Chapter 385: 【Eye of Reckoning】

Under the increasingly hot burning, the plague covering Rowe rapidly expanded and twisted, as if trying to suppress the rising flames.

It's just that the flames on Rowe's body are more than ten thousand degrees, and they are still soaring.

The plague was able to suppress one or two at first, but soon it could not withstand the impact of the flames, and the asphalt-like body began to collapse and crack, like a burst dam.

"Roar-roar!" The plague kept roaring, and countless human faces appeared on the body, all with expressions of horror and pain, they tore and slammed each other, like evil spirits vying to escape from hell.

"Boom—" The temperature and color like the sun finally spread to the plague, and then only a loud noise was heard, and its body exploded with a bang.

The ashes swept like dust, filling most of the stone chamber directly.

Rowe climbed out of the ashes and took a few breaths.

I have to say that this plague is still a bit tricky. It is really amazing that wizards on Earth can create such creatures.

Rowe flew away from the ashes and came to the stone room outside.

Ander rescued the surviving brown-haired youth. The brown-haired youth was seriously injured. Obviously, he was tortured by Natas. However, with Ander's treatment, he has basically recovered, but he is still a little weak.

"Thank you..." said the brown-haired youth.

Rowe remembered something "You are Baka, sent by Ser Arnok to investigate the plague?"


Rowe nodded, "Can you tell us what happened?"

Baka was silent for a while, and then said slowly, "A few days ago, Ameligo and I were sent to this area to investigate the source of the plague, and we were caught by the wizard Natas and became his research material for the plague."

"Ameligo was transformed and controlled by Natas and became his puppet, the one who was wearing a mask by Natas just now."

Speaking of this, Baka couldn't help sighing and said, "If you didn't come today, I might also become like that, walking dead, played by my enemies and applauded. Thank you."

"It's nothing. Let's get out of here." Rowe pulled him from the ground and the three of them left the place together.

"The source of the plague has been resolved, Heimdall." On the road, Rowe got in touch with Heimdall.

"Well done." Heimdall said, and then said with some emotion, "Rowe, do you think that there seem to be too many strange things in the atrium?"

In the universe, human power is very weak, and the earth is also a very ordinary planet, at least it looks like this.

But it is such a seemingly unremarkable earth, but from time to time, some big things can happen, and strange people emerge in an endless stream. Like the plague caused by the wizard Natas, it is not a trivial matter even in Asgard.

"It's the Nine Realms Center after all, it's normal to be a little bit special," Luo Wei said casually.

Heimdall was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "By the way, I have to remind you of something."


"You seem to have formed an order of knights?" Heimdall asked.

"Ah... That's it, what's wrong?" Rowe couldn't help but slow down a lot.

"Strictly speaking, this does not conform to the laws of Asgard, I think you understand this." Heimdall said meaningfully, "If you continue to recruit knights in Asgard, His Majesty Odin will not sit idly by."

Rowe was silent, frowning.

Heimdall said it politely, but he knew that these ten were Odin's warnings.

Although he also has a priesthood and enjoys a high status and authority, he is not a royal family after all. To form a legion privately in Asgard, it is suspected of being zàofǎn in the grand scheme of things. No king will allow such behavior.

Especially after Hela left, his relationship with Odin became a lot more rigid, and Odin must be very suspicious of his motives.

"I understand." Luo Wei only said.

He walked out of the cave with Ander and Baka, rested for a while by the river, and then returned to the town to inform the citizens of Natas' news.

Citizens are naturally happy about this, but they need to solve their current pain more, so soon after the three Luo Wei returned to the town, they were surrounded by patients and their families.

"Benevolent gods, save us!"

"Save my brother, he's dying!"

Looking at the increasing number of patients, Luo Wei immediately shouted, "All those who are sick, come to my side, stay away from those who are not sick!"

There was a commotion in the crowd, and then the patients were carried to the vicinity of Luo Wei, and the family members stood a little further away, watching nervously.

Soon Luo Wei was crowded with patients with the Black Death. Most of them were in poor physical condition, and the stench was brewing with blood and pus.

Rowe and Ander are okay. As Asgards, they are not afraid of the Black Death, and they have seen a lot of battles.

Baka was inevitably a little frightened, and his face turned pale, "You... can you really cure so many patients?"

"Of course." Ander smiled.

"Let's start." Rowe said, and immediately turned on the halo of human love, and the gentle and bright holy light shone on many patients.

Ander also turned on the halo of benevolence at the same time. The two halos of benevolence were superimposed, dyeing the square where the patients gathered into a golden glow, sacred and bright.

"God!" The people in the distance all exclaimed, and immediately read out the gods they believed in, watching and praying devoutly.

Priests and nuns recited their scriptures or sang hymns.

The two halos of benevolence shone brightly, and the physical conditions of the patients began to improve significantly. Their wounds gradually healed, the edema slowly subsided, and the comatose opened their eyes one after another and looked at Jinhui who was surrounded by them.

Luo Wei was not idle when he released the aura of benevolence, and opened the holy deed in his left hand.

As the root of the Black Death, the plague monsters created by Natas are not weak, but they are also full of strong evil, and they should be able to exchange for some spells.

This is indeed the case. Rowe now has two spells to choose from, Eye of Reckoning and Retribution Aura.

The Eye of Reckoning is a secondary spell that observes the energies and sins of living beings.

Punishment Aura is an aggressive aura. Like all auras, it has a large range, low consumption, and small effect. It can attack the enemy in a large area for a long time, but the damage is not very good.

Rowe looked at the two spells and thought for a moment, and finally chose the former, the Eye of Reckoning.

There is no difficulty in learning the Eye of Reckoning. In fact, the Eye of Reckoning should be regarded as a part of the Holy Light's affinity, but it needs to be actively awakened.

So it only took a few hours for Rowe to successfully awaken the Eye of Reckoning.

As soon as his mind moved, holy light burst into his eyes, and golden light filled his eyes, as if replacing the existence of eyeballs. 5