Chapter 412: 【Hella News】

Outside the spaceship window, is another spaceship.

The shape of this spaceship is very familiar to Luo Wei. He almost immediately recalled that the shape of this spaceship is clearly the standard of the Asa Corps!

Rowe was naturally impressed by the Asa Corps of Saka, who built their spaceships with metal parts created by Hela.

This ship, which is suspected to belong to the Asa Corps, should have just finished refueling on a nearby planet, and is slowly accelerating to leave.

Luo Wei quickly turned around and drove towards the other side at full speed.

After a while, he chased after him, then went straight out of the cabin and flew to the front of the opponent's spaceship, forcing him to open the hatch to let him in.

"Who are you?" The crew on the spacecraft were very alert and full of fear. They could clearly see the scene of Luo Wei just walking in space physically and knew that he was not an ordinary creature.

Rowe looked at these crew members and found that there were actually many Saka people among them. He couldn't help being a little excited at the moment, and quickly asked: "Are you the Asa Legion of Saka Star?"

The crew members were stunned when they heard it, looked at each other, and finally someone asked, "How do you know?"

"Hella is in Saka Star?" Rowe stepped in front of him and asked again hastily.

"Yes..." The other party was taken aback and couldn't help but take two steps back, "Do you know our Queen?"

After receiving a confirmed answer, Luo Wei stood there and blinked dazedly.

Hela actually went to Saka Star!

It's not that Rowe didn't consider the possibility, but he ultimately rejected the option.

After all, Saka Star is not a good place, a super garbage dump, and the time flow is abnormal, Hela seems to have no reason to go back there.

And the more critical problem is that Luo Wei can't find the space channel connecting Saka star.

The space channel where he fell into Saka at the beginning has long since disappeared. As for the Devil's P-Eye, it seems to be a one-way channel, and there is no stable and specific entrance and exit in the outside world.

Unexpectedly, Hela disappeared for hundreds of years and went to this neglected place. No wonder Heimdall's all-seeing eye has never been found.

"How has Hela been in Saka during this time? I mean the time since she returned to Saka until now." Rowe continued to ask.

"This..." The crew didn't know how to answer, "Of course Her Majesty is very good. Decades ago - according to the time of Saka Star, Her Majesty returned to Saka from the outside world and became the leader of the Asa Legion again. Then, under her leadership, the people of Saka overthrew Gao Tianzun's cruel rule..."

While listening to his narration, Rowe nodded slowly: "Why did you leave Saka Star?"

"We are responsible for collecting information from the outside world. Saka Star is severely isolated from the outside world. We must send a special fleet to travel through the wormhole to learn about the outside world," the other party said.

"So, do you have a way to enter Saka Star?"

"Of course."

Luo Wei thought for a moment, and then said decisively: "I am with you."


Without waiting for them to say anything, Luo Wei said, "You guys wait here first, I'll be right back."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and returned to his spaceship, calling two symbiotes: "Can you guys go back to Kuntar Star by yourself?"

"Theoretically yes," Mustang said. "Although I look like a horse now, I still have the ability to fly a ship."

Venom was a little puzzled: "What's the matter, don't you want to go to Kuntar Star to see it?"

"Yes, but now I have more important things and can't be with you," Rowe said.

Venom was silent for a while: "Okay."

"Eddie, I believe we will meet again." Rowe patted Venom, then left and returned to the Asa Legion's spaceship.

Looking at Rowe who was leaving, Mustang heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately this guy is gone, otherwise we will return to Kuntar with an alien, but we can't explain to our compatriots... Hey, man, what are you doing? already?"

He looked at Venom suspiciously.

Venom squirmed to the porthole of the spaceship at this time, silently looking at the scene outside the window-the spaceship that was gradually disappearing into the vast starry sky.

"You won't miss that guy, you know, he made you this ugly." Mustang poked Venom.

"Missing? Do you think I'm a child!" Venom jumped up excitedly, and then resolutely left the porthole.

The wild horse shook his mane indifferently, and came to the driver's seat, while operating the console clumsily with his horse's hoof, while rambled: "Let's go home quickly, I don't know how many years have passed, Kuntar Star What did it look like. By the way, do you remember the riot, he..."

Venom didn't pay attention to what the Mustang said, and glanced out the window secretly, but the spaceship that Rowe was on had long gone, completely disappeared in the boundless starry sky...


Kama Taj.

Nierdi sat in her room, lightly twisting a strand of snow-white hair in her hand, it was her hair.

Although she is already the most powerful magician in the history of the Supreme Sanctuary, the most powerful human being in the world, and the existence of gods on earth. But her body is still a human mortal body, and a few decades are enough to make her old and become a weak old man.

In fact, she was very old, her hair was white and her skin was wrinkled.

It is foreseeable that soon, like all human beings, she will enter the end of her life in the ever-increasing aging, and eventually turn into a loess.

Nielty's heart was full of tangle.

She wants to prolong her life, and she has this ability, but she is worried that this behavior that violates the laws of nature will bring unforeseen consequences.

After all, the Supreme Masters of all dynasties have chosen to die like ordinary people, including the first-generation Supreme Master Agamato. Reverence for the laws of nature is deeply attached to every line of incantation by the mages.

To continue, or not to continue?

Looking at the snow-white hair in her hand, Nierdi's face was hesitant, she sat quietly for a long time, and finally made up her mind - she decided to let herself live longer.

Nierdi picked up a book, "The Book of Cagliostro."

This ancient magic book details everything about time magic, as well as a dimensional demon beyond time, Dormammu, the Lord of Darkness with endless magical power.

After turning the "Book of Cagliostro" to a certain page, Nierdi took a deep breath and began to whisper according to the above description.

A wonderful and long incantation came out of her mouth, as if passing through endless time and space, rushing towards some indescribable dark realm.

With his repeated whispers, an evil consciousness was finally awakened, and a reply came from the extremely distant darkness: "Who is calling me, who is calling the darkness?"