Chapter 379: 【Thor and Sif】

In an open space in the Golden Palace, Thor is wrestling with Vorstage.

Even in Asgard, Thor's body is definitely a sportsman, tall, strong, and powerful.

However, Vorstag has a monster figure, not only more than two meters tall, but also more than two meters in waist. The strong Thor looks like a child in front of him.

Thor was still young at this time, so there was almost no suspense, and Thor was finally thrown to the ground by Vorstag.

"Vorstage, you're too fat." Thor gasped as he fell to the ground.

Vorstag patted his mountain-like belly and said with a smile: "Fat is also meat, and its effect is sometimes no less than muscle."

Thor: "I don't think so."

Vorstag sat down. "You can try to gain weight, Thor, and maybe you'll change your prejudice against fat."

Thor shook his head: "No, I definitely won't become your body."

"Okay." Vorstag felt out a lamb chop from nowhere, and ate it on the spot, his mouth was soon full of oil.

Seeing how delicious he was eating, Thor hesitated for a while: "Give me a bite."

"Don't you want to stay in shape?"

"Just one bite."


At this time, Loki passed by humming a tune, and Thor waved to him: "Loki."

Loki seemed to notice the existence of his brother, and turned to look at Thor: "By the way, Thor, have you heard about Sif?"

"Sif... what's wrong?" Thor frowned slightly.

Loki came over: "Haldo found another love, and Sif broke up with him."

"What! Haldo, this bastard!" Thor couldn't help but get angry, stood up and stretched out his hand.

"Boom--" With a roar, Miaolnir was summoned to his hand.

"What are you doing?" Loki asked quickly.

"I'm going to teach that **** a lesson!"

Loki: "And let Haldo go back to Sif?"

"This..." Thor was speechless, his brows furrowed even tighter.

After a while he said, "I'll go see Sif."

Saying that Thor was about to leave the Golden Palace, Loki also left.

"Are you going with me, Loki?" Thor was a little surprised.

Loki: "No, I'm going out to another place."


Loki smiled, didn't answer, and left on his own.

Thor left the Golden Palace, arrived at the door of Sif's house not long after, raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Sif, it's me, Thor."

Sif in the room was sitting alone on the bed, staring at the wall absentmindedly, when she heard Thor's voice, she couldn't help trembling, and was about to get up and go out to open the door.

However, she hesitated, not only that, but tears gradually filled the corners of her eyes, and finally buried her head between her legs and sobbed in a low voice, and did not open the door.

She has an outstanding appearance, a gentle and cheerful personality, and has always had many suitors, and Thor is one of them.

In fact, Thor and Haldo were the ones who pursued her most fiercely at the beginning.

Sif finally chose Haldo, but now Haldo has ruthlessly abandoned her, and this embarrassment makes her unable to face Thor.

"Sif!" Thor was still calling her name outside.

Sif only covered her mouth and sobbed more and more.

"Sif—it's me!"

Thor waited outside for a few minutes, but couldn't see Sif coming out to open the door. He couldn't help frowning and fell into thought.

Isn't Sif at home?

He called out again, "Sif, aren't you home?"

This time, Sif in the house wiped her tears, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to get up and go out to open the door.

However, at this moment of her hesitation, Thor came to his own conclusion.

"It seems that Sif is really not at home, sigh..." He shook his head and turned away with a sigh.

When Sif opened the door and looked left and right, she found that there was no one there.

She just stood there silently at the door, and didn't respond for a long time.

Until a tall and burly figure appeared not far away: "Sif!"

But it was not the Thor she expected, but a man wearing a mask and holding a battle axe.

"Harojin..." Sif forced a smile.

"What did that **** Haldo do to you, he really ran off with a watch?" Harrokin said emotionally.

"It's nothing." Sif's voice was exhausted, and she shook her head, not wanting to say anything, "Sorry, I want to rest."

After saying that, she closed the door and went back into the house.

"Sif!" Harrokin patted the door, but Sif didn't respond.

After a while, his emotions were still excited: "That **** should pay the price!"

Immediately, he took the tomahawk in his hand and turned to leave.

A clothing store.

"Dear Haldo, what do you think of this dress?" Lorelai said in a long green dress, turning around in front of Haldo.

"Of course it's beautiful, you look beautiful in everything you wear." Haldo said idiotically.

Lorelai smiled, and then picked out one more item in the store to try on: "What about this one?"

This dress happened to be the same one that Sif often wears. Seeing this, Haldo couldn't help but ask, "Why are you wearing Sif's clothes?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a dazed look in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something, and murmured, "Sif..."

"Sif..." After reciting the name several times, a layer of fine sweat quickly oozes out of Haldo's forehead, and his body trembles slightly, as if he is struggling.

Lorelei was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly stepped forward to hug him: "Hardo, tell me, who is the person you love?"

"Of course... it's you, my Lorelai." Haldo regained his obsession, looking at Lorelai and said affectionately.

Lorelei smiled, leaned close to his ear, and said softly, "Use me well tonight, you know..."

The two snuggled up and left the clothing store.

However, not long after walking, a roar came from nearby: "Hardo!"

Haldo and Lorelei turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw a tall and burly man wearing a mask running with a battle axe.

"Who is he?" Lorelei asked It was Harrokin. "

"Harrowkin?" Lorelei obviously didn't know him.

"He is the craziest person I know, former rival in love." Haldo said, and then for some reason, a hint of relief flashed in his eyes.

"You betrayed Sif, I will make you pay!" Harrokin roared and jumped up, clenching the battle axe in both hands.

"Go to hell, bastard!"

I saw a flicker of cold light, and Haro Jin raised his axe and fell.

The bright red blood column rose into the sky, and Haldo's head fell to the ground.

Lorelei was splattered with blood, and she was too frightened to respond for a while.

Harrokin was also splattered with blood, he wiped the blood of Haldo, who was still hot on his face, looked at Lorelei like a beast, and said viciously: "It's your turn next!"