Chapter 383: 【Wizard Natas】

"So after arriving at the atrium, your most important task is to find and eliminate the spreaders of the plague... I will send you to the place where the current epidemic is most serious, which should be the origin of the plague. ∟★8∟★8∟ ★Read ∟★books, .2▲3.o︾" Heimdall said.

"Of course I will help you find it, and once there is a result, I will notify you immediately."

"Okay." Rowe nodded.

After he said that, Heimdall opened the Rainbow Bridge and sent Rowe and Ander to Earth.


The rainbow beam of light left a scorch mark on the ground. When the light dissipated, the two looked around and found themselves standing at the entrance of a town.

There are several human guards not far in front, all of them are in a mess, with yellow faces and thin skin, and they are obviously experiencing turmoil and poverty.

Seeing Rowe and Ander appearing with the rainbow, the guards were stunned for a while, and then quickly fell to their knees.

"God, it's God! Save us!"

"My daughter is infected with the plague, Lord, please save her!"

Another person didn't know what to think, knelt down and shouted, "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Luo Wei stepped forward and asked, "Which country is this?"

"France," said the soldier, kneeling on the ground.

It turned out to be France, Rowe nodded.

"You must be here to save our gods, right? Please save the poor patients!" the guards said one after another.

Luo Wei: "Who is presiding over the order here, take me to see him."

"I'll take you there," said one of the guards.

Luo Wei raised his hand to summon the Holy Light Warhorse, and the golden Holy Light Warhorse appeared out of nowhere, startling the guards.

"Sit up." Luo Wei sat on the horse's back first, and then signaled.

Looking at the tall horse with surging rays of light in front of him, the guard swallowed his saliva, then gritted his teeth, and climbed up holding the horse's neck. ⊙√ Eight ⊙√ Eight ⊙√ Reading ⊙√ book, .2 3.o≥

At the same time, Ander also summoned the Holy Spirit Horse.

Under the guidance of the guards, Rowe and Ander quickly crossed the town and arrived near a castle.

"It's Ser Yanok who maintains the order nearby. He's in this castle. I'll report to him."

The two of Rowe waited outside for a while, when they saw a middle-aged man with a bald head walking out of the castle.

When he just came out of the castle, he was obviously suspicious and impatient, but when he saw the majestic Holy Spirit warhorse, his face suddenly burst into shock, and he hurried over.

"Respected...heavenly visitor." Ser Arnok bowed.

Every time Luo Wei came to the earth, he would be called various names by humans, such as messengers of God, reincarnations of Buddha, warriors of the kingdom of heaven... all kinds of gods can be related.

He was already used to this, so he didn't have the yùwàng to correct it, he just nodded.

"Your name is Yanok, right?"

"Yes," said Ser Arnok cautiously.

Rowe: "This is one of the first areas where the Black Death broke out in continental Europe. Tell me about what you know so far."

Yanok hesitated for a while, then said: "...the guests of the kingdom of heaven, in fact, including me, some people have begun to speculate that the Black Death was a man-made disaster."

"So I sent several groups of warriors to investigate, but a considerable number of investigators have gone back and forth, and so far there is no result."

"Is there a return?" Luo Wei frowned slightly.

Ser Yanok: "Some were infected with the plague or encountered robbers and beasts on the road, and some were missing for unknown reasons. Maybe they found something, but we don't know."

Rowe: "Tell me about these missing persons."

Sir Yanoke thought for a while, then took out a map and spread it out in his hand: "This map marks the planned route of the missing person. From this point of view, the south side of the town seems suspicious. Three groups of investigators are missing. The most recent missing are Ameligo and Baka."

Rowe took the map from him, and at the same time Heimdall's voice sounded in his ear: "I'll take a look."

After a while, Heimdall said, "I found it!"

"It's near the mountains in the south of this map. There's enough magic energy to block my line of sight. Come and have a look."

Rowe put away the map: "Thank you, Yanok, let's go over and take a look."

As soon as the words fell, he and Ander rode the Holy Spirit horse into the sky, turned into two golden rainbows, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Riding the Holy Spirit horse, Rowe compared the map in his hand, and soon came to the target, a black low mountain crawling by the river.

"See that broken dead tree, there's a hole in the ground nearby, and the magic energy blocking my view is in it," Heimdall said.

Luo Wei nodded, took out the Demon Slayer Sword, and glanced at Ander: "Let's go down."

The Holy Spirit Warhorse brought the two to the vicinity of the broken tree. Under the guidance of Heimdall, they quickly found a hidden hole and drilled into it.

The cave was dark and dark, long and narrow, and the two walked one after the other for a few minutes without seeing the end.

But at this moment, Luo Wei's left palm flashed golden light, and the holy light pointed out, pointing directly at the side wall.

Without hesitation, he stabbed the Demon Slayer Sword with his backhand.


The brilliance of punishment bloomed, and the scream came to an abrupt end, and then a little wreckage fell.

These wreckages are dark and dark, like mud rubbed together with cinders, and I don't know what kind of creature has just died.

This movement obviously alarmed the owner of the place.

"What kind of gǒuzázhǒng dares to invade the territory of Lord Natas!" An angry hoarse voice sounded, blowing from the depths of the cave along the unprovoked dark wind.

The sound didn't seem far away, and the two immediately accelerated their speed and rushed into the depths of the cave.

Immediately, ghosts burst into tears in the cave, and several black creatures gushed out from the walls. They were vaguely human-shaped, but they obviously had no human mind, and rushed towards Rowe and Ander like beasts.

It's just that they are filled with evil and filth without exception. The two of them just wielded their weapons at will, and under the sweep of the holy light, these black creatures vanished into ashes.

In less than half a minute, Rowe and Ander arrived at the end of the cave and came to a spacious stone room.

There are two people in the stone room One is a thin old man with thin hair to a handful.

He was wearing a dark wizard robe, with a pair of gloomy eyes on the heavy bags under his eyes, his eyes were like carrion-eating vultures, and he looked quite frightening.

Beside the wizard is a tall man in armor, wearing a mask, and part of his body has been transformed into a black creature.

"Kill them." The old man said coldly.

"Yes, Lord Natas!" The tall man's voice was a little hoarse, exactly the sound of the initial scolding.

As he spoke, he swung his big sword and rushed towards Rowe and the others.

Luo Wei's expression remained unchanged, and he stepped forward with a sword.



The holy light flashed, and most of the tall man's body disappeared, and the corpse fell to the ground. 11