Chapter 395: 【The Eye of the Warlock】

Finally, after looking at it for a long time, Luo Wei finally remembered the owner of this face.

Hello [] Kim!

Although Rowe had not seen Harrokin with his own eyes, as a rare murder fugitive in Asgard, he naturally had a wanted order for a long time, and of course he had also seen the portrait on the wanted order.

Except for Harrokin, it seems unlikely that other Asgardians would sneak up to Muspelheim to steal the Warlock's Eye, so it seems that the thief is probably Harrokin.

Luo Wei never imagined that he would encounter such a thing on this trip. Harrokin, who disappeared inexplicably back then, actually stole something in Muspelheim...

the other side.

Among the mountains, most of the peaks in Muspelheim are dominated by volcanoes, and this is no exception. The large and small volcanoes are continuous, and the hot and fiery magma flows between the black stones.

Harrokin was lying on a boulder, panting slightly. He looked a little embarrassed. Most of his clothes were burned, his skin was full of scars, and his abdomen was still faintly bleeding. It was obvious that he had just experienced a hard battle.

For the vast majority of creatures, this is already a fairly serious injury. If it is not handled in time, most of them will die.

Fortunately, as an Asgardian, these injuries are not a big threat.

Harrokin just lay on the boulder for about a few hours, and his injuries improved greatly, and his abdomen was no longer bleeding.

His breathing also calmed down, and after a while, he raised his right hand and put the thing in his hand that he had always held tightly in front of him to observe.

This is a metal object that looks like an eye, and it looks like the eye of a bronze statue has been gouged out.

"The eye of the warlock..." Harrokin murmured while looking at the metal object shaped like an eye.

This object is the eye of the sorcerer, the ancient artifact coveted by spellcasters.

For a long time, the Eye of the Warlock was only seen as something that existed in legend, but at this moment, it was truly held in the hands of Harrokin.

Harrokin went to great lengths to find the Eye of the Warlock, naturally in exchange for Loki's true freedom.

When he escaped from Asgard, he vaguely agreed to Loki's conditions and went to Muspelheim alone to find the Eye of the Warlock.

This search has been going on for decades. Harrokin is alone, and he has experienced many difficulties and obstacles in Muspelheim. He almost died several times. It can be said that there are dangers.

If it weren't for his luck, let alone finding the eye of the warlock, he would have lost his life long ago.

Therefore, every time Harrokin thought about the past, he couldn't help hating himself for being too naive, and hating Loki and Amora for being too cunning.

"Two sluts!" Harrokin was angry again, and couldn't help scolding.

But he had no other way. After all, he was imprinted by Loki on his body. If he did not hand over the eye of the warlock to Loki, Loki could tell his location to the gods of Asgard at any time.

Harrokin sighed, then got up from the rock and left, preparing to go to the space passage to find Loki and give him the eye of the warlock.

But as he walked, Harrokin's feet slowed down, his brows furrowed, and he fell into contemplation.

He stopped, brought the Warlock's Eye to his eyes again, stared at it for a long time, and his expression kept changing, sometimes recalling, thinking, and sometimes hesitating.

In the end, he seemed to have made up his mind, gritted his teeth, held the warlock's eyes from both sides with both hands, and aimed the eyeballs of the magic weapon at himself.

Immediately, a faint light appeared between his hands, and the eyeball of the Warlock's Eye also brewed a faint green light.

Looking at the green light of the warlock's eyes, Harrokin couldn't help showing surprise, and the light between his hands was even brighter.

The green light of the warlock's eye became brighter and brighter, and finally a beam of light shot out from it, hitting Harrokin's abdomen directly.


Harrokin screamed, but at the same time he saw that at the moment when the green light hit him, the magic mark that Loki left on him also showed his body.

Therefore, he did not let go, and let the beam of light from the Warlock's Eye continue to shoot at him.

Harrokin was obviously a layman and didn't know the correct way to use the Warlock's Eye.

Under the illumination of the Warlock's Eye, in just a few seconds, Loki's magical mark flickered violently and turned into a faint light dust, pulled away from his body, and then vanished.

Only then did Harrokin let go of the warlock's eyes, panting for breath, but beaming with joy: "I... I'm free!"

"I'm free, hahaha!" He clenched his fists and laughed loudly.

Then Harrokin looked at the eye of the warlock in his hand: "The eye of the warlock, I think this must be the arrangement of fate... Sooner or later, I will return to Asgard!"


After solving the troubles of the pirates, Luo Wei and Aitri walked along the lava shore for a while, Aitri suddenly brightened his eyes, pointed not far ahead and said, "At that position!"

The two ran over He looked around, walked to the lava, and nodded again and again: "Yes, this is the location. Let's go down."

As he said that, he entered the lava first, and Luo Wei followed closely, and after a while, both of them dived into the depths of the lava sea.

Aitri said, "Just keep going downstream, it might take a while..."

The lava is dense, and it is naturally laborious to swim. The two swim for more than an hour, but they still haven't reached the end.

At this depth, even with the Active Fire Pendant on, Ai Tri couldn't help but feel a little hot, panting slightly: "It should be coming soon."

After swimming for a while, they finally reached the bottom of the sea of ​​lava. A black substance that had never been seen before formed the seabed, which seemed to be rock and metal.

"These black rocks on the bottom of the sea of ​​lava are one of the materials for Nidavi's furnace." Aitri said as he wandered around, looking for something, "The news about Jinlunga is that I found out when I was collecting these rocks. of."

Luo Wei nodded, picked up a few of these black stones, and threw them into the Sanctuary space as a collection.

Aitri searched for a while, swam to a diamond-shaped boulder, held the boulder with both hands and moved it away, then pointed to the place originally covered by the boulder: "This should be the entrance of Jinlunga. But to open it, you need to have Just your help."

Luo Wei swam over to take a closer look, and saw that there was a palm-shaped groove on the seabed here, with a few runes painted around it.

Although it may seem like nothing, as a flame god, Rowe can feel the fiery power faintly radiating from it.

"To open the gate of this place, we need to inject a powerful flame into this groove." Ai Tri said slowly, "Before this, we also found people with the power of flame, but their power is far from enough, but you As the owner of the second-order flame power, there should be no problem."