Chapter 376: 【Antarctic Continent】

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This is the blood of a high-level giant dragon, which is much stronger than ordinary dragon blood and has rich uses. Naturally, the more the better.

When Rowe was collecting the dragon's blood, Valkyrie flew here on a Pegasus, and she looked at the dead Goch: "You just killed it?"

Luo Wei was stunned, and then reacted: "Uh, sorry."

He then remembered that Valkyrie wanted to kill Goch himself to take revenge. But even if he remembers, he will definitely not let Valkyrie kill Gohe. After all, if others are killed, the reward of the holy deed will be gone.

Gohe is dead, and Valkyrie can only draw out his long sword and slash at the dragon's head, venting his hatred.

Soon the dragon's head was cut to pieces, and even the keel was exposed.

"Clang clang..."

The skull of the high-level giant dragon is very strong, no less than immortal steel, and Valkyrie's weapon has some rolling blades and gaps after a few cuts on the keel.

But her venting did not end there, and continued until the long sword was scrapped.

"Crack!" Only a crisp sound was heard, the tip of the sword was broken on the keel, and Valkyrie finally stopped attacking, watching the dragon head gasp slightly.

At this time, Gohe's head almost disappeared without a dragon, most of the flesh and blood was chopped up, and a large keel was exposed, and he did not know how to cut hundreds of swords.

The corner of Rowe's mouth twitched, thinking that this woman is really scary...

Out of comfort and apology, Rowe took out the dagger that Odin had given him, went forward to cut the dragon's teeth, and said, "Dragon's teeth are high-quality materials for making weapons, I'll cut them for you, you can just change one. New weapons."

The dagger is not harder than the dragon tooth, and it is very laborious to cut. It is more accurate to describe it with a saw.

Not only immortal steel, even Zhenjin, cutting dragon teeth is likely to break. This is why Rowe chose this dagger. It has the enchantment set by Odin, and it has the characteristics of almost never wearing out. Otherwise, the dagger must be scrapped before the dragon's teeth are sawed.

"Saw it, take it." Rowe finally sawed off the dragon's tooth, exhaled, and handed the dragon's tooth to Valkyrie.

After a while, Brunnok and the mages of the sanctuary rushed over, and hundreds of people gathered around the hill-like dragon corpse.

Master Dong seemed a little excited, and walked quickly to Luo Wei and gave a salute: "Respected Sun God, thank you and the warriors of God's Domain for helping us again."

"It's nothing." Rowe nodded in response, and then couldn't help asking, "By the way, I think you can now teleport magic instantly, when did this happen?"

"It's just recently." Master Dong said respectfully.


Master Dong pointed to Nierdi not far away and said, "That is our new Supreme Mage, Nierti, she has improved teleportation magic, and now skilled mages can complete the teleportation magic in a very short time. ."

Rowe looked over, and Nierdi was the young female mage he had noticed when he came.

A powerful female Supreme Mage... Could it be Gu Yi? He couldn't help thinking.

I'm afraid that's right.

Luo Wei vaguely remembered that the age of the ancient one in the movie seemed to be about 700 years old, and now it is the beginning of the fourteenth century, so the ancient one is just a relatively young age.

But obviously, the temperament and image of Master Gu Yi at this time are still very different from later, at least not a bald head.

Rowe said to Heimdall, "Heimdall, bring the dragon corpse and Valkyrie back to Asgard."

"What about you, are you not coming back for a while?" Heimdall's voice sounded in his ears.

Luo Wei didn't say much: "Yes, you know that we intersect a lot with the atrium, especially with the Holy Sanctuary."

"Okay." Heimdall replied, and then opened the Rainbow Bridge, sending the corpse of the red dragon Gohe and Valkyrie back to Asgard.

Luo Wei then asked Master Dong: "Master, can you help me open a portal to the Antarctic continent?"

"Antarctica? What are you doing there?" Master Dong couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly remembered that it should be the only place in the atrium that I haven't been to." Rowe said.

The real reason is of course not this.

The reason why he wanted to go to Antarctica was mainly to choose a place there suitable for building the headquarters of the Silver Hand.

The establishment of the Silver Hand headquarters on Earth is something that the four Paladins have already discussed, but the specific location has not yet been determined. Lowes thought about it, and finally decided to choose Antarctica.

The Silver Hand can only be built in no-man's land. If it is built in a crowded area, it is easy to be disturbed. The key is that it may change the course of history.

After all, for the Earth, the Silver Hand is definitely a very powerful military organization. If such an organization has frequent contact with the outside world, it is difficult for the historical process to remain undisturbed.

And unless it is closely related to himself, Luo Wei does not want to change history at will.

The Antarctic continent is undoubtedly the most remote area on earth, far away from human civilization, and even in the 21st century, very few people are active.

Master Dong shook his head: "Sorry, the Master can only connect the portal to the places I've been. I've never been to the South Pole."

"Has no one been to Antarctica in the Supreme Sanctuary?" Rowe asked.

"This..." Master Dong frowned.

"I've been to Antarctica." At this moment, a female voice sounded, it was Master Gu Yi.

Rowe looked at her, and she continued, "I've been to all the continents of the earth, including Antarctica."

As she spoke, she waved her hands and opened a portal. On the other side of the portal, there is a scene of ice and snow, which is undoubtedly the Antarctic continent.

"Thank you." Rowe nodded, and then took Brunnock and Ander to the Antarctic continent one after another through the portal.

Gu Yi also followed, and at the same time took out a map and handed it to Luo Wei: "This is the map of Antarctica I drew If you need it, you can refer to it."

Luo Wei took a look at the map and found that it was drawn quite finely, and it was very close to the Antarctic continent he remembered in his previous life.

After sending out the map, Nierdi opened another portal. On the other side of the portal, there was a scene of the mountain countryside. At the same time, some people shuttled back and forth in the countryside, carrying various things, which should be building materials.

"Where is this?" Rowe asked casually.

"Kama Taj," said Nierdi, "this will be the heritage site of the future Supreme Sanctuary, and of course, it is still under construction."

After Nierdi left, Brunnock walked over: "Are you planning to build the Silver Hand headquarters here?"

"That's right." Rowe looked at Manman Bingxue.

The climate of the Antarctic continent is naturally cold, but it is nothing to their Protoss, and the breeze is blowing.

"Now, let's find a suitable place on this continent for the Silver Hand."