Chapter 390: 【Antarctic vibration gold】

A large number of weapons were inexplicably damaged, and Luo Wei quickly took out his own Demon Slayer Sword to check.

Fortunately, as the material of vibrating metal, the Demon Slayer Sword is obviously much stronger than other weapons, and there was no damage, which made him relieved.

At this time, a paladin came running from not far away, and said in shock, "Great lord, great lord, we have dug up a strange thing in the ground!"

weird stuff?

Rowe immediately followed, and the two entered a tunnel one after another. This is one of the underground buildings under construction in Hearth Valley. Several Paladins are busy here, including Baka.

Baka saw him come in, and quickly stretched out his hand and pointed in front of him: "This is it, it just shattered all our weapons and tools."

Luo Wei walked to the end of the tunnel and saw a piece of metal protruding out of the dirt and rocks.

This metal looks similar to ordinary metal, the usual silver-gray, but it is extra bright and smooth, as if it had been polished.

He leaned in to observe carefully.

Baka continued: "When we were digging just now, our pick slammed into this piece of metal, and it made a loud noise, shaking all our tools and weapons to smithereens... This kind of thing is unheard of!"

Listening to Baka's narration, Rowe stared at the silver metal in front of him and fell into thought.

Antarctic…shattering metal…

Could it be Antarctic Vibranium?

According to Rowe’s knowledge, there are actually two kinds of vibranium. In addition to the regular Wakanda vibranium, there is another rarer vibranium on the earth, that is, Antarctic vibranium.

Antarctic vibranium is a special form of vibranium, produced in Antarctica, and the quantity is scarce, much less than that of Wakanda vibranium.

The biggest feature of this kind of vibration gold is that it can shatter other metals, and it may even shatter ordinary vibration gold, which is very sharp.

Luo Wei put away the Demon Slayer Sword, then inserted his hands into the rock and soil, grabbed the silver metal and tugged it, and pulled it out in whole with a "crashing" sound.

The overall silver metal is not large, about half the height of a person, and about 500 kilograms.

Rovi carefully placed it on the ground, then thought about it, took out a useless metal object from the Sanctuary space, and tapped it lightly.


Although he struck lightly, the silver metal still made a lot of movement, like a gong.

The metal that was originally intact also shattered, and because of the close distance, it shattered directly into powder, and the breeze blew away from Luo Wei's fingers without a trace.

"Just now!"

"That's right, that's how my pickaxe shattered," said the Paladins.

Luo Wei opened the identification collection of the holy deed again, put the palm of his hand on the silver metal, and a line of text appeared.

【Item Level: Level 7】

Level 7 items!

Wakanda vibranium is grade 6, and this silver metal is grade 7. It seems that nine out of ten it is the legendary Antarctic vibranium.

Even if it is not Antarctic vibranium, the seventh-grade metal is absolutely no trivial matter.

"Be careful when digging next. If you find this kind of metal again, try not to touch it with metal." Rowe ordered.

"Yes, High Lord."

At this time, a paladin said hesitantly: "Our weapons..."

"Don't worry, I will bring you new weapons in a while," Rowe said.

Then he carefully put the Antarctic vibranium into the Sanctuary space, then rubbed the hearthstone back to Asgard, and then went to Nidavi, the home of dwarves, through the Rainbow Bridge.

When    arrived in Nidavi, a dwarf guard greeted him: "Welcome, esteemed sun god."

"I need to see your king," Rowe said.

"Please come with me." The dwarf guard turned and left, Rowe followed closely, and saw Aitri at the palace not long after.

"Luo Wei, my old friend, are you going to build a vibranium weapon?" Aitri still had a strong obsession with vibranium.

"No, but I have a metal more wonderful than vibranium in my hand, would you like to see it?" Rowe said.

Aicui couldn't help but light up when he heard the words: "Oh? What is that?"

Luo Wei didn't take out the Antarctic vibranium first, but hesitated for a while: "Frankly speaking, this place is not suitable, we'd better leave Ni Dawei and see."

Including buildings, Nidavi is full of metals. Although these metals are much stronger than earth metals, there is no guarantee what will happen in the face of the power of Antarctic vibranium.

If the power of Antarctic vibranium goes out of control, and the building of Nidavi collapses, it will be difficult to clean up.

Ai Cui was a little puzzled, thought about it and asked, "You mean it's inconvenient for you to bring it here?"

"Of course I brought it here, but..."

Ai Cui immediately said: "Then take it out and let me see it, what's wrong with this, Nidavi is a treasure house of metal."

"Okay, that's what you said." Rowe thought there shouldn't be a big problem, so he didn't say anything, and took out the Antarctic vibration gold from the Sanctuary space.

In order to prevent the impact, he deliberately wrapped a lot of sponge-like buffers on the Antarctic vibranium. At first glance, Aicui thought he had taken out the quilt.

"This is..." Ai Cui lifted a corner of the buffer and carefully observed the Antarctic vibranium inside, and his eyes gradually showed a bit of surprise.

"This is a metal I discovered by accident," Rowe said. "It has the ability to shatter metal. Just a little tap on it will shake some inferior metals into powder. In the case of heavy blows Down, even the immortal steel will be cracked by the shock."

"Is there such a thing?" Ai Cui was moved.

Rowe: "You can try, of course, better be careful, be as careful as possible."

Ai Cui thought for a while, then took out a small hammer and tapped it on the South Pole Vibrating Gold.


heard a loud noise, and the steel palace seemed to tremble slightly.

Ai Cui was startled, he quickly stopped, and then looked at the hammer that had been struck, and saw that there were cracks on it, which made him wide-eyed: "This!"

Rowe smiled: "Well, I'm right, this is a very magical metal."

Ai Cui didn't say anything, but when he looked at Nanji Zhenjin again, his expression was completely different, he became extremely solemn, and at the same time a little excited.

He carefully observed the Antarctic vibranium for a while: "It has many similarities with vibranium, and I suspect that it may be some kind of mutation of vibranium..."

Ai Cui judged the origin of Antarctic vibranium as soon as he touched it, which made Rowe a little surprised, but Ai Cui is the king of dwarves after all, no one knows metal better than him, and it is normal to have such a vision.

"Aitri, what I want to ask you is, can Nidavi turn this metal into a weapon?" Rowe asked.

"Okay." Aitui said without hesitation after being silent for a few seconds.

But then he changed the conversation, looked at Nanji Zhenjin and said solemnly: "But I think this incredible metal has a more suitable use than making weapons."

"What is it?" Rowe couldn't help asking.