Chapter 370: 【Hammer God】

Thor scratched his head, hehe smiled, self-evident.

Odin said calmly, "You're not good enough to master it, Thor."

"How can it be, it's just a hammer, how can I not master it." Thor obviously didn't think so.

Odin asked back: "Since it's just an insignificant hammer, why do you care so much about it?"

"Uh..." Thor was at a loss for words, but he quickly passed the brief embarrassment and changed the subject, "Father, trust me, I can master Mjolnir."

Odin hesitated for a while, then finally stopped and said, "Follow me to the treasure house."

Thor was overjoyed and said excitedly, "You finally agreed!"

Odin didn't say anything, he left first, Thor followed closely, and after a while the father and son entered the treasury.

As the treasure house of the **** king, it is obviously not like the treasure house of mortal monarchs, where gold and silver jewels piled up into mountains are stored.

In fact, there are not many treasures in the treasure house of Asgard. There are only two rows left and right in the corridor, and you can reach the end in a short while.

But these things have a lot of background, such as the Frost Giant's Frost Winter Coffin, the Flame Giant's Eternal Fire, the Infinity Gloves and so on.

Of course, Thor was not interested in any of these. After entering the treasure house, he excitedly went straight to a stone platform. On the stone platform stood a short-handled square hammer with a simple and unpretentious shape. It was Miaoernier.

"Thor, try picking it up," said Odin.

"Okay, father!" Thor stepped forward without hesitation, holding the handle of the hammer with one hand excitedly.

However, when he mentioned it, the hammer did not move at all.

He didn't care at first, and took some effort to mention it again, but Miaolnier was still unmoved.

Thor frowned, and then went up to lift the warhammer with both hands, but it still failed, as if the warhammer was connected to the entire Asgard, and its weight was infinite.

He frowned suddenly, watching Miaolnier silent.

Odin next to him looked at it, sighed slightly, and put his hand behind his back.

After a while, Thor took a deep breath, put his hands together again, and tried to lift Mjolnir.

This time he exerted his strength to suckle, and for a while, the veins on his hands burst, his face flushed red, and he shouted like a beast: "Ah, ah, ah!"

Odin looked at Thor, who was working in vain, with a little hesitation in his eyes, but in the end he showed some doting and helplessness. With a slight movement of the hand behind his back, golden light surged.

As the golden light gradually lit up, Miaolnir finally began to shake.

Thor was about to give up. Seeing this, flames rose again in his eyes. He clenched the handle of the hammer with both hands and continued to exert his strength: "Ah"

I saw a flash of lightning, and Miao Ernir, who trembled more and more violently, finally escaped from the stone platform.

He suddenly raised the warhammer, and was caught off guard. Thor, who was using too much force, almost fell. He took a few steps to stand up. Then he looked at Mjolnir in his hand with surprise, and then looked at Odin: "Father!"

Odin showed a smile: "Your efforts have been recognized by Miaolnir, but I want to remind you, Thor, don't become a hammer god, powerful weapons are not worth showing off."

"Understood, father!" Thor waved Miaoernier a few times excitedly, feeling extremely handy.

In fact, the attributes of the warhammer are consistent with him, and they are all thunder, so one person and one hammer really fit well.

Looking at the warhammer in his hand, Thor's face became more and more joyful, and he couldn't help kissing the hammer.

Why does it seem to have a strange smell... This idea flashed in his mind, but he didn't care about this insignificant detail.

The father and son walked out of the treasury one after the other. On the way, Thor suddenly said, "Father, I think Loki may also need a good weapon."

"Loki is a mage, and knowledge is his best weapon," said Odin.

After a pause, he added: "Of course, knowledge is important to anyone, Thor, and you should learn from your brother in this regard."

"Got it, father," Thor responded, like most people do in front of their parents.


Earth, the Second Supreme Sanctuary.

Nierdi sat alone in the study, surrounded by all kinds of magic books.

Her eye circles are a little dark, and she is obviously studying hard recently, but her eyes are bright, as if studying is the happiest thing in the world.

In many cases, a whole day of thinking is not as rewarding as a moment of learning. This is not uncommon, even for a genius like Nierti.

Before that, she only had two magic books, "White Magic" and "Dark God Book". After joining the Supreme Sanctuary, various magic books were available for her to refer to, so she was like a thirsty sponge, diligently absorbing the thousands of years of the Sanctuary. heritage.

At this moment, Kalulu pushed in the door. He looked at Nierdi who didn't raise his head, and couldn't help sighing: "Darling, do you still remember that I am your lover?"

"Of course."

"Then should we do something? It's been several months." Kalulu leaned over and started to move his hands at the same time.

At first Nielti was unresponsive, reading to herself, as if her mind and body were separated.

Just when Kalulu closed the door with his foot, Nierdi suddenly said with a flash of inspiration, "I thought of an interesting magic."

"What?" Kalulu asked casually.

"Gender-switching magic," Nielty said. "I think I could try it."

"No, no, don't do this." Kalulu broke out in a cold sweat, and his glory disappeared in an instant, and he collapsed to the ground in horror.

Nierdi couldn't help laughing: "Where did you think of it, of course I want to try it on animals, who would use themselves to test magic."

Kalulu breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had lingering fears.

At this time Nierdi suddenly said again: "I have a question, if you or my gender changes, will we still be lovers?"

"This question is meaningless Kalulu refused to answer.

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds, and he couldn't help but say, "Nildi, since we learned magic, you've become more and more different from before, and I'm even a little... uncomfortable."

"Don't you feel this way?" Nierdi's eyes returned to the book, but his attention was obviously not. "After becoming a mage and entering the world of magic, many things that were indulged in the past have become boring and even vulgar. Food, money, the body of the opposite sex... these things are nothing in the face of magic and eternity."

Kalulu frowned: "Don't you want to be a Buddhist?"


"Why, don't you know? Buddhism, the religion of Nepal, the people of Kathmandu often call you the reincarnation of Buddha, and Buddhism was founded by Buddha," Kalulu said.

"So it is." Nierdi nodded and thought for a while, "Maybe I should learn about Buddhism."

Kalulu: "..."