Chapter 393: 【Sea of ​​Lava】

After burning the Antarctic vibranium into two parts, Rowe left Nidavi with half of his own and five top-grade Ulus, while Aitri hurriedly started the manufacture of an anti-metal furnace.

As he said, although the central furnace of Nidavi looks ordinary and similar to ordinary furnaces, it is actually very complex and requires huge resources and energy to manufacture.

In fact, to create the anti-metal forge, Nidavi's best blacksmiths worked together, and it took more than three decades from conception to finished product.

This time is a bit beyond Rowe's expectations, but since he promised Ai Tri, naturally he can only wait.

Although more than 30 years are not long for the Protoss, Hearth Valley has changed a lot.

The Antarctic environment is cold and icy and snowy, but the ancient guardian tree still maintains an amazing growth rate. It has grown to about 150 meters high, which should be the tallest tree on earth.

The thunder and holy light on his body are also more obvious. The knights of Hearth Valley can hear the thunder from the trees almost every day.

At night, the holy light emitted by the ancient guardian tree is comparable to a beacon. Under its illumination, Hearth Valley does not need lighting throughout the day, and it seems to be a place of eternal day.

The first human paladins have spent more than forty years in the Silver Hand, and although the Holy Light has made them more resistant to aging than ordinary people, they are still mortal, and most of them are gray.

Except for individuals with strong fighting power, most of the old paladins no longer travel around the earth to stop evil, but to find and train new paladins.

Luo Wei has no plans to expand the Silver Hand for the time being, so these elderly Paladins are basically only responsible for one new person, one-on-one teacher-student relationship.

Their holy deeds will also continue to be used by their own students, passed down from generation to generation...

"Boom!" The guardian ancient tree Tedis moved, and a thunder sounded.

"Crash..." Immediately after, some leaves and bark fell from it.

Although these leaves and bark are very small to Teddes, they are like dander, but corresponding to their astonishing mass of hundreds of thousands of tons, they are actually hundreds of kilograms.

Hundreds of pounds of leaves and bark fell, and a few young Paladins in Hearthdale ran over to collect them.

Today, Hearthglen lives up to its name, with a fireplace in every room, and these fireplaces burn the "skins" that fell from the ancient guardian trees.

A few young paladins collected the tree shavings, hugged them and left, and then met an old man in armor with white hair and beard, they bowed slightly and greeted: "Lord Baka."

This old man is the first human Paladin of the Silver Hand, Baka.

He nodded and said nothing, his expression seemed a little dignified.

"Lord Baka, what happened?" a young knight asked.

"The lord told me that a knight died suddenly on the African continent and asked me to come and take a look." Baka said.

In a room in the Temple of Holy Light, Rowe looked at the list of knights of the holy deed and remained silent.

Using the Holy Deed as a medium, he could know the life and death of every Paladin. At this time, there were already more than a dozen gray names in the list of 120 people. Some of them died in battle, some died in accidents, and one who just died suddenly and still doesn't know the reason.

After a while, Rowe closed the holy deed, retracted his mind, and then rubbed the hearthstone and returned to Asgard.

Shortly after returning to Asgard, he went to the Rainbow Bridge teleportation hall: "Heimdall, take me to Nidavi."

"Okay." Heimdall nodded, and then started the Rainbow Bridge teleportation to send Rowe to Nidavi.

In Nidavi, as soon as Luo Wei saw Ai Cui, Ai Cui came over with a smile and patted his shoulder with his finger: "Haha, Luo Wei, you are here at the right time, we just made a countermeasure a few days ago. Metal Forge."

"Finally," Rowe said involuntarily.

Aitri: "Want to go see it, it's beautiful."

"No, it's not too late to see when the Sulfuron Warhammer is built." Rowe couldn't think of anything beautiful in a furnace.

Aitri nodded: "Okay, then let's go to Muspelheim."

The two left the Nidavi Palace, boarded a dwarf spaceship, and flew into the starry sky by Aitri himself.

After a few space jumps, the dwarf spaceship arrived at the destination of their trip, Muspelheim, the home of the flame giants.

Seen from a distance in the starry sky, Muspelheim looks like a red fireball, and most places are covered by red-hot magma.

During the descent of the spaceship, Rowe asked, "Jin Lunga should be deep in the magma, can you go in?"

"Okay, I brought something good to resist the flames." Aicui said, showing the pendant around his neck at the same time, "This is it, the source fire pendant."

"It's one of my masterpieces, and with this, even on the surface of the sun, I don't feel hot," he said triumphantly.

Rowe nodded.

The spacecraft carried them down to the low altitude of Muspelheim and looked down, seeing the billowing magma.

Most planets with advanced life are covered by water, but Muspelheim is covered by magma, which is as common and important as water here.

The spaceship flew fast against the sea of ​​lava. Aitri said excitedly while driving: "It's almost there, it's almost there."


The spaceship made a U-turn, and soon flew over a lava island, and then slowly fell.

The island is not big, the longest place should be a few kilometers. It's almost entirely black, and such islets are commonplace in a sea of ​​lava.

"The entrance to Jinlunga is on this island?" Rowe couldn't help asking.

"Almost." Aitri said, "Wait a while, I have to hide the spaceship. Like most oceans, the Lava Sea also has pirates. They are fierce and bloodthirsty, and it will definitely be trouble if they encounter it."

Finally, he added another sentence and said confidently: "Of course, I believe that we will not encounter lava pirates."

After Aitri parked the spaceship in a hidden place, the two headed to the back of the island Crescent Moon.

As a result, they were walking on the road, and there was a sudden whistling in the sky. When they looked up, they saw large rocks and fireballs falling from the sky and shooting at them in salvo.

The two were caught off guard.


Rowe was better, and opened up a shield of light in time to block these attacks.

Ai Cui was even more miserable. He was already huge and his target was conspicuous. Naturally, the shield of holy light could not cover him. He was immediately hit by rocks and fireballs and smashed to the ground.

Fortunately, he wore a source fire pendant on his neck. Under the action of the pendant, the fireball was pushed away by an invisible force before it hit him, causing no burns.

Aitri was shocked and angry: "It's a pirate, a lava pirate!"