Chapter 384: 【plague】

"Ameligo!" A mournful cry sounded at the same time as the tall man died.

Luo Wei followed the sound, but in the corner of the stone room, a brown-haired young man with bruises and bruises was tied to the stone wall. He looked at the corpse lying on the ground, his face full of grief.

Seeing that the tall man was beheaded by a sword, the wizard Natas couldn't help but turn pale in shock, and subconsciously retreated: "You... Who are you!"

Rowe rushed out with a stride and slashed at Natas with his sword.

As soon as Natas gritted his teeth, he attracted with both hands, and in an instant, many black creatures poured out from the ground, howling and rushing towards Rowe from all directions.

Holy Light Dedication!

The golden light under Luo Wei's feet was released, and a large piece of holy light spread out, forming a golden light vein on the ground.

The black creatures within the consecration range of the Holy Light vanished into ashes, and the ghosts howled for a while.

Natas's expression became more and more solemn. Seeing that the black creature was about to be wiped out, he made a decisive decision and turned around and patted a bulge somewhere on the stone wall.


The wall suddenly trembled, and then a huge stone door was opened. The space behind the door seemed to be more spacious, but it was pitch black, and it was impossible to see anything.


After the stone gate was opened, bursts of low-pitched roars came from it. This sound was neither like a beast nor a human, or both.

Hearing the low roar behind the stone gate, the wizard Natas couldn't help but hesitate, but in the end he said categorically: "Go, my plague, kill them, eat them!"

Before he finished speaking, a few sounds resembling the opening of the shackles sounded in the stone gate.


Then a roar came, the momentum was amazing, and the whole stone room trembled.

Immediately, a huge black creature crossed the stone gate and appeared in the dim light. Its body is similar to a python, more than ten meters long, and it is squirming.

Its head is especially weird and terrifying, with many faces crowded in the muddy darkness, their expressions are distorted without exception, full of resentment and pain.

In the midst of the countless faces, there was a huge mouth with twisted fangs growing in it.

An astonishing evil emanated from this being that Natas called "the plague" and filled the room.

"Roar—" The plague roared again.

Ander seemed a little nervous: "This guy doesn't seem to be so easy to deal with."

"Maybe." Rowe's expression was still the same, and he glanced at the Holy Light pointer pointing directly at the plague.

"Kill them!" Natas pointed to Rowe and Ander, and ordered the plague.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the plague turned his head towards him, resentment appeared on countless faces, and the **** mouth slowly opened.

"What are you doing, I am your creator!" Natas' expression changed greatly.

But the plague obviously didn't listen to him, and the **** mouth opened even wider: "Roar!"

Natas' face was pale, and he quickly crossed his hands. Three complicated runes flashed in front of him.

The plague also lit up many runes at the same time, reflecting each other, which made its body suddenly stiff.

"Follow my orders, plague, I am your master, I created you, obey me..." Natas murmured.

The plague also gradually tamed, no longer opening its mouth wide at it, and no longer roaring.

Natas breathed a sigh of relief and scattered the runes in front of him: "That's it, okay, now—"

However, at this moment, the plague suddenly erupted again, its body swelled and stretched a lot, and the **** mouth instantly appeared in front of Natas.

"No—" Natas howled, and was swallowed by the plague.

The plague's body wriggled for a while and then returned to calm, but there was an extra painful face on the head, which was the face of the wizard Natas.

Natas' face seemed to retain a bit of sanity, and he seemed to be trying to struggle.

But before he could do anything, countless resentful faces around him drowned him. He seemed to be in a quagmire, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Roar - Roar!!" The plague that devoured Natas seemed to be more evil and powerful, roaring in bursts.

There were also a few bound humans in the stone room. As soon as the plague twisted its body, it dragged them to the front with tentacles and devoured them easily.

But there is one exception...

When the tentacles of the plague appeared in front of him, the brown-haired man who screamed in agony seemed to have found something disgusting, and finally ignored him.

The plague turned to Rowe and Ander. It was obviously aware of the great threat these two men posed to itself, so it did not attack rashly.

Luo Wei took the initiative to attack, the sword of slaying demons swung in his hand, and the sword of judgment spurted out.

"Boom!" The Sword of Judgment suddenly exploded on Plague's body, opening a big hole, but it was closed again in a blink of an eye.


The plague roared angrily, and then hundreds of black tentacles shot out from its body, stabbing Rowe from both sides, like sharp swords.

Rowe swung the Demon Slayer Sword, cutting off these tentacles like a meat grinder, while constantly approaching the plague.

The tentacles of the plague crop up again and again, but its power is obviously not infinite. As this attack continues, its size gradually shrinks in a short time.

And although its tentacles are huge in number, they hardly hurt Rowe, and they will always be easily destroyed by the Demon Slayer Sword and the Holy Light.

Luo Wei quickly came to the vicinity of the plague, and jumped up holding the Demon Slayer Sword.

Sword of Justice!

When the holy light was released, the Demon Slaying Sword crashed down, slashing on the top of the plague head.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the upper half of the plague's body vanished into ashes in the dazzling brilliance.

But its vitality is obviously more than that. After the upper body is destroyed, its lower body is still in action, quickly retreating back into the stone gate.

Luo Weiwei chased after him with his sword Another sword of sanction slashed towards the plague.

But this time, before the Demon Slaying Sword struck, Plague's body abruptly split, first divided into two, and turned into hundreds and thousands of many parts in a blink of an eye.

"Roar-roar--" It split into so many, and in the huge space, the roar of the plague also came one after another.

Immediately, the plague attached to the wall and attacked Luo Wei from countless directions in all directions, like a surging wave, layer upon layer.

Luo Wei connected several blessing swords, but failed to destroy all parts of the plague, and then the plague entangled, wrapped him layer by layer, and kept squeezing.

A corrosive force seeped out from the plague body, causing his expression to change slightly, and then without hesitation, flames instantly ignited all over his body.

When the flame just rose, it was only the color of candlelight, obviously the temperature was not high, but in a blink of an eye, the flame whose temperature was soaring rapidly showed a white color.

With the appearance of the white flames, the intense light penetrated the cover of the plague, making Rowe look like a high-power incandescent lamp wrapped in a cloth.