Chapter 394: 【Lava Pirates】

The body defense of the dwarves was much worse than that of the Asgardians. Being hit by so many rocks, Aitri fell to the ground even if he was injured, covering his bleeding forehead with one hand.

Rowe hurriedly treated him, and at this moment, dozens of Musbeiers and some miscellaneous humanoid creatures of unknown race rushed over from not far away.

All of them are stubborn, and look well-equipped and strong.

The leader was a tall and mighty Musbeier. With a grim expression, he pointed at Rowe and said, "Asgardian, hand over the eyes of the warlock, or I will screw your head off myself!"

As a descendant of Surtur, the appearance of the Musbel people is very similar to Surtur. This guy holds a giant sword and is covered in flames. He looks like a small Surtur. Scary look.

"The eye of the warlock?" Rowe wondered.

The Eye of the Warlock is an ancient and powerful mage, and he has naturally heard of it.

But for this kind of exaggerated description and lack of key information, Luo Wei has always been less convinced and less concerned. Suddenly a person appeared and asked him for the eye of a warlock, and he couldn't help feeling inexplicable.

"Don't pretend that you don't know, you stole our master's Warlock Eye, hand it over quickly!" The pirate chief said with confidence.

Seeing Rowe's puzzled expression, Aitri said, "Don't care what they say, these lava pirates are just a bunch of criminals and hooligans. Do you think they can reason?"

Rowe looked at the lava pirates on the opposite side, and then his eyes surged with holy light, but he opened the eyes of reckoning.

In the vision of the Eye of Reckoning, the sin and strength of these lava pirates were immediately revealed.

As a group of pirates who burned, killed, and looted, most of them were red with deep sin, and a few were dark yellow. Only one who was small and seemed to be underage was not very dark yellow.

Their strength is uneven, the weakest is the first level, and the strongest is the pirate chief who holds a giant sword and shouts, and has a fifth-level strength. For pirates, it has to be said that this strength is already quite powerful.

Under the treatment of the flash of holy light, Aitri's wounds healed quickly. He turned over to take out a warhammer and assumed a fighting posture.

Immediately after hearing a "choke" sound, Luo Wei also took out the Demon Slayer Sword and held it in his hand.

The pirate leader seemed to be taken aback, but not to be outdone, flames rose from the giant sword, pointing directly at the two of them: "You are seeking your own death!"

Luo Wei snorted coldly, and when the flames surged under his feet, the whole person flew out in an instant, and the holy light of the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand was released.


The pirate leader raised his giant sword to block, and then only heard a loud bang, and a round of punishment brilliance suddenly bloomed in him.


Under the heavy blow, the giant sword of the pirate leader was suddenly broken, and then the brilliance of punishment spread, and his arm was also smashed into ashes.

He screamed and flew out, slammed into the black rock, and the gravel splashed.

The sword of justice!

Immediately after Rowe stabbed his sword into the ground, the sword of justice stabbed out from under the pirate leader, bursting out a ball of punishment again.


This time, the dazzling holy light directly destroyed most of his body and died on the spot.

The pirate leader who was still showing off his might just now was killed in a blink of an eye. The pirates were about to applaud the leader, as if they were pinched by the neck.

"Run - run!"

Immediately, the pirates screamed and scattered, fleeing in all directions.

Luo Wei naturally couldn't let them escape like this. Immediately, the holy light surged under his feet, and the veins of holy light dedication spread rapidly along the ground, catching up with most of the pirates who escaped in an instant.

Seeing that the pirates were about to be killed, Aitri probably felt that it was inappropriate for him to do nothing, and hurriedly waved his warhammer and rushed towards the pirates, and also dealt with a few.

Rowe chased after them for a while, and there was only one pirate who attacked them, who happened to be the little pirate with the least sin.

Maybe it was because he was underage or thin. This little pirate had no will to fight from the very beginning. He always stood on the edge of the crowd. When he escaped, he was naturally the first and ran the farthest.

When Rowe was about to catch up with him, a pirate ship came into view.

Most of the boats driving on the lava sea are stony and black in color. They stop in the fiery red magma and look like sunspots.

"Help me!" The little pirate ran to the shore while calling for help to the pirate ship.

Seeing this, Luo Wei immediately accelerated, flew to the pirate ship first, and raised his hand to start pouring holy light.

A large amount of holy light surged out, making the side of the pirate ship shine in a blink of an eye.

After pouring the holy light, Luo Wei flew up, and before the pirates on the ship could react, he stretched his finger a little.

Holy Shock!


The holy light attached to the ship was immediately detonated, and a golden sun burst open at the side of the ship, blasting a large hole.

Rolling lava poured into the hole The huge pirate ship suddenly lost its balance and quickly dumped into the lava. The pirates on the ship were not directly killed by the Holy Shock, but also gradually disappeared as the ship sank to the bottom of the sea.

The little pirate who ran to the shore suddenly stopped in place, looking terrified, and wanted to retreat, but fell to the ground with both feet soft.

The magic floating cloak moved slightly behind Luo Wei, floated in front of him, and said slowly, "answer my question truthfully, and I can spare your life."

The little pirate nodded hastily: "Yes."

"Why do you say I stole the Warlock's Eye?" Rowe asked.

"'s like this..." The little pirate's voice trembled a little, but gradually calmed down, "A few days ago, an Asgardian stole the treasure of Lord Tulos, the legendary warlock. Eye, Tulos ordered all his servants to find him, including us."

Rowe frowned: "Why do you think it's me?"

"We have portraits, but many times, even if there are portraits, it is difficult for us to distinguish the appearance of the Asgardians. In our opinion... you all look alike." The little pirate swallowed and said.

"..." Rowe was a little speechless.

But then again, the Asgardians seem to feel the same way when they look at the Musbeers, or similar to how the Chinese look at Africans.

"Where's the picture of the thief, do you have it?" Rowe asked.

"Yes, each of us has it." The little pirate quickly took out a portrait and handed it to Rowe.

Rowe took the portrait and looked down.

The portrait is not very realistic, and the lack of details is a bit serious. It is probably drawn by someone based on the impression in his mind.

A portrait with such a low level of realism, not to mention the Musbels, the Asgardians themselves may not be able to distinguish them.

However, after carefully observing for a while, Luo Wei felt a little familiar...