Chapter 391: 【Anti-metal】

"Make a furnace." Aitui said with a firm gaze, word by word.

"The Furnace?"

Ai Cui nodded: "Yes, if you use this metal to make a furnace and combine it with the heat of a neutron star, the smelting efficiency will definitely be greatly improved, and any metal can be smelted quickly and well."

He was still about to continue talking, but Luo Wei suddenly said: "But why do I want to be a furnace?"

"Uh..." Ai Cui hesitated.

The air was quiet for a while.

After a moment, Aitri coughed twice, and said a little embarrassedly: "Cough, frankly, Rowe, this metal is indeed very suitable for making furnaces, so I thought... Can you sell me some?"

Luo Wei thought for a while: "It's not impossible, but all I want is the top-grade Ulu. If you are willing to exchange the top-grade Ulu with me, I can accept it."

"Excellent Ulu, this..."

Ai Cui was very hesitant, frowned and struggled for a while before finally saying, "How do you plan to change it?"

Lowe thought, "How about changing one for one."

"What, one for one? This is a joke!" Aitui said emotionally, blowing his beard and staring.

Luo Wei asked: "Then what do you think should be changed?"

"One to ten, I mean the most."

"This is too low." Rowe couldn't help shaking his head.

"That's because you don't understand the preciousness of Superb Ulu." Aitui showed annoyance to a layman, "Superior Ulu is the most precious metal in the universe, there is no one, Nidavi only has less than twenty pieces in total. "

Less than twenty yuan, so little?

Luo Wei was a little surprised, but thinking about it is similar. After all, as far as he knows, several stars may not be able to extract a top-grade Ulu. There are already very few ordinary Ulus, and it is reasonable that the top-grade Ulu is less than twenty. middle.

According to the standard commonly used by Nidavi, 20 pieces of top-quality uru is 70 to 80 kilograms.

And the Antarctic vibranium discovered by Luo Wei is more than half a ton. If he follows the ratio of one to ten, he can almost exchange it for all of Nidavi's top-quality Ulu.

If you look at it like this, one to ten is indeed not low.

Luo Wei thought for a while: "I'll exchange half for seven pieces of the best Ulu, what do you think?"

Ai Cui: "I don't know enough about this metal, so I can't decide for now, I need to study it again."

"how long?"

Ai Cui thought for a while: "It may be a few days, it may be longer, at most a month."

"Okay, yes." Rowe agreed.

Ai Cui nodded, and then suddenly remembered something: "By the way, you don't seem to have given a name for this metal, I just thought of a name "anti-metal", what do you think. "

"Not bad." Rowe didn't care about this naturally, and then said, "You study this anti-metal, I'll come back to Nidavi in ​​a few days."

Returned to the South Pole from Nidavi, and in the next month or so, during the construction of Hearthglen, the knights of the Silver Hand discovered several more Antarctic vibraniums one after another.

Unfortunately, the number of Antarctic vibranium discovered these times is rare, and they are all fragments, all of which add up to less than one-tenth of the original pile.

Rowe also made a special exploration in Hearth Valley, but did not find any more Antarctic vibranium. There are probably only so many Antarctic vibraniums in Hearth Valley.

Soon after, he went to Nidavi again and found Aitri: "How is it, how is anti-metal research going?"

In order to store the Antarctic vibranium, Ai Cui specially sent someone to build a stone room, and the silvery Antarctic vibranium was placed in the middle, supported by a wooden frame.

Ai Cui put his hand on the Antarctic vibranium and gently stroked it, while saying: "...It is certain that the anti-metal is indeed a mutation of the vibranium. According to my speculation, it should be the high-purity vibranium that is suffering from some kind of vibration. It is transformed from the impact of powerful energy."

"As a mutation of vibranium, antimetal and vibranium have many similar properties. The biggest difference is that it can release an anti-metal vibration."

"This shock can affect all metals, and is very powerful. In the experiment I designed, it can even tear through ordinary Ulu... Of course, this shock only targets metals, and is completely ineffective for substances other than metals."

"Completely invalid?" Luo Wei was stunned, and then he wondered, "Really, when this thing was just dug out, several of my subordinates were almost deafened by it."

Aitri looked at him: "People can hardly detect the anti-metal vibration. What your ears feel is not the anti-metal vibration itself, but the sound produced when the metal smashes. If you don't believe it, try it in space. "

Rowe nodded.

Ai Cui continued: "Anti-metal shocks have a strong ability to disintegrate metals, but unfortunately, this shock is largely affected by purity."

"As long as a piece of anti-metal is slightly mixed with impurities, its vibration will be greatly weakened. When the impurity content is higher than half, the vibration will disappear completely and become similar to ordinary vibration gold."

Rowe frowned slightly: "In other words, if you use anti-metal to build a weapon, you can't add other materials?"

Ai Cui nodded: "Yes."

Rowe couldn't help being silent. When making weapons with Antarctic vibration gold, other materials cannot be added, and most of the forging blueprints of Shengqi are cast from a variety of materials.

As a result, Antarctic vibration gold can hardly be used for the forging drawings in his hands. A single-material blueprint such as the Aojin Axe can be used, but in addition to the Aojin Axe, Rowe has no other high-value single-material blueprints.

He originally considered using Antarctic Vibranium to build a Sulfuron Warhammer or an Opponent Warhammer Now it seems that it will not work.

"But to be honest, anti-metal is more suitable for a furnace than I thought." Aitri couldn't help but said, "It can't help but have the ability to quickly disintegrate the metal structure, and its melting point is much higher than that of ordinary vibrating gold. Born in a furnace."

Rowe: "So what about my previous proposal? I exchanged half of the anti-metal for seven pieces of the best Ulu."

"Well, this... Six dollars is still a bit too much." Aitui struggled for a while, then stretched out four fingers, "Four dollars."

Rowe shook his head: "Four is obviously not a lucky number."

Aicui was stunned: "Why?"

Luo Wei said calmly: "In a country in Atrium Earth, the four harmonics are homophonic."

Ai Cui: "..."

He was silent for a while: "Five top-grade Ulu, no more, most weapons only need four or five."

The two negotiated a few words, and finally reached an agreement. Luo Wei exchanged half a lump of Antarctic vibrating gold for five pieces of the best Ulu, and he could waive the manual fee when he next came to Nidavi to build weapons.

Rowe felt that this transaction was fair, but Aitri was worried about gains and losses. He wanted to go back several times before he stopped, and muttered: "I hope the anti-metal furnace can work..."