has a low profile now, it is obviously still vicious. It likes to kill and eat people, leaving some traces that I discovered."

After a pause, he continued: "I'm about to report to His Majesty Odin. No accident, Asgard should organize a dragon hunting team again to hunt down Gohe. How about you lead this time?"

Luo Wei thought for a while, then nodded and agreed without hesitation: "Okay."

When Gohe escaped from the space channel, he was quite annoyed for a while, but thinking that this time the other party has no space channel available, and he has awakened for the second time, even if he fights alone, it should be enough to defeat this evil dragon.

Golden Palace Thor followed behind Odin, grumbling, "Father, I don't want to fight the Scrins anymore, they're weak and disgusting, they're pointless."

"Where do you want to go then?" Odin asked.

Thor blurted out: "Jotunheim, I want to fight the Frost Giant, that's the challenging thing!"

"Asgard signed a peace agreement with Jotunheim long ago, Thor, you should know that," Odin said, with a faint worry on his brow.

Apparently he also realizes that Thor's brave character is a big problem. Still, he doesn't criticize Thor harshly, in fact, he never does.

The father and son chatted a few more times.

Thor suddenly said: "By the way, father, my iron bear battle axe is a little curled, and..."

"You want Mjolnir?" Odin saw Thor's thoughts at a glance. 11