Chapter 374: 【Slaying the Dragon】

Before he finished speaking, the Holy Light behind Luo Wei fluttered his wings, waving the Demon Sword and dashing towards Gohe.

Red Dragon Gohe took a deep breath, and along with this process, the surrounding area was instantly heated like a fire.


Immediately after hearing a thunderous dragon roar, raging dragon flames spewed out of its mouth, covering the sky and turning the sky in front of it into a sea of ​​fire.

Compared with the last time, the power of Gohe Dragon Flame seems to be stronger, but these slight increases obviously cannot offset the improvement brought by the reawakening of divine power.

Therefore, in the face of the impact of this dragon flame, Luo Wei was not injured in the slightest, and rushed to Gohe unabated.

Sword of Justice!

"Boom--" The holy light erupted, and a huge wound exploded on Goch's forehead, and his blood was blurred.

Luo Wei immediately turned his hand, and the Demon Slaying Sword was about to stab at Gohe's huge dragon pupil.

Seeing this, Gohe quickly twisted the dragon's head, and at the same time the dragon's wings violently vibrated to tilt his body, but the Demon Slayer Sword still slid across its eyelids.

Although the Demon Slaying Sword only swept across the water like a dragonfly, but under the influence of the sin it carried, the brilliance of punishment detonated again, and a golden circle of light spread out.


Thanks to the fact that Gohe is a high-level giant dragon, he has a strong and unparalleled defense all over his body, and his eyelids are thicker than the palms of many people. Otherwise, the Holy Light punishment caused by the Demon Slaying Sword will be enough to make the entire eyeball useless.

Luo Wei wanted to take another shot, but Gohe hurriedly defended his offense, and suddenly let out a roar: "Roar!"

This roar was unprecedented, and the violent sound waves stirred up, setting off a gust of wind in all directions, the forest trees below were destroyed one after another, and the birds in the distance fell like rain.

Rowe was near Gohe, and he felt like a thunder blasting in his ears. His ears were buzzing, and his body swayed.

Immediately afterwards, Gohe's dragon wings fanned, and behind him also spurted out blazing flames, hitting him at a very fast speed.

From a distance, Goch at this time was like a meteorite falling from the sky, drawing a fiery trajectory in the air and hitting Rowe.

Luo Wei hadn't escaped the influence of Shicai Long Roar, and he couldn't avoid it. He was immediately hit, turned into a meteorite with Gohe, and crashed to the ground in the flames.


Immediately after hearing a loud noise, one person and one dragon smashed a steep mountain, and then left a crater on the ground.

Goch's collision hit Luo Wei hard, but he didn't feel well either.

The violent impact left a crater on the ground, and some lava flowed slowly.

Gohe's body shrank rapidly, climbed up from the lava in the crater, then took out a large sword with a breath, and looked at Rowe on the opposite side.

Although compared with most races, the physical qualities of the Protoss belong to the sky-defying existence, but the dragon obviously does not belong to "most races".

There is no doubt that, as the most powerful race in the universe, the dragon's body is stronger than that of the Protoss. Therefore, in the collision just now, Rowe was injured significantly more than Goch.

Fortunately, the paladin can fight and milk, and at the same time that Gohe turned into a human body, he started to release a flash of holy light on himself, and the injury quickly recovered.

Immediately afterwards, Rowe stood up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Gohe's face couldn't help but look a little ugly, obviously he didn't expect Rowe to have such a sharp healing spell.

Luo Wei took a deep breath, and the holy light flicked his wings behind him, turning into a golden rainbow again and rushing towards Gohe.

"Qiang!" Gohe swung his big sword to block, and the two sharp swords collided with harsh sounds and flames.

"Clang clang!"

In the blink of an eye, the two sides clashed dozens of times. Over the years, Gohe has obviously deliberately improved his melee skills in human form. Compared with the last time, he has made great progress, while Rowe's strength has been greatly improved, so the two sides are comparable for a while.


The two swords staggered again, and the sharp blades shot out fiery flames.

Rowe and Gohe were on top of each other, both gritted their teeth, but at a certain moment, the holy light suddenly surged on Rowe's feet, and the golden light poured into the ground, and then a vein of holy light extended out from the ground.

Holy Light Dedication!

"Boom!" As soon as Shengguang Dedication spread, it came into contact with Gohe, and then a dazzling brilliance of punishment broke out.

Goch let out a pained cry, and at the same time, he couldn't help but retreat sharply.

Luo Wei took advantage of the situation and slashed the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand, two swords of punishment in a row.

"Boom!" The first sword fell, and he slammed the big sword in Gohe's hand into the air.

Gohe had just escaped from the range of Holy Light dedication, and Rowe's second sword sanction was immediately killed, going straight to his neck.

Gohe was staggering and retreating quickly, and he had no choice but to block with his hands.


Although the body of the high-level giant dragon is sturdy, it is ultimately no match for the sharpness of Zhenjin, and it is in human form, so with the flash of holy light, the sword of slaying the devil cuts off Gohe's left hand.

In the process of being separated from the body, this left hand quickly turned from human skin color to fiery red, and dense dragon scales emerged, and at the same time, it expanded rapidly as if out of control.


By the time this hand landed, it had returned to its huge dragon claw form, and a loud noise was heard on the ground.

"Roar!" Goch roared in pain, then jumped up suddenly, and fled into the distance.

But at this moment, three figures from the horizon flew over on horses and blocked in front of Gohe, naturally it was the three Brunnocks.

Goch was furious, and when he opened his mouth, a large piece of dragon flame sprayed at the three.

Brunok's expression changed, and he raised the round shield in his hand.

At the same time as he raised the dragon's shield, holy light poured out from his arm, spread to the shield in an instant, and then spread a giant shield of holy light along the shield. covered all three.

"Boom—" In the next instant, the dragon flames spewed out by Goch slammed onto the shield of holy light.

Under the scorching of this raging flame, the shield of holy light flickered extremely fast, but it did not collapse quickly, and it seemed quite tenacious.

The shield of the dragon man has the ability to resist flames, and it is blessed with the shield of light, which is nothing.

Seeing that his flames could not destroy the holy light shield for a while, Gohe was a little furious, and immediately waved his right claw and slapped it suddenly.


After suffering a lot of dragon flames, the shield of holy light finally lost its support, collapsed under the slap of the dragon's claws, and dissipated in bits and pieces.

However, the three of Brunnock were already prepared. As soon as the Holy Light Shield collapsed, they scattered and rushed towards Gohe from three directions.

At the same time, Luo Wei also chased after him, and with a wave of the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand, the Sword of Judgment shot out and went straight to Gohe. </div>