Chapter 381: [Soul Mark: Guarding the Ancient Tree]

\"Aishu\"Access address

When Loki saw the two of Amora, he couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then smiled politely: "I didn't expect it to be so lively today, haha."

Saying that, he was about to come out of the space tetrahedron, but suddenly his eyes narrowed, and he stared straight at the bloodstains on Harrokin's battle axe.

Loki's smile froze for a moment, and then as soon as he looked up, his eyes met Harrokin in mid-air.

Harrokin's eyes flickered for a moment, then he showed decisiveness and ruthlessness, and reached out to grab Loki.

Loki hurriedly retracted, but he was still a step slower. Harrokin grabbed the collar and pulled him out of the space tetrahedron.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Loki!" Harrokin said, raising the battle axe in the other hand, and he was about to drop the axe and chop off Loki's head.

Loki didn't sit still, but he seemed to have forgotten his identity as a mage, and took out a dagger and stabbed Harrokin in the eye.


At the critical moment, Amora put both hands on the two of them, her voice sharp and ethereal.

The movements of Loki and Harrokin stopped abruptly, blurred flashes flashed in their eyes at the same time, and their eyelids drooped as if they were about to fall asleep.

Amora took this opportunity to separate the two, and the two immediately regained consciousness.

Loki took out another dagger at this time, held both daggers, and looked at Harrokin warily.

Harrokin was about to shoot again, and Amora scolded again: "Harokin, are you crazy?!"

"If I don't kill him, I will definitely die, and you won't be much better!" Harrokin said coldly.

"If you kill him, Asgard will definitely pursue it with all his strength, and His Majesty Odin will also take action in person." Amora's chest heaved and her emotions were a little excited.

She never expected to meet Loki here, and now it's neither killing nor letting go, she can't help but regret it.

Loki was silent for a moment, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "In fact, I don't need my father to shoot, as long as I want, I can get in touch with Heimdall right away. But I don't want to do this, it will expose the secret of the space channel. In front of everyone in Asgard. Although now it seems that I am not the only one who knows about this place."

Harrokin clenched his battle axe.

Loki looked at him. "There's no doubt you've just killed someone to escape Asgard from here. I'm a little curious about who you killed."

Amora sighed: "He killed Haldo."

"Haldo?" Loki was stunned, very surprised, "You mean Sif's lover, Haldo?"


Loki smiled: "Sure enough, the betrayal never ends well, Harrokin, I think you have taught the people of Asgard a lesson."

Harrokin said nothing.

Amora didn't speak, and the three of them stood in the corner of the cave, silent for a while.

In the end, Loki broke the silence: "If you can promise me one condition each, I can treat what happened today as if it didn't happen."

"What conditions?" Amora asked.

Loki first looked at Harrokin: "Have you heard of it?"

"What is that?" Harrokin frowned.

Amora said: "The eye of the warlock is a magic weapon that was born ten thousand years ago. It has extremely powerful power. My teacher once mentioned this thing to me."

"That's right." Loki nodded, "Harojin, what I want you to do is help me find the Warlock's Eye."

Harrokin was silent for a moment. "Where should I look?"

Loki stretched out his hand and pointed to the space tetrahedron next to him: "This tetrahedron connects four places in the Nine Realms, namely Walter Alheim, Warnerheim, Atrium and Muspelheim... As far as I know, The eye of the sorcerer is in Muspelheim."

"Oh, by the way, the other side of the space channel is magma, and it is much hotter than ordinary magma. Can you handle it?"

"Okay." Harrokin didn't say much.

"That's good." Loki nodded, then put his hands together, and when they pulled apart, a faint magic rune appeared between them.

Harrokin took a subconscious step back.

Loki explained: "This is my magic mark, so that I can find you, or what if you just run away."

Harrokin still didn't trust him, and Amora said at this time, "Harokin, promise Your Highness Loki."

Loki looked at her and smiled slightly, then walked over to Harrokin, who hesitated for a moment, and finally let him keep the magic mark on himself.

"Okay." Loki clapped his hands, "I hope you can find the Eye of the Warlock in Muspelheim as soon as possible."

Amora asked, "What about me? What do you want me to do?"

"You..." Loki touched his chin for a while, and finally shook his head, "I haven't made up my mind yet, I'll talk about it later."


Experience space.

Luo Wei is in the experience space. The scene here is an ancient square with many steps, and sometimes some ruins can be seen, but it is the famous hammer of doom in Azeroth.

In front of him was a tree man with luxuriant branches, which was huge, like a tall building.

Apart from Ragnaros and Archimonde, this is definitely the largest Boss Rowe has ever seen in the experience space, Teddis Twisted Wood.

However, although Tedis Twisted Wood is huge, his strength is not that great. He is alone and is only a fifth-level Boss, which is hardly worth mentioning to today's Luo Wei.

Luo Wei first circled it twice as if watching a giant panda, and then flew to the top of its head, grabbing branches with both hands.


The fiery flames gushed out from Rowe's hands, and burned all over the tree man's body in a blink of an eye.

After a while, Tedis Twisted Wood vanished into nothingness in the flames, vanished into thin air, and dropped a drop list.

Leaning over to pick up the drop list, Rowe looked at it and couldn't help showing surprise.

There were two things Teddis Twisted Wood dropped, each of which surprised him.

Soulmark: Guardian of the Ancient Tree

Description: Gives a tree's seeds or saplings the soul imprint of the guardian ancient tree, so that it can grow into the guardian ancient tree.

This is the second time that Luo Wei has seen the soul imprint, and it is the unique thing of guarding the ancient tree.

Since there is an ancient guardian tree I don't know if there is an ancient tree of life, an ancient tree of war... He couldn't help but think about it.

The second item dropped by Tedis Twisted Wood is the Tome of Experience, which is also very special.

Book of Experience: Lord Gordok

Type: Boss

Level: Level 7

King Gordok had nothing to say, the ogre king of Dire Maul, but what Rowe didn't expect was that this guy turned out to be a level seven boss.

what the hell?

It's obviously a shameful boss that can be single-played, but it's actually rated as level seven?

According to the evaluation standard of the holy deed, King Gordok obviously cannot reach the level of seven. So Luo Wei carefully read the instructions, and then found the clue.

Explanation: ...Do not kill any ogres other than Lord Gordok, or you will lose the ogre tribute.