Chapter 409: 【Ulik of the Twilight】3 more


The hand-knife, which was no less strong than Uru Metal, easily penetrated the ground and headed straight for the figure lurking in the ground.


The figure seemed to be aware of it, and tried to escape, but he was still a step behind, and Luo Wei's hand knife hit Tianling Gai severely, and there was no sound.


Luo Wei pulled out his hand from the ground, and couldn't help nodding slightly, quite satisfied with the lethality of his unicorn arm.


It's a pity that it's a little uncomfortable. According to a doctor's intuition, Luo Wei judged that this state of the arm must have side effects and should not be abused.


Therefore, he released the Sulfuron Warhammer again, restoring it to the form of a warhammer and holding it in his hand.


At this moment, several blood-colored figures came into view of the Eye of Reckoning.


The fugitives hiding in this cave obviously sensed the existence of the intruder, and they all took action, killing Luo Wei and others from the depths of the dark cave.


Rowe's expression remained the same, the holy light on the Sulfuron's warhammer flashed and shot straight ahead.


Blind light!


The dazzling blinding light shot straight out, and the prisoners who rushed out from the depths of the cave were caught off guard and fell blind.


Immediately afterwards, Rowe swung the Sulfuron warhammer, rolled up raging flames, rushed towards the enemy, and swung the hammer.


Hammer of Blessing!


"Boom boom—"


In the narrow and deep cave, bursts of screams suddenly sounded.


Most of the fugitives hiding here were more dangerous fugitives. As a result of the battle, most of the fugitives were killed on the spot, and only a few were captured and sent back to Asgard by the Rainbow Bridge.


"Heimdall, how is the situation now?" After sending the fugitives away, Rowe asked Heimdall.


"Most of the fugitives have been resolved, and you shouldn't have to be busy until you find Ulic," Heimdall said.


Rowe: "Do you think you can find Ulic? Since Ulic's cell was destroyed from the outside, and the person who helped him escape, I am afraid that nine out of ten will let him leave Warnerheim as soon as possible."


"You're right." Heimdall was silent for half a second, "so if you haven't found Ulic's trace within three days, you can come back first."


Luo Wei nodded, then looked at the people beside him, and said slowly: "Everyone, most of the fugitives have been dealt with. Today we should be able to rest for a good night."


"I think we should prepare a barbecue." Brunnock suggested.


Vorstag immediately agreed, patted his chubby belly, and laughed, "Yes, that's a good idea!"


Rowe is naturally responsible for the barbecue. With the Sulfuron Warhammer, this process has become easier.


After the ingredients are prepared, he only needs to put the Sulfuron Warhammer on the ground, and the flames on it can quickly cook the meat. The fire is strong and smokeless.


At night, when everyone sat around eating barbecue, Vorstag ate almost five people's portion, and occasionally let Told eat more.


"Eat more, Thor. I can guarantee that the roasted meat of the sun **** is definitely one of the most delicious foods in the universe." Vorstag held a slick roasted leg of lamb.


"See the golden particles on it, it's the magic seasoning from the atrium, cumin!"


"No, I won't eat it again." Thor shook his head again and again, "Vorstag, I even suspect that you are trying to frame me and make me look like you. But you must know that as the son of Odin , I will never be tempted by food."


After the barbecue, people began to rest one after another during activities such as conversation, wiping weapons, and contemplation, becoming part of the quiet night.


Thor hesitated for a while, then came to Rowe's side and smiled shyly.


Rowe: "Is something wrong? Your Highness Thor."


"This, um, yes." Thor tried to organize his words, "I have a few questions about my sister. I know you are her lover, and I think you should know her well."


Due to the existence of Rowe, Hela did not embark on the road of mutiny, so although she has been missing for many years, she still has some sense of presence in Asgard.


Thor is already hundreds of years old, so he must have heard of it.


He continued: "I want to know, why did she leave Asgard?"


Luo Wei was silent for a moment, and finally only shook his head and said nothing.


Thor couldn't help but ask: "Why? I asked a lot of people, my father, my mother, my teacher... But no one was willing to tell me the specific reason and what happened in the first place."


Rowe had actually considered talking to Thor just now, but after thinking about it, he thought it would be fine. After all, there are a lot of questions that Thor must not understand, and he also has to consider Odin's thoughts.


In the end, he just patted Thor on the shoulder and said, "His Royal Highness Thor, the most important thing in life is to be happy."


"It's getting late, it's time to rest. Maybe we're going to arrest Ulic tomorrow." After saying that, Rowe turned around and left.




Rowe and the others stayed in Warnerheim for two more days. Since most of the fugitives had been captured or killed, they had a very relaxing two days.


In addition to rest, waiting for Heimdall's news about Ulic.


To their surprise, on the afternoon of the third day, news about Ulic, the king of trolls, came from Heimdall.


"...There are some magical barriers near the target, but it should be Ulic. I will send you there immediately." Heimdall's voice sounded in everyone's ears.


"Ulik, as the former king of the troll family, is old, but he can't be underestimated. You must be careful."


"Get ready, the Rainbow Bridge is about to open."


After Heimdall finished speaking, a rainbow beam of light descended from the sky and disappeared in a flash with Rowe and the others.


On the other side, Ulic, the king of trolls, and a few followers walked in the forest with a solemn expression.


"Your Majesty, I think we should still cooperate with that young man. After all, we have a common enemy, Asgard," said an old long-haired troll.


"That arrogant guy, a shameful traitor, uses us completely as tools, I will never cooperate with him!" Ulic snorted coldly.


"The secret underground fortress I once built is not far from here. As long as you are careful, you should be able to reach it within two days."


"Then we can return to Nornheim through the spaceship of the fortress." Having said this, Ulic couldn't help sighing, "Nornheim..."


However, at this moment, a rainbow beam of light descended from the sky and landed on the open space not far away, making a loud noise: "Boom—"


"It's the Rainbow Bridge..." The old long-haired troll said with a pale face and a trembling voice.


Looking at the rainbow bridge falling from the sky, not only Ulic's entourage, but Ulic himself also had a very ugly face, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.


The beam of light dissipated, and figures of Rowe, Thor, and others appeared one after another.


Rowe held the Saffron warhammer and looked at Ulic, the king of trolls not far away. At the same time, the image of Ulic in the past appeared in his mind Long-lived and strong high-level races generally have A characteristic is that the period of aging is always sudden and short.


For example, Odin was originally a middle-aged man with black hair and full of energy, but after Hela ran away, he became an old man with gray hair in a blink of an eye.


Generally speaking, this also means that there are only a few hundred years left in life.


Ulic apparently did too.


In Rowe's impression, hundreds of years ago, Ulic was still the fierce and powerful king of trolls, but looking at it now, he has a kind of "shriveled" feeling.


His head is full of white hair, and his face is also covered with wrinkles and age spots.


Of course, even in his twilight years, Ulic, who is a third-order divine power, obviously cannot be reduced to "vulnerable".


In the sight of Luo Wei's Eye of Reckoning, the former king of trolls still has a super powerful strength.