Chapter 408: 【Hogan】

est assured?

Although he had little contact with Thor, Rowe still knew Thor's character based on his past and present knowledge.

For now, at least, Thor remains one of the most unreliable adults in Asgard.

"Brunok, pay attention to protecting His Highness Thor." Rowe ordered.

"Yes." Several others replied.

Immediately, Luo Wei turned around and left, and flew away following the guidance of Venom.

"What exactly is there over there?" He couldn't help asking as he flew over.

"I'm not sure, but it seems to be another symbiote." Venom's voice was a little excited.

"Another symbiote!" Rowe exclaimed in surprise.

Venom: "It should be, but I haven't been in contact with the same kind for a long time, so I'm not sure if this feeling is true."

Under the guidance of Venom, Luo Wei quickly arrived at his destination, a field, and it was very empty, so the target was also quite eye-catching.

"Is that the horse?" Rowe looked at a wild horse running not far away.

Before Venom could speak, the wild horse stopped its hooves as if feeling it, and turned to look at it. The horse's face showed a look of human-like surprise.

"That's right, he's a symbiote!" Venom was very excited, and at the same time the tentacles extended longer, waving around.


When the wild horse saw this, he neighed and ran over quickly. At the same time, there were obvious symbiotic characteristics on his body, and some substances like asphalt rose and fell on the body surface.

After the wild horse ran over, he talked to Venom.

Generally speaking, the symbiote needs to use the host to speak, but obviously the symbiote and the symbiote do not need to communicate through speech. As the host of Venom, Rowe can also roughly understand the conversation between them.

"Are you also a symbiote?" The symbiote attached to the wild horse couldn't help but ask, in addition to surprises, there were more doubts.

After all, compared to ordinary symbiotes, Venom, which is deeply influenced by the Holy Light, has a strange image and many different characteristics.

Venom said: "Of course, my countrymen. If it wasn't for the symbiote, how could I speak the language of Kuntal."

"But how did you become like this..." The symbiote on Mustang remained puzzled.

"Because of my host." Venom said, "You should know who he is."

"I don't know." Mustang shook his head.

"..." The atmosphere was quiet for a while, and both Rowe and Venom felt embarrassed.

Venom: "The sun god, the sun **** of Asgard! This is Wanaheim, how come you don't even know the **** of Asgard?"

"Aesir!" The wild horse was moved.

Venom couldn't help but ask: "Isn't this the first time you have seen the Protoss?"

"Yes... In fact, I just came here recently." Mustang nodded.

"How did you come to Warnerheim?"

"Meteorite." Mustang said, "Some disasters occurred in our hometown Kuntar, and the earth was torn apart. Many symbiotes, including me, entered the starry sky with the thrown earth fragments and wandered in the universe. These fragments fell to the planet and became meteorites, and I fell to Warnerheim with a meteorite."

Venom said in surprise: "When did it happen? What happened to Kuntal?"

"I'm not sure how long it's been floating in the stars, it may be hundreds of years ago, it may be thousands of years ago. I also don't know what happened to Kuntal, because it came too suddenly, when I reacted, has inevitably been thrown into the stars."

After a pause, Mustang continued: "As for the fall in Wanaheim, it happened three years ago. I should be the only survivor on the meteorite."

Venom was silent for a long time.

Mustang said a few more words: "In the past three years, I have tried many times in Warnerheim, and finally found a suitable host, but unfortunately it is only a horse... How did you come here, and also found a strong The protoss as the host?"

Venom did not answer, but said, "If there is a spaceship, can you find the way back to Kuntal?"

"It should be possible," said Mustang.

Rowe then asked, "Eddie, are you going back to Kuntal?"

Venom was silent for a while: "Yes, it's been too long since I left my hometown. If possible, I hope to return with him."

Luo Wei nodded: "In that case, I will help you."

Over the years, Venom has helped him a lot, and now that Venom wants to return to his home planet Kuntar, he should not refuse because of reason.

In addition, Rowe has now awakened the second-order flame power, and created the Sulfuron Warhammer. He uses more and more flames, and the scenes where venom plays a role are correspondingly reduced, and it is not as important as before.

"Thank you... Rowe." Venom couldn't help saying.

Luo Wei: "Tell him, let him wait here, and when the pursuit of the criminal is over, I will help you return to your hometown."

"Okay." Venom told Mustang.

Then Luo Wei returned to the original road and continued to hunt down the fugitive.

On the way, he was actually a little worried, worried that Thor did not obey his instructions, but could not hold back and rashly shot at the fugitive.

But after arriving at the place, Rowe unexpectedly saw Thor and others standing still, and there were several more people in the team, including a black-haired youth with a chain hammer.

"HoganWhy are you here." Rowe recognized the black-haired young man as Hogan, the Prince of Warner Protoss.

"Lord Rowe." Hogan greeted respectfully. It was Rowe who rescued him as an infant from the trolls. "The Warner Protoss is also chasing the prisoner who escaped, and happened to meet His Highness Thor."

Luo Wei nodded: "In that case, let's clean up the fugitives here together."

"Okay." Hogan replied.

Tolton couldn't wait: "Finally, I have to clean up these guys, great!"

There are also more than a dozen fugitives hiding here, but the level of danger is much higher than before. In fact, they had successfully set up a magical barrier in the cave where they were hiding, blocking the sight of the All-Seeing Eye.

If it wasn't for someone going out, Heimdall might not have discovered their existence.

Luo Wei opened the Eye of Reckoning, his eyes burned with holy light, and led the crowd into the cave where the fugitives were hiding.

As he moved forward, he looked down consciously and saw that in the field of vision of the Eye of Reckoning, a blood-red figure was quietly rising from the ground, apparently preparing to launch a sneak attack on them.

While watching the figure approach, Rowe turned the Sulfuron Warhammer into a flame form, and then put it into his right arm.

With the entry of the flaming Saffron warhammer, the power of its right arm instantly increased several times, and it was extremely hot.

"Boom!" When the **** figure approached the ground, Luo Wei pointed like a knife, and his right arm slammed into the ground.