Chapter 380: 【Harrokin】

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Lorelei first screamed and backed away, but she quickly reacted and let out a faint whisper: "Harojin, stop."

Hearing her soft moan, Harojin's violent eyes instantly became a little confused, and the attacking action stopped abruptly, and he froze on the spot for a while.

"Stop here, don't move..." Lorelai kept repeating, then turned around and ran away with her skirt in hand, disappearing into a not far corner.

Harrokin's expression changed for a while, and then he regained his sanity, no, it should be said that he regained his consciousness.

"Bitch, I won't let you go!" His eyes were filled with anger and fury again, and he chased in the direction Lorelei fled.

After chasing for a moment, the figure of a blond woman came into view, facing Harojin. She seemed to be Lorelei, but she had no intention of escaping.

Harrokin didn't think much, jumped up with his battle axe in hand, and roared, "Suffer to death!"

The blond woman was startled, and hurriedly pointed the front of her hands, and an invisible force surged out in an instant, shaking Harojin who was leaping away, allowing her to escape the attack of the battle axe.

Harrokin was about to take another shot, she hurriedly shouted: "Stop, what are you doing!"

"Hmph, of course I killed you. You and Haldo have more to die than you!" Harokin said.

"Hardo?" The blond woman was startled, and then she reacted, "You're mistaken, I'm not Lorelei, I'm her sister."

Harrokin frowned when he heard the words, stared again, and carefully looked at the blond woman.

He soon discovered that although the blonde woman looked a lot like Lorelai, there were still many differences in details, and the clothes were different, so she was not the same person.

"Where is your sister?" Harrokin stopped attacking, but his tone was still unkind, "If you want to cover her up, I won't let you go."

"I also heard about Lorelai and Haldo. It seems that you are a fanatical suitor of Sif." Amora smiled slightly.

"This has nothing to do with you!" Harrokin was a little annoyed and grabbed her collar, "Tell me where Lorelei is, or I'll send you to accompany Hardo!"

Just as Amora was about to resist, her expression changed and she said in surprise, "You killed Haldo?"

"That's right, that bastard's blood is on the axe, and his body is still hot." Haldo shook the still-blooded battle axe in his hand, "This is what happens when you betray Sif."

Looking at the blood on the battle axe, Amora was stunned, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

A human life, there is no doubt that Lorelai was in trouble.

Thinking of the situation that Lorelei was about to face, all the unhappiness that Amora had caused by Harrokin was swept away.

"I advise you to run for your life." Amora said, "If you kill your fellow race, and you kill innocents, you will definitely be sentenced to death, and no one will intercede for you."

Asgard is a small country with few people, and there is no detailed law, and the punishment and judgment largely depends on the will of the king and the people.

Therefore, it is also intentional homicide, killing a law-abiding citizen and killing a spurned moral scum, the punishment is likely to be very different.

"Innocent?" Harrokin asked, "Do you think Haldo is innocent?"

Amora explained: "Yes, Lorelai has the ability to seduce men. Many people don't know this. Haldo betrays Sif because of her charm."

"I wouldn't believe this—" Harrokin was about to refute, but suddenly remembered the scene just now, the rebuttal words stopped abruptly, and his expression changed.

Lorelai told him to stop just now, but he really stopped, as if possessed by a demon. He hadn't noticed it at first, but now that he thinks about it, isn't this the charm that Amora was talking about?

Did you really kill yourself?

Thinking of this, Harrokin suddenly panicked, and his impulsive emotions quickly faded.

Amora took the opportunity to break free from him: "It seems that you also realized something."

The more Harrokin thought about it, the more panic he became, the emotions of regret, guilt, and fear intertwined, making his forehead covered with sweat in the blink of an eye.

With a "chuck" sound, it was the battle axe that fell to the ground from his trembling hands.

Harrokin looked up at Amora: "Does she really have this ability?"

"Actually I have it too," Amora said, "but I won't abuse it like my stupid sister. If you want to verify, I can use it on you now, do you need it?"

"No need..." Harrokin realized that he had indeed killed the wrong person, clenched his fists, and his breathing became more and more rapid, "Damn, how could this be!"

His mind changed sharply, and then he said flatly: "Forget it, since it's already like this, I'll kill Lorelei too!"

As he spoke, he was about to pick up the tomahawk again.

"Where are you going to kill her?" Amora said.

"I—" Harrokin paused.

Amora said, "Loreley is my sister, but I don't mind you killing her, in fact I'd love to see it happen."

"But you have to understand that Heimdall will definitely find you before you find Lorelai. You have no chance to kill her. You will only be dead if you stay in Asgard."

Harrokin held the battle axe tightly, frowning together: "But I can't live without Asgard."

"I can help you."

"You?" Harrokin looked at her puzzled.

"Come with me, we'd better hurry, Heimdall may have been looking for you," Amora said, then turned to leave.

Harrokin hesitated for a moment, then quickly followed.

The two entered the Landveti Forest and sprinted along the way. What they didn't expect was that they encountered a four-horned goat on the road.

Seeing the four-horned goat grazing silently not far away, Harokin's expression was complicated: "I was planning to participate in the hunting festival, but it seems that there is no chance anymore... Lorelei, this **** woman!"

"Don't worry, she won't have a good time. I guess she will be locked up for at least a thousand years." Amora said with a smile, and then walked through the forest to the coast of Marmora.

"What are we doing here? Are you planning to let me swim out of Asgard from the Sea of ​​Marmora?" Harrokin frowned.

"Of course not. Come with me and you'll understand." Amora said as she entered the sea, and at the same time opened a bubble, "Come in."

Harrokin had no other choice and also entered the bubble.

Immediately, the bubble was like a submarine, carrying two people in the sea water quickly, and came to a small island in a short while.

"There is a space passage here You can leave Asgard through the space passage." Amora led Harrokin into the cave.

After a while, a glowing tetrahedron appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is the space channel?" Harokin said in surprise, "There is such a thing?"

He looked closer, then turned to ask, "Are you sure no one else knows about this place?"

"Of course." Amora nodded.

However, at this moment, the space tetrahedron fluctuated, and the upper body of a young male protruded from it.

He was thin, with black hair in a shawl, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah!" Amora was startled by his sudden appearance, and then the two of them shouted at the same time, and he almost retracted from the space tetrahedron.

When the two sides regained their calm, Amora looked at him in disbelief: "Lo...His Royal Highness Loki?"