Chapter 386: 【Human Paladin】

After the Eye of Reckoning is opened, the world will look different.

The normal vision almost disappeared, and everything became blurred and indistinguishable in the eyes of reckoning.

Only one thing is exceptionally highlighted, the good and evil of living beings.

In normal vision, good and evil are naturally invisible, but under the gaze of the Eye of Reckoning, everyone's good and evil are as clear as a fire in the dark night.

A pure and kind person will have a white light all over the body, and a person who is deeply sinful will have a red color like blood.

Of course, most people are neither saints nor demons, good or bad, and appear in yellow.

Luo Wei looked, almost all the people in front of him were yellow, yellow in pieces, but some were darker and some were slightly lighter.

He looked down and found that he was also yellow. He was relieved that he was not very yellow, and the color was lighter.

Ander is almost like himself.


But then, Rowe couldn't help but let out a surprised voice, and the Eye of Reckoning looked directly at Baka.

This unremarkable-looking brown-haired young man actually showed an almost pure white color, only a very pale yellow, if you don't look closely, you can hardly notice it.

Compared with the yellow color, the almost pure white color of Baka is very conspicuous and stands out from the crowd.

Rowe looked at Baka, lost in thought...

In addition to observing good and evil, the eye of reckoning can also detect the energy that living beings have, that is, strength.

It's just that compared to good and evil, the Eye of Reckoning's reflection on the energy of life is much weaker, not prominent, and requires careful observation to notice.

In the vision of the Eye of Reckoning, some black ripples will be stacked near the outline of each creature's body. This black ripple is the embodiment of its energy. The stronger the creature, the more ripples it gathers on its body surface. .

For example, most of the surrounding humans have only one layer of ripples on their bodies, a few have two layers of ripples, and a priest has three layers of ripples on his body, he should know some magic or something.

Baka has two layers of ripples, and Ander has five layers.

Rowe looked at himself, the seventh floor.

It seems that the energy of life observed by the Eye of Reckoning should be consistent with the grade evaluation system of the holy deed, and several layers of ripples correspond to the grades of the holy deed evaluation.

The treatment process continued until late at night, and after the first batch of patients was cured, many more patients came, until all the patients in the city were healed in the halo of benevolence.

Although the patients have all recovered, people did not disperse, but gathered more and more, surrounded by three floors and three floors, and bowed, praised, and worshipped Rowe and Ander in the center.

"Let's go." Andel looked at Rowe.

But after thinking for a moment, Rowe looked at Baka: "What are your plans next?"

"I... me?" Baka was stunned for a moment.


Baka was about to say something, but suddenly his eyes darkened and he shook his head: "I don't know. As early as a month ago, my relatives died in the plague, and only my best friend Ameligo was left. ."

"But Ameligo is gone now. We planned to go to sea together in the future to buy spices and silk in the East..."

Rowe looked at him: "So, how about joining us?"

He was originally reluctant to recruit human paladins, after all, his strength was too weak, but Heimdall's words made him soberly realize that only relying on Asgard to recruit members, the Silver Hand would not be able to grow at all.

So he naturally thought that he could recruit some human beings to train them first, and maybe his strength might be good.

"What?" Baka was a little dazed.

Rowe: "Join us as a paladin and guard justice and order, as you and Ameligo did a few days ago."

Baka didn't know what a paladin was, but it sounded good.

Luo Wei saved him and so many people like a savior. Of course, he had no chance of rejecting it. Instead, he was surprised and couldn't believe it: "Can I really join you?"

Rowe: "Of course. But I have to remind you, to join us, you need to obey orders, like a soldier, maybe even stricter than the average soldier."

Hearing the words, Baka said without hesitation: "I will, I am a fighter."

Rowe smiled: "Very good, you are now a member of the Silver Hand."

Then, he looked at the humans around him and asked loudly, "Who among you is willing to follow me, obey my orders, learn my magic, and become a warrior who fights for order?"

"I do!" Someone said immediately.

Luo Wei had just cast holy light magic and saved the whole city. People worshiped him like a god, and naturally there were a lot of people willing to follow him.

"I-I do!" Soon a group of people said, and some were even fanatical, "Merciful God, please take me to the kingdom of heaven!"

Luo Wei glanced at everyone: "I won't take you to places like heaven, heaven, etc. You should know that there has never been a warrior who enjoys pleasure in the world, and suffering and sacrifice belong to warriors."

This remark dispelled the wishes of some people, but many people were still willing to follow Luo Wei, and the scene was still noisy and enthusiastic.

Rowe once again exaggerated the many hardships that the Paladins will endure. Although this may not be the case, it should be said. After all, Paladins are warriors no matter what, they will endure hardships sooner or later, and those who join must naturally be mentally prepared.

The repeated ordeals dissuaded most people, and Rowe ignored some of the weak and the zealots. In his opinion, fanaticism had evil potential.

Finally, he opened the eye of reckoning, selected the purest five people from the remaining people, and said to them: "The Holy Light chose you."

Counting Bacca Rowe has selected six reserve Paladins here.

Of course, six humans are definitely not enough for the Silver Hand.

Therefore, for a period of time, he and Ander treated the Black Death patients in various places while selecting suitable human beings as reserve Paladins.

In the end, Luo Wei selected a total of more than 100 people. These 100 people are young people with good morals and strong bodies.

And most of them lost all their relatives in the raging Black Death. They were alone and isolated from their past life. They may be the most suitable group of people to go to Antarctica to be Paladins.

"Should we let them complete the Holy Light first and learn some Holy Light magic, or let them go directly to Hearthglen?" Ander asked Rowe.

"Of course, the Holy Light infusion is completed first." Rowe said, "Do you think they can survive in Antarctica now?"

At first, he actually planned to directly send the more than 100 reserve Paladins to Hearth Valley in Antarctica, but after thinking about it, Rowe realized that it was almost impossible for ordinary humans to survive in Antarctica, and he had to learn some Holy Light magic first. 13