Chapter 372: 【Wales】

"Everyone may have doubts about Nierdi's strength, but I think the two mages, Oren and Shanel, should all know what just happened." Master Dong looked at Oren and Shanel.

Oren and Shanel were silent for a while, and then the former said: "I admit that Nierdi's strength is higher than mine, and we are indeed not her opponents. However, Dong, you must make her identity clear. No one will allow an unknown person to serve as a supreme mage."

Master Dong pondered for a moment: "Forget it, there is nothing to hide, I will tell you the facts."

Then he recounted the experiences of Nierdi and Kalulu in front of hundreds of mages.

"You said that she has been taught by herself for a few years and has the current level of magic?" Before Master Dong finished speaking, Shanel couldn't help but ask.

Master Dong nodded: "I couldn't believe it at first, but it's the truth. Nierdi is a magical wizard that has never been seen in a thousand years. The day we found her, we saw her amazing instant portal."

"What, instant portal?!" All the mages who heard this clearly exclaimed.

So far, the teleportation magic created by the first-generation Supreme Mage Agamotto has undergone improvements for thousands of years, but it is still far from being instant.

The instant portal is the dream of many magicians in the Supreme Sanctuary. No wonder everyone exclaimed and the audience was boiling.

Nielti didn't speak. With a wave of both hands, a portal to the Himalayas was instantly opened, and a few snowflakes floated in from the other side of the portal.

Seeing is believing, seeing the magical instant portal with their own eyes, all the mages were shaking with excitement, and no one cared about the challenge anymore.

"Unbelievable, the casting time of the portal can be shortened to such a degree!"

"I have a hunch that a new era of magic is coming..."

Master Dong and Kalulu looked around, all with smiles on their faces, the latter said: "You can do it too. When we were living in seclusion in Kathmandu, Nierdi and I designed a magic weapon, the hanging ring, which can Greatly improve the casting efficiency of space magic."

Saying that, Kalulu and Master Dong opened the wooden box, which contained many hanging rings.

"That's it, you'll know when you put it on." Kalulu sent the ring to Oren, Shanel and some other mages.

The mages scrambled to try on the hanging ring, and then opened the portal. Sure enough, the casting speed was greatly improved, and it reached the level of almost instant casting.

"I can also send instant portals!" The crowd was in full swing, and one portal after another was opened by excited mages.

Even the old mage, who was the referee, had no intention of caring about other things. He asked Kalulu for a ring, and he began to open the portal repeatedly.

After a while, Mage Dong looked at Oren and Shanel again: "Do you have any comments on Nierdi's succession as Supreme Mage?"

Oren and Shanel looked at the ring on their fingers, were silent for a moment, and finally sighed with mixed emotions: "No."

In terms of strength, the two of them together are not Nierdi's opponents, so they can only question their identity.

But as soon as the ring came out, every mage admired Nierdi so much, including themselves, that they naturally had nothing to say.

"Supreme Mage." Oren bowed to Nierdi first, followed by Shanel and Mage Dong to show their respect.

The other mages also bowed and saluted, leaning over with Nielti at the center, shouting in unison, "Supreme mages."

Although Nierdi has no qualifications, he still won the unanimous approval of the three sanctuaries by virtue of his powerful strength and the sky-defying creation of the ring, and he is firmly seated as the supreme mage.

Only half a month later, the mages of the Supreme Sanctuary fully adapted to the existence of the new Supreme Master.

Cabin in Kathmandu.

Nierdi was flipping through the books when a portal suddenly opened, and then only heard a "crashing" sound, and many books fell out of the portal and piled up on the ground.

Immediately, Kalulu also came in through the portal, clapped his hands and said, "The rest of the magic books in the London Sanctuary are here."

"You came just in time, help me send these back, I've finished reading it." Nierdi pointed to the pile of books next to him.

Kalulu thought about it but said, "Don't move back, I think we can build a new sanctuary in Nepal, the fourth sanctuary, no, it should be the zeroth sanctuary, which should be better than the other three. The sanctuary has a higher status and is a real magic holy place."

Nierdi smiled: "Of course I support it, but you have to convince the other mages in the sanctuary."

"Don't worry, I can definitely persuade them." Kalulu said confidently, and then changed the conversation, "By the way, there is one more thing."

"Olen just told me that a mage got some news about the giant dragon in Wales. Nine times out of ten, it was the giant dragon that killed the supreme mage in the Himalayas." His expression became much more serious.

"Wales..." Nielty murmured.


In a tavern in Asgard, Rowe and Skorch were sitting together, drinking and talking.

"Rovey, I really want to beat Haldo!" Skorch said suddenly after drinking the remaining wine in the glass.

Rowe was a little strange: "What happened to Haldo?"

"He's actually with Sif, you know, he's over a thousand years older than Sif!" Skorch said.

"..." Rowe didn't say anything.

After a while, the two chatted, and he said, "Skorch, do you want to become a Paladin?"


"I have established a knight order and are recruiting new members. If you are interested in holy light spells you can join us and become the fifth paladin," Rowe said.

Skorch grew up with him and was very close, and for a long time, Skolch had longed for the magic of the Light.

Therefore, Rowe only said a few words, and Skorch agreed and decided to join the Silver Hand and become the second punishment paladin.

"But... Rowe, the Silver Hand should belong to a military organization, what does His Majesty Odin think?" Skorch asked in a low voice.

"You don't have to worry about this, I will take good care of it. And there are only a few people in the hands of silver, and they are not known, so there is no need to worry about this." Luo Wei didn't say much.

The two finished eating and left the tavern. Unexpectedly, not long after they walked out, there was a neigh in the sky.


Looking up, a snowy white horse descended from the sky and stopped in front of the two, and then a Valkyrie in silver armor rolled over from the horse.
