Chapter 402: 【General of the Dead Blade】

"How?" Rowe asked.

"I can make this spaceship stronger and last longer. Of course, the most important thing is to make it more spacious," Aitri said, touching the top of the cabin in front of him.

The Droplet is an escape ship, and the space is small. Aitui's huge body is very awkward to squeeze here. He can only curl up and lie on the back of the two seats, his face is almost against the top of the cabin.

"We have collected so much Scarborough Iron that we can use some on the spaceship." Aitri added.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you." Luo Wei thought for a while and agreed. He also felt that the ship was a little old, and he could ask Aitri to help him transform it.


The Shia Empire, one of the three major technological empires in the universe, is as famous as the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire.

However, such a powerful cosmic kingdom is facing increasingly serious civil strife at this time. A rebel army evolved from interstellar pirates is constantly biting and eating its flesh and blood on the body of this huge empire.

At this moment, on a provincial planet of the Shia Empire, after a long-term fierce battle, the rebel fleet used their most violent offensive to destroy the last fortress of the Shia people on this planet.

"Another province has been captured by us." The rebel general wearing black armor and holding a long blade walked on the scorched earth, smiling, and then he looked at the person beside him, "Ebony throat, thanks to your Strategies, otherwise this battle may go on for a long time."

Ebony Maw's expression was calm: "General Deathblade, you should know that this is not my plan, I'm just picking up people's teeth."

General Deathblade obviously didn't think so: "Pick up people's Yahui, who's Yahui? Ebony-throated, you are too modest."

"Of course it belongs to Lord Thanos." Ebony-throated said, "All my wisdom and strength come from Lord Thanos. In front of him, I'm not worth mentioning."

General Deathblade frowned slightly, and seemed to be a little unhappy in silence for a while, and then said: "Of course, I admire Thanos very much, he is indeed very talented. But you are not worse than him, or even better."

"And Thanos has never been on the battlefield, and only makes plans behind the scenes. You are a powerful magician, and your power is definitely much stronger than his..."

Ebony Maw's face gradually became gloomy, and finally he couldn't help interrupting General Deathblade. He stopped and said, "Lord Thanos taught me not to interrupt others casually, but I'm sorry, I can't listen to you insulting him like this."

"Insult?" General Deathblade was stunned for a moment, feeling a little unbelievable at the serious tone of the ebony throat, "Isn't this a fact, Thanos has never participated in a battle, and stays in his study every day, he's a nerd. ."

Ebony snorted coldly, didn't say much, just said: "General Deathblade, I believe that you in the future will be ashamed of these words."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Looking at the ebony throat who was walking away, General Deathblade couldn't help but say, "It's unreasonable!"

After all this unpleasantness, his mood suddenly changed a lot. Out of vent, he decided to kill some people.

After killing some Shia captives at random, General Deathblade's mood improved, sitting in the room wiping his long sword, the peerless blade.

He wiped it for a long time, but in fact, the first sharp peerless blade in the Shia Empire would hardly leave any bloodstains, it was just his thinking.

Horks, a once unknown interstellar pirate, is now the supreme leader of the anti-government forces of the Shia Empire and the boss of General Dead Blade.

For his boss, General Deathblade was full of disdain in his heart.

In his opinion, Holkes's ability is even better than his No. 50 younger brother. He really didn't understand why a person of this level could be in a high position and become the first person in the legion.

This wasn't the most unpleasant thing for him. What made him most unpleasant was actually another person, Thanos, a guy who looked like a purple potato.

General Deathblade joined Horks Corps for a short time, but with his strong strength and record, he soon became the most important general of Horks.

However, as the number one general with outstanding military exploits, his status and prestige are not comparable to Thanos, a nerd in his eyes.

Many people in the legion inexplicably worship this guy who looks like a purple potato, especially the ebony throat, which can be described as kneeling and licking, and the three words are inseparable from "Lord Thanos".

This reclusive, ugly and fat nerd actually has even higher prestige than Holks, and is the most respected person in the entire Legion - this is why General Dead Blade is even more displeased with Thanos.

General Deathblade has indeed heard some stories about Thanos, such as forcing the Shia Empire to completely replace the communication system or something... But in his opinion, hiding behind and playing tricks is not as good as him in any case. The commanding general.

I should be the first person in the Legion... This is the true thought of General Deathblade.

General Deathblade put his weapon on the table, frowning slightly, as if he was thinking about something very seriously.

After a while, he made up his mind, left the room, and headed to the Legion headquarters, where the Supreme Leader Horks was.

"Lord Holkes." General Deathblade said respectfully Deathblade, what's the matter with me? "Horkes is bathing in the sea of ​​beauties with a face full of enjoyment. Dozens of beauties of various colors surround him, vying for every inch of his skin.

General Deathblade: "Yes, I have something important to tell you."

Holkston was a little reluctant, but after hesitating for a few seconds, he still cleared the beauties around him: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's about Thanos."

"Thanos?" Horkes couldn't help straightening his body and his face became serious, obviously he was very sensitive to this name.

General Deathblade continued: "Thanos is the wise man of the Legion. I have always respected him, but what I didn't expect was that he thought he was the most respected person in the Legion, even more than you, our supreme leader... …”

Hearing this, Holkes seemed to be stabbed to the point of pain, he couldn't help standing up suddenly, and scolded angrily: "What? Thanos bastard!"

General Deathblade: "There is no doubt, Lord Horkes, you are the master of the Legion, the most outstanding statesman, thinker and invincible military leader in the history of Shia."

Horkes obviously took advantage of these remarks, and even his walking posture couldn't help but be a little high, and his expression became deep and serious, reflecting the great image described by General Deathblade.

General Deathblade continued: "Thanos's thoughts are obviously blasphemy to you and the entire legion. I think some punishment should be imposed on him."