Chapter 389: 【Building Hearth Valley】

"Let's go, the target promise... Antarctic!" Due to some unprovoked associations, Luo Wei almost made a slip of the tongue, but he was corrected in time.

As soon as the voice fell, Ander, Brunok and several Protoss paladins set off on the Holy Spirit horse.

One hundred and twenty human Paladins followed, heading to the south, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Rowe watched them leave, looked away, and turned to the ancient guardian tree standing not far away.

After several years of development, the ancient guardian tree has grown to more than 30 meters high, and is unusually thick, with a diameter of more than ten meters. It can definitely be called a giant tree.

Its shape is similar to the ancient guardian tree in Luo Wei's impression. A giant tree man with roots and luxuriant branches, huge body and powerful arms can always produce a strong sense of deterrence.

But after all, it is an ancient guardian tree bred from the Thunder tree species. If you look closely, you can still see many differences.

For example, on its sturdy torso, you can always see some small arcs flowing endlessly, and even occasional thunder sounds, which is quite amazing.

At the same time, because the seeds have been sanctified, the guardian ancient tree always exudes a faint layer of holy light.

This holy light is very inconspicuous under the sun, but in the dark night, it has the brilliance of the moon.

Therefore, since the ancient guardian tree grows taller, every night, this place deep in the Alps will be shrouded in a faint golden glow, sacred and peaceful.

In addition to the huge changes in appearance, the wisdom of guarding the ancient tree has also been significantly improved compared to the past. It is no longer so dull, and sometimes shakes the body or something, as if shaking off the bird excrement.

Such a freshman guarding an ancient tree is naturally not easy to transport to Antarctica.

But Rowe was prepared and informed the mage of the Supreme Sanctuary in advance. So after waiting for a while, a portal appeared out of thin air.

"Sorry, I'm late." Nierdi hurried out of the portal and said apologetically.

"No, it's just right. I'll trouble you next time, Mage Nierdi." Rowe smiled while noticing the change in Nierti's hairstyle.

Coincidentally, Rowe and Nierdi have met a few times in total, but each time Nierdi's hair will be shorter, at first it was long hair fluttering, and now it has short ears, it is estimated that it will be soon. Bald.

"Stand up, Teddes." Rowe looked at the guardian ancient tree. Teddes was the name he gave to the ancient tree.


Terdis made a sound of trees twisting, his arms supported the snow, the roots in the ground gathered into legs, and his huge body slowly stood up.

At the same time, Nierdi also began to cast spells, opening the portal to the South Pole.

In order to allow the ancient guardian tree Tedis to pass, the portal must be very wide, and the casting process naturally takes a lot of time.

When the portal slowly opened to about fifty meters in diameter, Rowe ordered again: "Go in, Teddes."


The ancient tree Tedis took a heavy and slow pace, the ground trembled with each step, and slowly stepped into the portal.

Waiting for it to fully enter the other side of the portal, Rowe also called Shangshirut, and went through the portal to the Antarctic continent.

Rowe: "Thank you, Mage Nilti."

Nildy smiled, but as if there was something important, she left in a hurry without saying anything.

She came and went in a hurry this time, which made Luo Wei feel a little strange.

stopped and thought for a moment, but he couldn't think of a reason, and finally just shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"We've got to get going, preferably in Hearthglen before them. Come on," Rowe said.

There is still a long distance from Hearthglen. Considering the slow movement speed of Teddis, he is really not sure that he will reach Hearthglen before Ander and the others.

"Boom...Boom..." Tedis walked slowly through the ice and snow with heavy steps.

Rowe and Shilut walked beside Teddes on foot. Although they were on foot, their speed was not slower than that of Diss. Sometimes they were in a hurry, but they were faster than Diss.

In this way, one person, one stone and one tree walked through the ice field for a few days, and finally arrived at Hearthglen, ahead of Ander and the others.

Wandering around Hearthglen, Rowe finally picked an open space near the middle and ordered, "Teddes, come here and take root."

"Boom..." Tedis slowly walked to his designated destination, then took root and turned into a towering tree again.

Rowe then called Shilut and began to cast the Temple of Light.

The shape of the Temple of Holy Light was designed by him, and there are many tall stone pillars standing around the periphery, which makes it look a bit like the Parthenon.

Inside the    stone pillar is a circle of corridors, which surrounds the entire Temple of Holy Light, and then is a thick wall. There are several large and small rooms inside the temple, including the largest main hall.

The Secret Hall of Holy Light is about 15 meters high and covers an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters. It is not large, but Luo Wei estimates that even in the future, the number of Silver Hands should not be many, but it is enough.

And besides the Temple of Light, there must be some other buildings in Hearthglen.

While Rowe and Shiroot were building the Temple of Light, Ander and more than a hundred paladins rushed to Hearthglen.

After a few days of flying and traveling through the Antarctic, most of the human paladins couldn't bear it. When the cold Antarctic wind blew, they suddenly shivered, and some even almost fell off the Holy Spirit's horse.

Fortunately, they have completed the Holy Light infusion, and they have also learned some sacred magic, and have a certain resistance to extreme environments.

If it were an ordinary human being, in the environment of Antarctica, I am afraid that it would not be able to hold it for even half an hour.

Rowe then raised a bonfire in the Temple of Holy Light, allowing everyone to warm and rest around the flame, and then work together the next day to build the Valley of the Hearth.

There are Shilut and more than a hundred paladins, and several buildings have been erected one after another, centered on the Temple of Holy Light and the leafy guardian ancient trees, distributed in an orderly manner in the hearth valley.

The    Paladins also built roads, practice grounds, and several underground rooms such as storage rooms.

At noon that day, Rowe and Shilute were building the interior for the Temple of Holy Light.


Suddenly a loud sound like a gong came from outside.

The sound was so loud that even when Luo Wei heard it, there was a buzzing in his ears, which made him change his expression and hurriedly flew out.

Was there a battle?

"What's the matter?" Rowe looked around and saw that the Paladins were all covering their ears, but nothing seemed to happen.

Then, an exclamation came: "My God, my battle axe!"

Rowe looked over and saw a paladin looking at the weapon in his hand in shock—the battle axe was full of cracks, like glass that had just been hit hard and was about to shatter.

The paladin tried to lift the battle axe to observe, but as soon as he moved, the battle axe shattered with a "click" and "click", and in a blink of an eye it turned into a pile of slag, scattered from the fingers to the ground. .


"My Warhammer!"


"My sword is also broken, what the **** is going on?"

The same scene was staged one after another, and many Paladins watched their weapons turn into shards.

All this seems to be caused by the loud noise just now, but the strange thing is that although many weapons were shattered, no one was seriously injured.