Chapter 407: 【Arrest the culprit】

In Warnerheim, a dozen people walked in the dense forest, and the one who walked in the forefront was the fugitive Harrokin of Asgard.

Holding the eye of the warlock in one hand and the battle axe in the other, Harrokin led the crowd forward, turning his head to take a look from time to time.

Immediately behind him is the former king of trolls, Ulic, who is also the largest person in the group, like the Hulk standing among humans.

Of course, the king of trolls is long gone, his pale hair and wrinkled skin revealing his twilight.

"Harojin, this is the legendary warlock's eye. It can really block Urall's all-seeing eye?" Ulic asked, looking at the warlock's eye in Harojin's hand.

"Uller?" Harrokin laughed, "Old man, Asgard's gatekeeper is no longer Uller, don't you even know that?"

Ulic frowned, but didn't say anything.

Harrokin continued: "Don't worry, the magic barrier of the Warlock's Eye is definitely comparable to that of the best mages. With Heimdall's all-seeing eye alone, Asgard will have a hard time finding us."

Ulic nodded.

"That's right." Harrokin seemed to think of something again, "I heard someone say that Ulr was not dead, but just disappeared to a mysterious place. Your Majesty Ulic, do you know any news?"

Ulic snorted: "I've been locked up in prison for all these years, where will I find out."

After a while, he said again, "Young man, how are you going to take me back to Nornheim?"

"Nornheim?" Harrokin said disapprovingly, "Why go there, we just need to leave Warnerheim, and then keep building up our strength until we can defeat Asgard."

Ulic stopped: "What, you're not going to take me to Nornheim?"

"Of course." Harrokin also stopped and looked at him, "I know Nornheim is the home of the troll clan, but the trolls there have long since declined and have no power at all, even Not as good as the trolls at Warnerheim."

After a pause, he continued: "Our top priority is to leave Warnerheim and avoid the limelight of Asgard's search for criminals."

"No!" Ulic refused flatly, feeling a little excited, "Norenheim is the place where trolls originated and where the royal court resides. I am the king of trolls, and I must return to Nornheim!"

Harrokin frowned: "I have to remind you, Your Majesty Ulic, I rescued you from prison."

Ulic snorted: "As the king of trolls, I have to go back to Nornheim no matter what. If you can't agree, we have nothing to talk about. It's useless for you to save me!"

In a valley, the Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky, and Luo Wei appeared here.

There were also many people who came with him on the Rainbow Bridge, including Ander, Brunnok, Skorch, several Protoss paladins, and Thor and others, a total of about 300 people.

"According to the plan, we will act separately. If you encounter prisoners, arrest them as much as possible. You can also kill them on the spot if it is difficult to arrest them." Luo Wei instructed.

"If you find a dangerous prisoner, don't act without authorization, and immediately tell Heimdall."

"Yes!" The crowd responded, then divided into a dozen teams and left from all directions.

Luo Wei personally led the team with the smallest number of less than ten people, but the combat power was undoubtedly the strongest. In addition to him, Brunnok was also among them.

Thor and his two friends, Vorstager and Fandral, are also in this team.

"Let's go too, there is a group of prisoners across this valley," Rowe said.

Almost all the prisoners in Warnerheim Prison escaped, but most prisoners obviously did not have the ability to cover the all-seeing eye, and it was not difficult to find them. Therefore, shortly after the incident, Heimdall found out some prisoners. whereabouts.

According to Heimdall's instructions, Rowe hurried with a few people and arrived at the destination in a short time, where more than a dozen fugitives were hiding.

"Run!" The fugitive also found them, but it was too late.

Luo Wei took the first shot, opened the Eye of Reckoning and rushed forward with a lunge, released the holy light in his left hand, and punched a prisoner.

For these fugitives, Odin's order is to arrest as much as possible and reduce the killing.

Except for a few dangerous elements such as the troll king Ulik, most of the fugitives are not strong, and their fighting power is very limited with their bare hands. To avoid accidentally killing them, Rowe had to use his fists.



The prisoner who was hit by Luo Wei's fist suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and immediately passed out, unconscious.

Rowe turned around and chased the other prisoner, stunned with another punch.

After a while, more than a dozen prisoners were easily subdued by them, and only one was more difficult, and quickly escaped from Fandral's hands, and then fled into the distance.

Rowe looked at him and saw five layers of ripples clustered around his blood-red figure in Holy Light's field of vision.

Thor noticed the prisoner who had fled a bit, and immediately shouted, "Taste the power of thunder!"


Thunder was brewing in the sky, making a rumbling sound, and then a blue thunder and lightning fell from the sky, in the middle of the escaped prisoner.


Hearing a loud bang, the prisoner was blown to the ground in the thunder.

Thor smiled.

However, at this moment, after struggling for a few times, the prisoner got up from the ground and continued to flee to the distance.

Seeing this, Luo Wei hurriedly threw his right hand.

Immediately, the holy light and the firelight flashed together, and the Sulfuron Warhammer shot out with a fiery tail flame, looking like a missile, chasing behind the prisoner in a blink of an eye.


Holy light and flames erupted, and the **** figure of the prisoner in the eyes of reckoning also disappeared.

Luo Wei stretched out his hand to make a move, and a fiery flame immediately traced an arc in the sky, shot back quickly, and then transformed into a warhammer shape, which was firmly caught by his right hand.

Thor's eyes were immediately drawn to the Sulfuron Warhammer, and UU read blankly for a while.

The dark red hue, the blazing fire, the massive, powerful size, and the sharp barbs that could cut through anyone's skin without a doubt...

Thor looked down at his Meow Hammer, and then at the Sulfuron Warhammer in Rowe's hand. The long, thick, hot Sulfuron Warhammer seemed a bit complicated.

After gathering the subdued prisoners in one place, Rowe informed Heimdall: "Send these prisoners to Asgard."

The rainbow beam flashed by, and the prisoners disappeared along the rainbow bridge.

Rowe then continued to hunt down other prisoners, traveling around Warnerheim for two days and two nights, arresting most of the prisoners.

At noon that day, when Luo Wei was leading people to hunt him down, his expression suddenly changed, he turned his head to look, and saw that the venom had run out of the box.

"What's wrong?"

The venom attached to his skin, and then extended a tentacle, pointing in a certain direction behind him: "Go and look over there!"

Luo Wei was a little puzzled: "What?"

"Quick! He's leaving!" Venom seemed to be eager, and pointed his tentacles straight.

Rowe thought for a while and looked at Thor: "Your Highness, the prisoners to be arrested next are in certain danger. Don't act rashly when you arrive nearby. I'll leave for a while if I have something to do, and I'll be there later."

Thor smiled brightly: "Don't worry."