Chapter 410: 【Suppress Ulic】

() Under this slash, Rao is Ulic's flesh and blood as firm as a diamond, and his arms also splashed with blood instantly.

"Your Majesty!" The other trolls rushed forward, and Thor and the others also moved.

Thor held Miaolnir high, and the thunder light on the warhammer exploded, followed by dark clouds in the sky, and the thunder rumbled.

When the troll old man with long hair saw it, he pushed up with his hands together, condensing a lavender magic circle.

At this moment, Brunnock threw a backhand, and the shield of the dragon man shot out.

Along the beautiful arc, the dragon's shield hit the troll old man's chest hard, knocking it to the ground, and the magic circle deflected.


Immediately afterwards, the thunder pulled by Thor fell from the sky and hit the old troll.

Overwhelmed by the dazzling lightning, the old troll screamed and smoked, and quickly raised the magic circle again to block the subsequent lightning strikes.

However, Fandral waved his sword again, and before the old troll could react, the sharp long sword cut off his head in one fell swoop, and the blood column rose into the sky.

Although Ulic's followers were fairly capable, they were basically unarmed because they had just left the prison, and their numbers were at a disadvantage. In the face of Thor and the others' attacks, they were naturally unable to withstand the attack, and they fell into the disadvantage when they met face to face.

On the other hand, Ulic was shocked by the power of Rowe's slash. He looked at Rowe's burning thick right arm, and clearly felt an incomparably hot power from it.

Luo Wei was also a little surprised, thinking that Ulic was worthy of being the king of trolls, a being who had awakened his divine power three times.

With his powerful flesh and blood, the wounds on Ulic's arm recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, he threw a heavy punch with his backhand, and the giant fist the size of a human head rolled a violent sonic boom, like a meteorite, heading straight for Luo Wei's face.

Luo Wei was already prepared, the golden light in his left hand was released, and the shield of holy light was condensed in an instant.

"Boom!" The next moment Ulic hit with a heavy punch, and the Holy Light shield burst into cracks.

Rowe flew out upside down, quickly balanced his body in the air, then turned around and faced Ulic again.

The two of you came and went, fighting fiercely, dozens of times in a blink of an eye.

Although Ulic is the king of trolls, after all, he is seriously aging and bare-handed. Therefore, in the confrontation of these dozens of tricks, he is faintly at a disadvantage, and he is always suppressed by Luo Wei, who is wielding the demon sword in his unicorn arm.

Outside of them, the battle situation changes extremely rapidly.

Facing the siege of more than a dozen Asgardian elite warriors, Ulic's subordinates could not compete effectively at all, and soon only two of them were left to persevere, and then one was killed by Thor in a blink of an eye.

After finishing the enemy, Thor changed his target, waving Mjolnir in his hand and heading straight for Ulic.

"Son of Odin!" Ulic had never seen Thor before, but he recognized his identity at a glance, and his pupils shrank.

Seeing him rushing up, Ulic, who was fighting with Rowe, turned his direction immediately, with five fingers, and a huge palm trying to grab Thor.

At this moment, Brunnock pointed a finger, and the hand of reckoning hit Ulic, causing his movements to stagnate for a moment, and his eyes flashed with horror and anger.

It was this stagnant effort that Miaolnir in Thor's hands was unobstructed, and hit Ulic **** the face, making a loud "clang" sound, and at the same time, the dazzling thunder suddenly burst out.

Being hit by Mauernier in the face, Ulic staggered abruptly and stepped back.

The look of anger on his face has not faded, and his eyes can't help looking at Brunnock, obviously he has not forgotten the experience brought to him by the hand of reckoning just now.

The golden rainbow flashed, and Luo Wei appeared behind him, his fiery right arm still clenching the Demon Slayer Sword, slashing at the back of his neck with tyrannical force.

Ulic hurriedly dodged, and he was about to avoid the key point and was hacked near his chest.

As soon as he avoided the sword, he heard a whistling, and then a huge figure fell from the sky, but it was Vorstag.

It was difficult for Ulic to understand the fat man's flight path, but that didn't stop him from being smashed by his astonishing weight and nearly flying out, and he finally stood up after a few steps.

Then Thor and Hogan's hammers came one after another, and the other people's attacks did not fall. After solving Ulic's entourage, more than a dozen people stepped forward to besiege Ulic.

In the face of such a dense siege, Ulic was beaten and retreated in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the opportunity, Luo Wei swung the Demon Slayer Sword with his right arm, slashing at the joint of his shoulder with a tyrannical force.


With a crisp sound, the Demon Slaying Sword instantly cut into the flesh and continued to penetrate, until it reached the weak joints of the bones.

Feeling the rush of the blade in the flesh and blood, Ulic was shocked, and hurriedly dodged and broke free. Naturally, others would not give him a chance.

Thor's Mjolnir hit him on the forehead again, and Fandral's sharp sword was even more cunning, attacking his crotch, making him dazed.

In the end, Rowe's blade twisted, and Ulic's left arm flew out as blood spattered.


With an arm chopped off, Ulic couldn't help screaming.

Luo Wei was in hot pursuit, but during the pursuit, his expression changed slightly, but the swelling in his right arm suddenly intensified.

He didn't know the reason, but when he was about to release the Sulfuron Warhammer, he held the sword in one hand and the hammer in the other.

Hammer of Justice!


Flames bloomed under the warhammer, and Ulic was blasted and flew out, smashing the boulder behind him.

When he wanted to get up again, Thor came over and threw his backhand, Mjolnir hit his chest, and then suppressed him to the ground.

Ulic reached for the handle of Mjolnir's hammer and tried to pull it up several times.

Contrary to Rowe's expectations, although Ulic was not able to lift Maulnir in the end, it also caused the warhammer to vibrate significantly, and the thunder beat and rumbled on it.

Obviously, in the face of relatively powerful forces, Miaolnir is not unshakable.

"Don't make meaningless struggles." Rowe stepped forward and stabbed the Demon Slayer Sword into Ulic's chest, causing him to stop in severe pain, and was pinned to the spot panting.

Looking at the dozen Asgardians surrounding him, Ulic gritted his teeth.

The Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky again, and after the colorful light dissipated, Odin appeared in everyone's sight.

"Your Majesty Odin." Everyone saluted.

Odin nodded slightly, then turned to look at Ulic, "Ulic."

Ulic gasped heavily, looking directly at Odin.

Looking at Ulic, who was older than himself, Odin sighed with emotion. "Actually, it is a good choice for you to stay in Warnerheim. I don't want to kill anyone now."