Chapter 378: [Enchanted]

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"Long time no see? I don't think so, we just haven't seen each other for five hundred years." Amora said disapprovingly, obviously not on a good relationship with her sister.

Lorelei still kept smiling: "Is it your new love who just left here?"

"That's right, what's wrong?"

Lorelai frowned and nodded lightly: "Oh, it seems that the rumor is true, and sure enough any man can enter your room... Frankly speaking, my sister, instead of looking for a guy like that, you might as well go to Rand Viti Forest goes around."

Amora's face suddenly sank, and the snow-white complexion was brewing with dark clouds: "Lorelei, I thought you had grown up a bit."

"I did grow up a lot." Lorelai's voice changed a bit, becoming ethereal and ethereal, like a song coming from the rain and fog.

Hearing her voice at this time, Amora's expression changed: "Have you awakened your divine power?"

"Yes, and it has the same divine power as you." Lorelai said slowly, "It is because of this that I am even more puzzled by you."

After a pause, she continued: "You, who also have this ability, should have captured the best men, but in fact you are like a..."

Looking at Amora's increasingly gloomy face, Lorelai didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning was self-evident.

She finally smiled: "You should seriously consider my advice, at least my initial advice."

After she said that, she turned and left, leaving Amora standing alone at the door, her body trembling with anger.

Looking at Lorelei's retreating back, after a while, Amora stomped her feet and squeezed out a sentence from her teeth: "Little bitch!"

Lorelai was refreshed, and even though she didn't see it, she could imagine Amora's expression, an expression that made her extremely happy.

Just when she was in a good mood, a blond man approached her.

This man is tall and handsome, with an elegant and easy-going smile on his face, like a ray of bright sunshine.

Seeing him, Lorelai's eyes lit up, and she hesitated for a while before walking towards the handsome man.

The man noticed her, stopped, and said somewhat unexpectedly, "Hello lady, do you need any help?"

"Can you tell me your name?" Lorelei smiled slightly and brushed her long golden hair.

The handsome man hesitated for a moment: "Uh, my name is Haldo."

"Haldo." Lorelei nodded, and then said, "Come with me, Haldo."

"What?" Haldo was a little puzzled.

Lorelei put his hand on his shoulder, leaned closer and said softly, "Follow me, Haldo."

When Haldo heard the sound, confusion suddenly appeared in his eyes, and then he agreed without hesitation: "Okay, ma'am."



There was a neigh in the sky, and Valkyrie flew on a snow-white Pegasus and landed in a courtyard.

"Valkyrie!" The girl with beautiful long hair raised her head in surprise.

Valkyrie got off the Pegasus with a smile on his face: "I just came back from Nidavi and suddenly wanted to see you. Sif, how are you thinking?"

"What?" Sif was startled and blinked blankly.

"My suggestion, add Valkyrie's suggestion." Valkyrie said, "You won't forget it, right?"

Sif obviously forgot, and said apologetically, "Well... let me think about it again, Valkyrie."

"What is there to think about, women should ride horses and slash and drink on the corpse of the enemy." Valkyrie sat down and said.

Sif: "..."

Seeing that Valkyrie was going to continue preaching to herself again, she quickly changed the subject: "What are you doing in Nidavi?"

"This." Valkyrie snorted and pulled out the silver-white long sword from his waist, holding it in his hand with a bright light, emitting a faint aura of deterrence.

"Dragon Tooth Sword, Aitri's weapon forged with the Tooth of Gohe."

Sif took a closer look.

Valkyrie asked, "Is it beautiful?"

"Yeah." Sif said with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and Valkyrie said: "Sif, think about it carefully. In fact, you are very talented as a warrior, and the Valkyrie welcomes you to join."

"I will." Sif nodded.

"Then I'll go first." Valkyrie said goodbye to her, and then rode off on Pegasus.

Looking at Valkyrie who left, Sif fell into thought and sat there for a long time until a knock on the door came.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Sif got up to open the door, and immediately saw a young woman standing at the door, looking a little anxious.

"What's wrong?" Sif asked.

The young woman hurriedly said, "Sif, go take a look, Haldo is drinking with a woman in the tavern!"

Sif was stunned for a moment, then seemed a little unbelievable: "What did you say?"

"Haldo is drinking with a woman in a tavern, I saw it with my own eyes, and they are... very close. You must go and see, Sif." The young woman added.

Sif worried. "Where are they?"

"follow me."

The two left one after the other, and after a while, Sif was led by the young woman to a tavern.

When she was about to enter the door, Sif suddenly stopped, hesitantly afraid to go in, and turned to look at the young woman: "Could it be that you are wrong, Haldo is not such a person..."

"I have carefully confirmed that Haldo is absolutely right." The young woman said firmly.

Sif pursed her lips, and just as she was about to enter the tavern, a gentle and familiar chuckle made her face turn pale instantly.

"Of course, Lorelai, you are more beautiful than anyone."

Accompanied by this voice, a man and a woman walked out of the tavern snuggling up, the man was tall and handsome, and the woman was charming and moving.

"Haldo..." Sif looked at Haldo and her voice trembled.

Only then did Haldo notice her, but his expression did not change, and he still snuggled with Lorelei: "It's you, Sif."

Seeing his light-hearted appearance without explaining his plans at all, Sif's inner fantasy was instantly shattered, despairing and angry, her eyes flushed with tears: " liar!"

"Liar? Did I deceive you?" Haldo asked back.

Lorelei said at this time: "You are Haldo's past lover Sif?"

Sif looked at her: "Who are you?"

"Of course I am his current lover." Lorelei smiled and looked at Haldo again, "Is that right, Haldo."

"Yes, dear, we will be together forever." Haldo looked at Lorelei and said affectionately.

Sif suddenly felt that the sky was falling, and she suddenly felt that it would be nice if she were a Valkyrie, but unfortunately she was not.