Chapter 411: 【Venom in strange clothes】

"Odin, you have slaughtered countless races and occupied countless territories, it is these that make you sit in the seat of the Lord of the Nine Realms, but now you are putting on a hypocritical attitude, do you think this can show your kindness? ?" Ulic stared at his bell-like eyes, and the undulating chest made blood gushing out of the wound, and soon his whole body was stained with blood.

Odin paced a few steps: "Maybe you don't understand. But after so many battles, I understand the meaning of peace better than anyone."

"The meaning of peace?" Ulic interrupted. "So you slaughtered the trolls in Nornheim like this?"

Odin's tone was stagnant: "I didn't slaughter the trolls in Nornheim... that was Karnira's unauthorized action."

Ulic looked at him mockingly, but said nothing. In fact, Ulic didn't have the strength to speak anymore. The Demon Slaying Sword was stuck in his chest, causing his wounds to never heal, tearing repeatedly with his violent gasps.

After a while, Odin said again, "I still won't kill you, Ulic, spend your last years in peace at Warnerheim."

Ulic's eyes flashed with determination, gritted his teeth and said, "I said, I will not be your prisoner again!"

Before he finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed the Demon Slayer Sword, pulling the blade into his heart.

Odin's expression changed.

"The Ragnarok will judge everything, including you, Odin..." Ulic gushed blood as he spoke, and the bright red blood flowed all the way to the pale hair, and then to the soil, where it merged into several thin streaks. flow.

The power of flesh and blood made Ulic's death process much slower than other creatures. In fact, if the Demon Slayer Sword had not been stuck in his heart, the injury would not have killed him at all.

But Odin didn't stop it in the end, and let Ulic make it on his own.

As Ulic's blood seeped into the soil, dyeing the surrounding ground a dark red, the former troll king finally came to an end.

"Thank you for your hard work." Odin looked at everyone, then stopped at Rowe, and patted him on the shoulder, "Well done, Rowe."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Rowe bowed and responded politely.

Odin casually pointed at the Sulfuron Warhammer in his hand: "Is this made by Aitri?"


Odin stared at the Sulfuron Warhammer for a moment, and finally nodded slightly, without saying much: "I can feel the fiery power in it, it suits you very well."

After Ulic's escape was over, Rowe found the symbiote that had been possessed by the Mustang before, and took it to Kuntar, the home planet of all symbiotes.

Since the Droplet spacecraft was still undergoing deep transformation from Aitri in Nidavi, Rowe had to contact the interstellar merchant and bought a small spacecraft made by the Skrulls.

For the Asgardians, this kind of small spaceship is very cheap. With the prominent status of the Protoss, Rowe bought the spaceship from the Skrull Empire, even cheaper than the Skrulls themselves.

After buying the spaceship, Rowe took the two symbiotes and started the journey to Kuntar Star.

on the ship.

"Mustang, are you sure you remember the route to Kuntar?" Rowe asked.

The symbiote attached to the Mustang has his own name, but since Rowe started to call it that, it has always been called that way.

This name is not only due to habit, but also because the names of symbiotes are mostly weird, which are quite different from the naming conventions of most languages, and are somewhat awkward.

"Of course." Mustang said, "Although symbiotes don't look like normal creatures to you aliens, we are actually a powerful civilization with a lot of knowledge about the stars."

"In the process of interstellar wandering, I deliberately recorded most of the pulsars along the way. According to the star map, it is not difficult to deduce the original route."

Luo Wei nodded, then called up the star map from the spacecraft's system, and identified each pulsar with the Mustang, and restored the route of the Kuntar meteorite.

Pulsars, also known as neutron stars, are widely used as beacons for interstellar navigation due to their conspicuous brightness.

Although Mustang said it easily, the restoration process is still a bit troublesome, mainly because his memory is not accurate and there are some deviations.

During the restoration route, Venom came up to interject, and said to the wild horse with great interest: "Do you want to be like me?"

"What?" Mustang wondered.

"Like me." Venom wriggled triumphantly, like a golden snot hanging in the wind.

"..." Mustang was silent for a while.

The current appearance of Venom is not only very strange in the eyes of humans, but also very strange in the eyes of the symbiote. It is no wonder that Mustang has just begun to doubt his identity.

"How on earth did you become like this?" Mustang asked.

Venom: "The power of the Holy Light. As long as you accept the baptism of the Holy Light, you can become just like me."

"Holy Light?"

"A powerful and sacred magical energy. As long as it is not as dark as a demon, any creature can be transformed by the Holy Light to become stronger and stronger-willed." Venom said, preaching to his compatriots, " Believe in the Light, my friend...the Light will protect you."

"No." But Mustang didn't think much about it, and decisively refused.

"Why?" Venom was taken aback.

"You look so different now," Mustang said. "Trust me, there won't be a symbiote that likes you...especially the elderly, who will think that your fancy clothes will teach the stars of Kuntar bad. kid."

"Nonsense! How can this be a fancy dress!" Venom jumped excitedly, "I am now a lightcast symbiote stronger than before, and even less afraid of fire!"

"You're not afraid of fire?" Ye Ma was a little shocked when he heard it.

"God, I thought you just changed your appearance, but I didn't expect you to... Sure enough, the world outside Kuntar is full of temptations." His tone was full of regret.

Rowe drove the spaceship, shuttled in the endless galaxy, sometimes jumping in time and space, sometimes adjusting the route, and approaching the legendary Kuntal star with some twists and turns.

"Is Kuntar in a very remote place?"

"It can be said that. But the reason why the outside world doesn't know us is mainly because we are relatively closed, and we are not willing to communicate with the outside world." Mustang said.

Rowe nodded, turned the spacecraft, and headed for a planet not far away, where he was going to refuel before moving on.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, and said in surprise, "This is..."