Chapter 403: 【Emperor Thanos】

"You're right." Holkes said, pacing back and forth in the room, "Thanos has always been very disrespectful to me, and often doesn't even come to see me, but I didn't expect him to be so arrogant. so much!"

The corner of General Deathblade's mouth twitched into a smile.

"Follow me." Holks waved and left the room first, followed by General Deathblade.

Here is a giant spaceship. Horks' legion originated from interstellar pirates. Although their power is now close to that of the empire, as the supreme leader, Horks still likes the life on the spaceship.

Holks took General Deathblade, some vassals and guards, and went straight to Thanos' residence.

At this time, Thanos was buried in the sea of ​​books. The originally spacious room was filled with various books, and there were many manuscripts scattered on the desk in the middle. The No. 2 of the Horks Corps The character, obviously is delving into something.

"History is always so similar..." Thanos closed the ancient book in his hand, closed his eyes, and murmured a sigh.


At this moment, Holkes, General Deathblade and others broke into the door, and they came in a menacing manner.


But Thanos opened his eyes slowly, looked at them, and smiled slightly: "I just found an interesting thing in many ancient history books, do you want to hear it?"

"I don't care about that, don't play stupid, Thanos, let's talk about you!" Holkes snorted coldly.

Thanos was clearly eager to share his point of view, so after being rudely rejected, he frowned, as if receiving an accepted answer, and said to himself: "On most planets, life and civilization originated in nature. Evolution, stars and the earth often take billions of years to accumulate enough resources to promote the birth of civilization."

For Thanos' ignoring, Horkes showed great anger: "Enough, Thanos, you arrogant fellow! Now, in the name of the Lord of the Legion, I order you to kneel!"

Thanos still turned a blind eye to him and immersed himself in his own discussion: "However, after the birth of civilization, the resources and negative entropy accumulated over billions of years appear to be very scarce. A mature agricultural civilization can make their planets in tens of thousands of years. utterly drained."

"Generally speaking, as soon as a civilization masters planting technology, nature sets a countdown to its destruction. If it cannot have the ability to plunder resources from aliens within 100,000 years, its demise is the inevitable end..."

Horks finally couldn't bear it any longer, he stepped forward, grabbed Thanos by the collar, and said fiercely, "You're ready to betray me and the Legion, aren't you, purple-skinned sissy?"

Since joining Horks, Thanos has never participated in a battle. He has been reclusive and reticent all day long. His muscular muscles are also covered by his large robes, so that some people indeed regard him as a nerd or even a sissy. .

After grabbing the collar, Holkes tried to pull Thanos up all over, but after several attempts, he found that he couldn't pull it at all.

"Betrayal?" Thanos' voice sank, and with a flick of his finger, he easily freed Holkes' hand.

"Horkes, you saved me anyway, so I have respect for you."

After a pause, he increased his tone again, stared at Holkes and continued: "But you should know why the Legion has developed so far - it was me who turned a humble interstellar pirate into a galloping Shia Empire. The Legion, this Legion is given to you by me."

When Holkes heard the words, his face was blue and white, and his hands were shaking with anger: "You..."

"I forgive you for what you said just now, and I don't want to leave the Legion for the time being. But I don't want a next time." Thanos said calmly.

"Forgive me?" Horkes felt that he was about to explode, and immediately drew out his sword in anger.

The cold light of the blade flashed, and Holkes stabbed Thanos with his sword: "Go to hell!"


However, there was only a crisp sound, and the seemingly incomparably sharp long sword slashed at Thanos, but it broke suddenly, and the tip of the sword fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned, looking at Broken Sword in disbelief.

Thanos was silent for a moment, then shot out like lightning, pinched Holkes' neck, and carried it to him like a chicken.

"You, what are you doing!" Horkes was terrified and tried to struggle, but to no avail.

There was a chill in Thanos' voice: "Holks, indeed, I have never fought since I left my hometown, but you seem to think that I am powerless because of this?"

Horks was pale, until this moment, he realized that Thanos was not the nerd and sissy he imagined.

Thanos finally released him: "Go away, you are still fit to be a pirate."

Horks, the all-powerful rebel and invader in the Shia Empire, was like a lost dog, and was thrown to the ground in embarrassment.

What made him even more unacceptable was that from beginning to end, his vassals and guards sat idly by, watching him suffer humiliation.

Horks fell to the ground, panting sharply, he felt the world spinning, as if the world had collapsed.

Glancing at him, he suddenly noticed the peerless blade in the hands of General Dead Blade, which is known as Shia's sharpest weapon.

He gritted his teeth, got up from the ground, and snatched the peerless blade from the dead blade general.

General Deathblade instinctively tried to dodge at first, but after a moment of hesitation, he decided to let go and let Horks take away his weapon.

Horks grabbed the peerless blade and roared at Thanos again.

Thanos was turning his back on him, and caught off guard, his shoulder was immediately cut straight.

"Qiang!" It can be seen that there is no armor under Thanos' loose robe, but the peerless blade still makes a sound of hitting metal.

Thanos was furious, turned around abruptly, and punched Horks.


Under his heavy punch, Holkes didn't even have time to let out a scream, and in a loud noise it turned into flesh foam, splashing other people all over his body.

Everyone, including General Deathblade, was dumbfounded.

Thanos tore off his coat, revealing some exaggerated muscles, and looked at his shoulders. I saw a shallow bloodstain on his shoulder, as if scratched by a knife.

But there is no doubt that this tiny wound is not a knife scratch, but a peerless blade.

"Your weapon is good, but unfortunately this guy's arms are too weak Thanos looked at General Deathblade.

"..." The Deathblade General instantly burst into cold sweat.

He knows how sharp this peerless blade is as the holder.

Even if Horks' arm strength is not enough, holding a peerless blade is enough to cut most of the matter in the world, including the body of the Protoss.

However, such a sharp peerless blade could not even open a decent wound on Thanos' body, and could only barely leave some light bloodstains.

General Deathblade believed that even if he slashed at the defenseless Thanos with his own peerless blade, he would not be able to cause fatal damage to him.

This kind of physical defense is far beyond his cognition.

He used to be extremely conceited about his own strength, thinking that he was enough to match those powerful gods who were famous in the universe. Yet when he witnesses Thanos' terrifying power, he realizes how ridiculous this conceit is.

Looking at Thanos with steel-like muscles and murderous aura in front of him, the disdain of General Deathblade turned into panic in an instant.

He hesitated for a moment, then fell to his knees: "Lord Thanos, you are the real master of the legion, the only ruler of the empire, our emperor!"

Others in the room also knelt down: "Your Majesty Thanos!"

Thanos wiped off the blood on his shoulders, turned his eyes back to General Dead Blade, and carefully examined the man kneeling in front of him.

After a while, he said slowly, "From today onwards, Dead Blade, you are my obsidian general."