Chapter 373: 【Red Dragon Gohe】

This Valkyrie is Valkyrie. She walked to Rowe and took a deep breath: "I heard that Heimdall has found the trace of Goch, and you will be responsible for this pursuit?"

Rowe nodded: "Yes, the exact location has not yet been determined, but Goch is currently in the Western European area of ​​the atrium, which should be correct."

"I implore me to join this hunt, and I must cut off the dragon's head with my own hands!" Valkyrie got a little excited when he said that, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Valkyrie, if you want to participate in the operation, you must first obey the command, not just think about your own revenge." Rowe looked at her and said.

Valkyrie calmed down and nodded after a while: "I understand."

Rowe: "Okay. Heimdall is closely searching for Goch's hideout in the atrium, and if nothing else, kill him within three days."

After Valkyrie left, Skorch approached and said, "Rowe... have you heard about that?"

Rowe was a little puzzled.

Skorch added: "Do you know why Valkyrie is so vengeful?"


"Because she and the dead Valkyrie were actually lovers." Skorch added, "Yes, Valkyrie likes women."

It turned out to be a lily relationship... No wonder Valkyrie has such a strong desire for revenge.

"How do you know so much about this kind of news?" Rowe looked at Skorch and couldn't help asking.

Skorch was startled: "Is there?"

"In the past month, you and I broke the news about ten couples of lovers. You also mentioned Haldo and Sif just now." Rowe said as if he remembered something, "By the way, have you found a girlfriend?"

Skorch: "..."


Only the next morning, Rowe was walking on the road, Heimdall's voice sounded in his ears: "I found the location of Goch, it is in the middle of a country of Wales."

"Okay, I'll call everyone here." Rowe nodded.

"Well... let me inform the others for you, you'd better hurry up." Heimdall said.

Hearing his tone, Luo Wei couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Could it be eating people?"

"Not really, but it's fighting a bunch of Earthlings," Heimdall said.

Luo Wei was a little surprised to hear this.

After all, Gohe is also a high-level giant dragon, and it is quite a powerful existence in Asgard. There should be no one on Earth to be its opponent. I don't know who is fighting it.

Luo Wei rushed to the teleportation hall at full speed, and other people who participated in the operation also arrived one after another.

He has now awakened for the second time, and is fearless even if he fights Gohe alone, so the team led by him is not many, only four people.

In addition to him, the other three are Ander, Brunnock and Valkyrie.

Ma Mian Thor did not come. On the one hand, it was a little inconvenient for him to come and go in New Corbin, and the more important reason was that it was unnecessary. The four of Rowe were enough to defeat Gohe, and Ma Mian Thor was powerful and guarded Cole. Bing's responsibility, naturally, there is no need to help this battle that has already been won.

Heimdall stabbed the sword of guardianship, and the rainbow bridge opened immediately, and the colorful light drowned the four of Rowe, and then disappeared.


Before the brilliance of the rainbow in front of them completely dissipated, the four of them heard the earth-shattering dragon roar.

Immediately after they looked up, they saw a fiery red dragon crouching on the snowy mountain, leaning over and breathing dragon flames.

It is huge in size, far larger than ordinary dragons, and its body is full of raging flames.

At this moment, this evil dragon is fighting a group of earthlings, to be precise, a group of earth mages.

To the surprise of the four Rowe, in the confrontation with Gohe, these human mages did not fall into the disadvantage.

Hundreds of portals surrounded the red dragon layer by layer, and these portals were staggered, very flexible, and sent all the dragon flames to it.

"When did Earth's mages become so powerful?" Ander couldn't help but say.

Rowe is also strange. Although teleportation magic is easy to use, it is of little significance in actual combat. After all, the casting time is long and it is too late to react.

I never thought that these mages did not know why, suddenly their strength increased, and they could almost instantly launch the portal. Facing the overwhelming portal, Gohe's flames all failed, just melting the surrounding snow.

But Rowe quickly noticed a figure, a blond female mage.

She stood in a prominent position, slender, but determined.

She stretched out golden-red magic threads with ten fingers. These magic threads gradually connected hundreds of portals, as if something was brewing.

However, when he saw the appearance of the four of Rowe, the pupils of the red dragon Gehe instantly shrank, and then he showed a decisive color.

"Roar!!" It roared, the huge dragon body shrank rapidly, turned into a red-haired man in a blink of an eye, and flew into the sky without hesitation.

Obviously, facing the Protoss and hundreds of human mages, Goch knew he had no chance of winning.

How could the four of Luo Wei let it go, and they chased after him one after another.

It happened that the four of them could fly. Needless to say, Valkyrie had a Pegasus as a mount, and Ander and Brunnok summoned the Holy Spirit Horse, the Holy Light, and chased after him.

After a while, the four gradually approached.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides continued to shorten, Gohe's face twisted with hatred, and then the scales on his body surged, restoring the dragon body.

After restoring the dragon's body, its wings fluttered, and its speed suddenly increased as if a fiery meteorite pierced the sky.

Although dragon wings look similar to ordinary wings, they are actually not comparable at all.

The wings of ordinary creatures act on the air, while the dragon wings of giant dragons act directly on space, and it is precisely because of this that they can soar in the cosmic space.

After Goch's speed increased sharply, Ander, Brunnock, and Valkyrie couldn't catch up.

Luo Wei had no choice but to have a surge of holy light on his body, the wrath of revenge opened instantly, and the holy light's wings fluttered behind him, turning into a golden rainbow lasing out.

In the state of revenge, Rowe was faster, even the dragon body Gohe couldn't run away, and he was caught up in a while.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Gohe had to turn around to deal with it. The huge dragon pupils were raging with flames, showing deep hatred, and then he seemed to notice something: "Asgardian, where is the armor on your body?"

"Do you mean that dragon leather armor?" Rowe froze for a moment and then reacted, "It was accidentally destroyed by me, but obviously, I will have a better one soon."