Chapter 377: 【Fireplace Valley】

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Brunnock and Ander summoned the Holy Spirit Warhorse, while Rowe walked in a magic floating cloak, and the three of them searched the Antarctic continent in three separate ways.

The Antarctic continent is huge, but they need to search a much smaller area, only near the South Pole.

After all, only near the pole is the most remote and uninhabited area on earth. In the next 21st century, although the Antarctic will still be uninhabited, there will still be some research stations in various countries of mankind, and if Luo Wei remembers correctly, There is only one research station near the South Pole.

Of course, even just looking around the South Pole will definitely take some time.

After the previous battle with Gohe, the three of them were exhausted. After searching for a few hours without any gain, they rested first.

Leaning back on the rock, Rowe opened his left hand, the mark of the holy deed in his palm flickered, and the pages of the Holy Light that only he could see were opened in his hand.

As a high-level dragon, Goch has a lot of evil deeds, and it is very likely that he will be judged as a threat to the world order by the holy deed, which is indeed the case.

Therefore, for killing Gohe, Shengqi also gave spell rewards, and the rewards were quite rich. Except for Seraph, all spells on the fifth floor could be selected.

But Rowe didn't think about it, and chose Lay on Hands without hesitation.

Lay on Hands: The most powerful healing spell, consuming up to half holy mana, heals all wounds of the caster, with the same healing strength for others.

The effect of Lay on Hands is basically the same as that of World of Warcraft. In simple terms, as long as the person is not dead, no matter what the injury is, it can be saved, which is almost equivalent to an extra life.

In Azeroth, when people are fighting with Paladins, they often find that Paladins are full of blood while fighting. Of course, this can only be the effect of Lay on Hands.

For the profession of the Paladin, besides Divine Shield, Lay on Hands is probably the most representative.

The only downside is that it consumes too much.

If you are seriously injured, you need to consume half of the mana to heal, basically use it at most once per battle.

This is still the situation after Holy Light Affinity. If there is no Holy Light Affinity Physique, I am afraid that one Lay on Hands will not be released. No wonder the Holy Deed requires Holy Light Affinity Physique to learn the fifth-layer spell.

As the strongest healing spell, the contents of Lay on Hands are quite complicated, with hundreds of pages.

It may not sound like a hundred pages, after all, any book has hundreds of pages.

But the holy deed of kings, as an artifact for spreading holy light, has a terrifying degree of textual refinement, and it is impossible to miss a single word.

If Lay on Hands is explained according to the standard of ordinary books, it is not surprising that thousands of pages can be densely written, and hundreds of illustrations and so on.

For ordinary people on earth, it is impossible to learn such a complex Lay on Hands.

Fortunately, Rowe is not from Earth.

After reviewing the contents of Lay on Hands, Rowe rested and continued his exploration in Antarctica the next day.

Around the South Pole, the three of them searched for a few days, and found a more suitable place in the ice and snow.

Luo Wei looked around and nodded slightly.

It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and dozens of large and small snow-white peaks are endless, and a very flat open space is surrounded in the middle.

The mountain peaks around the open space are very steep, and there is only a narrow mountain road that can be accessed.

Rowe estimated that even in the era when the US imperialists established a scientific research station at the South Pole, the Paladins stationed here would not be noticed by the outside world.

"What do you think?"

Ander nodded: "There should be no better place than this."

Brunnock asked, "I think we'll have to name this place."

"This valley is called it. As for the Silver Hand headquarters to be built here in the future, it will be called the Holy Light... Well, the Holy Light Temple." Rowe said.

He originally planned to name it "Holy Light's Hope Chapel", but when he thought about it, it seemed that the name seemed to have a strong religious color, so he changed it to.

Although the paladins of Azeroth often talk about their beliefs and do have some religious overtones, they are still very different from the general religion.

At least, Rowe never thought of the Paladins as religious, and never thought that the Holy Light was a god, at least not a personified god.

In his view, if there is a real **** in this world, it can only be another form of natural rules, not some kind of personality with powerful abilities.

After all... a personality with powerful abilities, aren't Asgardians?

"The Valley of the Hearth, the Temple of the Holy Light, the Valley of the Hearth, the Palace of the Holy Light..." Brunnock repeated these two names several times and couldn't help nodding, "I have to say, High Lord, your name is really high. where have you been?"

"Just a little bit of work." Rowe said casually.

After choosing a place, there is nothing to worry about for the time being. After all, there is no need to build the Temple of Light, and the second batch of Paladins such as Skorch has not yet been collected.

So the three of them marked Hearthglen and stayed on Earth for a few more days before asking Heimdall to send them back to Asgard.

Back in Asgard, Rowe continued to look for a second batch of Paladins.

The selection process was very smooth, and they were all picked from acquaintances. In addition to Skorch, who had already been identified, Rowe soon collected Tialfi and Diops into silver hands.

Early in the morning, in a house in Asgard.

Amora drowsily lifted the quilt and stretched out her waist like a water snake. The sunlight coming in from the window made her skin look a bit crystal clear.

"Amora, you are definitely the most beautiful person in Asgard." The man lying beside her looked at her obsessively.

In the face of her partner's compliments, Amora didn't take it seriously, and even had a trace of disdain.

She stood up from the bed and said while putting on her clothes: "Go away The man was a little frightened, and said quickly, "Amora, you know that I treat you..."

Amora was unmoved and didn't look at him: "Before I get dressed, disappear from my sight."

"...Okay, I understand." The man finally gave her a bewildered look, and hurriedly left the room with his clothes in his arms.

Amora is used to scenes like this, like throwing away a toy or even certain disposables.

After a while, she opened the door in a beautiful long dress, ready to go out.

However, what she didn't expect was that she just opened the door and saw a figure.

The other party is also a beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She looks like Amora in six or seven parts, but she is slightly immature.

"Lorelei?" Amora frowned slightly.

Lorelei smiled slightly: "Long time no see, my sister."