Chapter 375: [Curse is useless to Paladins]

"Boom!" The Sword of Judgment burst into the brilliance of punishment at the dragon's tail, causing Goch to roar in pain and fear.

When Brunnok resisted the dragon flames, Andel added a king's blessing to all three, and then the three scattered, and their bodies were covered with holy light armor, and they all looked golden.

"Go to hell, evil dragon!" Valkyrie roared, the long sword in his hand pierced a long and narrow wound on the dragon wing of Gohe, and the dragon's blood splashed.

Brunnok's fangs of silence stabbed at Goch's other dragon wing, and a faint light flashed on the sword, apparently triggering the silence effect.

After the silence effect was triggered, the flames on Gohe instantly went out a lot.

Although these dragon flames recovered quickly, together with Valkyrie's attack, the huge body of the red dragon lost its balance.

Gohe suddenly slanted and fell downward.

Unfortunately, a village is in the direction it's slipping. At this time, some residents in the village noticed the giant dragon above, and screamed and fled in horror.

"Run, run, run!"


"Boom!" Gohe fell between several houses, and the fiery dragon flame instantly caused a raging fire.

Some villagers were sitting in their homes and died inexplicably from the violent impact and burning.

"Roar..." Goch roared lowly, flapping his dragon wings again to take off.

However, in the process, it swept away from the corner of the eye, and immediately sprayed some dragon flames at several places in the village before ascending into the sky, directly igniting the entire village.

Most of the villagers were unprepared, and even if they were prepared, they couldn't do anything in the face of the ferocious Long Yan.

The object that was directly burned by the dragon flames disappeared almost instantly, and then the fire spread rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, the whole village was in flames, and there were bursts of mourning.

Luo Wei and others all changed their expressions.

As a milk rider, Andel flew into the village to save the villagers without hesitation, while others were hesitant, especially the vengeful Valkyrie.

"Go save people first!" Rowe said, and at the same time, the Holy Light was released in front of him, and the Holy Spirit Warhorse was summoned.

Before he finished speaking, Brunnok also went to save the people. Valkyrie hesitated for a while, and then flew to the village.

Gohe seemed to have guessed their choice, and now he fluttered his dragon wings and fled to the sky in the distance.

Rowe's revenge rage has expired, and it is impossible to catch up with Gohe, but he has no intention of catching up.

After summoning the Holy Spirit Warhorse, he immediately pointed his sword at the red dragon.

Eat me a holy light horse!

The Holy Spirit warhorse moved at the fingertips, turned into a golden rainbow and shot out, the speed soared sharply, and it was faster than Goch in the blink of an eye, making the distance between the two sides rapidly shortened.

If Red Dragon Gohe felt anything, he turned his head and glanced at it, and then he saw the Holy Spirit warhorse, which had turned into a group of pure holy light, was ramming towards him at high speed.

Its dragon pupil shrank, and its huge body tried to dodge, but it was a step too late.

"Boom!!" There seemed to be a sun in the sky, and the dazzling holy light burst open, almost drowning half of the body of the red dragon Gehe.

"Ow!" Gohe wailed and fell from the sky.

Luo Wei also flew to the village to save the villagers from the fire with the other three.

But at this moment, a portal suddenly opened not far away, and Nierdi stepped out of it and came to the village.

Seeing the fire in the village, she immediately opened a large portal to connect the river and draw the water in, and the fire was quickly extinguished by most of it.

After a while, other mages also arrived here one after another, and everyone joined forces, and the villagers finally got rid of the danger.

"Has Goch been blown up?" Ander asked after a breath, sitting on the ground.

"Maybe not yet, I'll take a look." Rowe said, got up and flew to the place where Goch fell.

Among the mages not far away, Nierdi looked up at his flying figure, frowned slightly, and fell into thought.

"Hello, mages in the atrium." Ander greeted the mages, but exhaustion prevented him from getting up and still sitting on the ground breathing.

"Atrium?" Including Kalulu, quite a number of mages expressed doubts about this word, and they were somewhat inexplicable.

Nierdi said: "The atrium is the name of the Nine Realms system. Not surprisingly, they should be Asgardians."

"Asgardians! Isn't that the gods in Norse mythology?!" Kalulu said in shock.

Some mages said: "According to the records, the Asgardians have helped humans many times in history, and the Supreme Sanctuary was also established by the first Supreme Mage Agamotto with the help of the sun **** Rowe. It seems that these are true. ."

"Of course it's true, my grandfather once saw an Asgardian, it seems that his name was Randolph..."

Rowe flew over a hill and saw the red dragon Gohe lying on the ground.

As he expected, although Goch was hit by a holy warhorse, he did not die immediately, but fell to the ground dying, with half of his body gurgling blood.

"Asgardians..." Goch's burning hatred Long Tong stared at Rowe.

Luo Wei didn't say anything, he swung the Demon Slayer Sword, and he was about to end Gohe's life.

But at this moment, a series of ancient and mysterious whispers suddenly sounded from Gohe's mouth. This indescribable whisper was indistinct, with a strange rhythm. Even if he mastered the summary language, he could not hear it clearly.

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed, and he remembered something.

Dragon language curse!

At this moment, Gohe completed his dragon curse, faint blood-red runes shot out from his pupils, and then wrapped around Rowe like a python.

"Hahaha, Asgardians, die with me..." Gohe laughed wildly, flames and hatred burning in its huge pupils, but his expression and voice dimmed.

Without any hesitation, Luo Wei hurriedly summoned San Qi.

Holy Shield!

Rune holy light instantly poured out and enveloped him.

As soon as the Holy Shield appeared, the cursed rune wrapped around Rowe had no resistance, and was instantly crushed by Jinhui, collapsing and dissipating.

"What!" Goch's pupils were full of disbelief.

But after releasing a dragon language curse, its already seriously injured body has fallen unstoppably to death, so it didn't have a chance to say anything, and could only barely maintain an unwilling look.

"Unfortunately, the curse is useless to the paladin, even if it is a curse in dragon language." As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Wei stabbed the Demon Slayer Sword deeply into the dragon's neck.

Gohe's body trembled violently a few times again, and then he made no sound, and at the same time, the Holy Light pointer in Rowe's palm disappeared.

Holding the Demon Slaying Sword inserted into the dragon's neck, Luo Wei suddenly had a strong epic sense, and he couldn't help thinking, if a bard or something passed by here...

However, he soon returned to reality and reason, and hurriedly took out a large number of special crystal bottles from the Sanctuary space to collect the blood of the red dragon Gohe. 6