Chapter 371: 【Soul Magic】

Kalulu was no longer in the mood to deal with men and women, so he got up and sat up and said, "Nildi, I have something to tell you, Mage Dong and I just talked about it, the three major sanctuaries will elect a new Supreme Mage in a few days. , Master Dong wanted me to represent the Second Sanctuary, but I recommended you."

"Supreme Mage? Forget it, I'm not suitable." Nierdi said casually.

Kalulu obviously expected this, and then said: "After becoming the Supreme Mage, you can read all the magic books, isn't this what you expect?"

After this reminder, Nierdi finally stopped reading and raised his head to think seriously.

Kalulu said again: "Your strength will definitely be able to defeat other people and become a new Supreme Mage, and then you can do whatever you want, just leave the daily affairs to me, unless there is something that I can't solve."

Nierdi thought about it again, and finally nodded in agreement: "Okay."

Kalulu also smiled.

A few days later, in an open space near the Second Supreme Sanctuary, hundreds of mages came to the scene and circled around. The atmosphere was serious, but there were not a few voices of discussion.

After a while, a white-haired elder came out of the crowd. He seemed to be the oldest among the mages.

The elder trembled and said inarticulately: "...The challenge of the Supreme Mage is about to begin. The winner is the new Supreme Mage. Now, challengers from the three Sanctuaries are invited to come forward."

As soon as the words fell, two men and one woman walked out of the mages and came to the vicinity of the old mages. The three of them were naturally Oren, Shanel, and Nierdi.

Seeing the unfamiliar Nielty, Oren and Shanel were very surprised. They looked at each other and asked, "Young man, who are you?"

"I am the challenger of the Second Sanctuary, Nierdi." Nierti introduced himself politely.

She has just joined the Supreme Sanctuary for a few months, and the mages of the first and third sanctuaries naturally don't know her.

So as soon as she finished speaking, the surrounding mages began to discuss and point their fingers.

"Who is this, how come I've never seen it before?" Most people asked similar questions.

"I know all the female mages of the three major sanctuaries, when will there be one more..."

"A newly recruited magic apprentice, but why did the apprentice come to compete for the Supreme Mage, is it a mistake?"

Oren and Shanel were also inexplicable. The former looked at Master Dong: "Let a little girl come up to challenge the position of Supreme Master. What do you mean? Are you planning to abstain?"

Master Dong smiled and said nothing.

Shanel frowned and looked at Nielty again: "Little girl, it's too late to quit now, I won't be merciful."

The old mage also turned his head and asked, "Nildi, are you sure you want to challenge the position of the supreme mage on behalf of the Second Sanctuary?"

Nierdi nodded calmly: "I'm sure."

Seeing her say this, the other mages were even more surprised and puzzled. Oren and Shanel also approached and whispered a few words, not knowing what to talk about.

However, including Master Dong, many mages in the Second Sanctuary showed expressions of watching the show, and seemed to be looking forward to it, especially Kalulu.

"Please be quiet," the old mage said. He was old with thin teeth and slurred his speech. He repeated several times in succession to calm the hundreds of mages.

After the scene calmed down, the old mage took a few breaths and continued: "According to the admonition of the first-generation supreme mage Agamato, any mage in the sanctuary is eligible to compete for the supreme mage. Since Nilti is determined to participate in the challenge, everyone should not discuss it. , everything follows tradition.”

"Now, let me announce the order of the challenge..."

Unexpectedly, Nierdi interrupted him: "I can have two mages at the same time."

"What?" The old mage thought he had heard it wrong.

And the crowd is already frying.

"She said she was going to challenge Oren and Shanel at the same time, did you hear that?"

"Second Sanctuary feels that it is hopeless to win, and simply makes everyone happy?"

The crowd's discussion came one after another, and the old master also realized that he heard it right: "Nildi, are you serious?"

Nielty: "Sure. It saves some time."

Shanel sneered: "Little girl, youth is not a reason to be arrogant."

"Neither is older." Nildy responded calmly.

Shanel froze for a moment, then his face sank, and he looked at the old mage: "Let's start."

The old master was stunned, and then he had to announce: "The challenge begins."

As soon as the words fell, Nierdi stepped forward instantly and slapped Oren and Shanel with both hands.

Her astonishing speed caught the two of them off guard, and by the time they reacted, they had already been shot in the chest.


Nierdi's palm seemed slender, but when it hit, it seemed to have the power of thunder, and the two mages instantly fell to the ground.

Oren and Shanel lay on the ground, motionless, with their eyes still open, as if they had died suddenly.

The discussion of the crowd stopped abruptly, and there was silence for a while.

What they didn't see was that the moment Nildi hit the two mages, their souls were separated from their bodies.

The souls of the two floated, looking at their body and Nierdi, all with horror on their faces: "This!"

Nielty looked at them. "I think the game is over."

After she finished speaking, she made a move with both hands, and the souls of the two returned to the body, and then quickly got up from the ground, and said in horror: "You, how did you do it just now?"

"Soul magic," Nierdi said. "If you want to learn it, I will teach you later."

Oren and Shanel looked at each other, dumbfounded, not knowing how to react.

Although the experience of leaving the body just now was short, it had already made them aware of the gap in strength and knew that they were not Nierdi's opponents.

But losing in the hands of a young female mage like this made it difficult for them to accept.

In particular, Shanel just mocked Nierdi with confidence... and was killed in a blink of an eye, with hundreds of people in public, how could this face hold up?

At the same time, the two of them became more and more shocked and confused. They studied hard for decades, and they were finally hanged and beaten by a young man who suddenly appeared. I am afraid that no one can let go of this situation.

"What's the matter, what happened just now?"

Oren and Shanel experienced the power of soul magic, but bystanders had no idea what was going on.

All they saw was Nildy knocking the two down inexplicably, and then the two inexplicably getting up again.

"Why did Oren and Shanel collapse suddenly, what method did this female mage use? Could it be some kind of cheating method?" Someone soon questioned.

"Explain, this lady!" The voice of doubt became louder and louder, and the mages who had never seen such magic began to suspect that Nierdi used unconventional means.

At this time, Mage Dong and Kalulu immediately stepped forward from the crowd, and each carried a wooden box, not knowing what was inside.