Chapter 413: 【Dormammu who was pitted】

Nierdi clearly felt the evil and power of this distant will, which made her hesitate for a moment, but finally said: "Dormammu, Lord of Darkness, I am calling you, your humble believer, Neil. Tee."

"The Mage of the Supreme Sanctuary?" Dormammu quickly realized her identity, with anger in his voice, "It was you last time, destroying one of my clones!"

Nierdi said humbly: "Obviously, that's because we didn't understand your greatness. I hope you can understand the ignorance of human beings, after all, you are the master of the dark dimension, one of the most powerful gods in the multiverse, and we It's just the small creatures that are crowded around the earth, and the narrow vision makes it difficult for us to perceive your glory..."

Listening to her series of praises, Dormammu's anger subsided: "So, you have realized how arrogant your actions were now?"

"Yes," said Nielty, "of course, I am the only one who understands this. Most of the human beings in this world, still blinded by their arrogance, turn a blind eye to you, the great Lord of Darkness, Dormammu. "

Dormammu was silent for a while, as if looking at her, and said after a while: "Indeed, compared to ordinary mortals, you have a much stronger power, on this mediocre planet, you may be the most powerful and The existence of wisdom."

"In front of the great Lord of Darkness, everything I have is insignificant." Nierdi seemed to be a devout believer of darkness, his voice trembling just right.

Dormammu applauded: "To the ant, self-knowledge is transcendent wisdom. I admire you, mortal."

Nierdi sighed, and then continued: "But sadly, other people don't understand me. I tell them your greatness, but they scoff at me, and even regard me as a lunatic..."

"Supreme Lord of Darkness, Lord Dormammu, this mediocre and ignorant world desperately needs your enlightenment. Please come to our world, and let the humble earth become part of the dark dimension!"

Dormammu has been coveting the earth for a long time, so he naturally said: "I also have this plan, but your ancestor, the stubborn mage named Agamotto, used the power of the earth to design a huge magic circle, With the existence of this magic circle, even I cannot enter the earth for a while."

"If you want me to come to Earth, you must first destroy this magic circle. Can you do it?"

"Of course. The great Lord of Darkness, I believe you will be here soon," Nierdi said.

Dormammu smiled and said, "Very well, go ahead and destroy the guardian circle. When the earth merges into the dark world, Nierdi, you will also transcend the boundaries of mortals and become my closest servant."

Nielti got up immediately, walked around the temple, and came to a more secret room after a while. The walls here were sketched with many complicated patterns and symbols.

She crossed her hands, and two golden-red magic fans instantly formed, and then shot out from her hands.


The wall was hit by the magic fan, and immediately burst several large cracks, and the magic symbols on it were also torn apart.

Then she summoned again: "Lord Dormammu, I have destroyed the core node of the guardian circle, and now you can come."

"Hahaha, very good!" Dormammu laughed.

At the same time, the huge energy penetrated the dimension, entered the earth from the dark dimension, and quickly condensed in this room.

In a short while, a figure of Ziyouyou exuding amazing evil gradually took shape and appeared in front of Nierdi.

"This beautiful planet finally belongs to me now, hahaha!" Dormammu said involuntarily, looking around.

His body size continued to increase, and in a blink of an eye, he exceeded the size of ordinary people, and his body also exuded more and more intense black magic energy.

"Nierdi, what did you do... wait, what's in your hand?" Dormammu was about to say a few words to Nierdi, when suddenly his eyes narrowed, looking at the thing in her hand.

However, when she saw that an eye-shaped instrument appeared in Nierdi's hand at some point, she saw her hands on both sides of the instrument, and her eyes opened immediately, revealing an emerald gemstone embedded in it.

The Eye of Agamotto!

The Eye of Agamotto burst out with green light, and an indescribable and unstoppable force poured out from it and swept across the room in an instant.

As this force swept across, the previously destroyed magic circle seemed to be turned upside down, and quickly returned to its original state.

As soon as the magic circle was repaired, the room was filled with light, and the guardian circle was instantly activated.

At this time, Dormammu is still in the process of entering the earth. Some of his body or power has entered the real world, and most of his body is still in the dark dimension.

The sudden opening of the guardian circle, like a sharp sword, severely cut off the connection between the real world and the dark dimension, and also divided the complete Dormammu in two.

"Ah!" Separated from the whole of the dark dimension, the Dormammu clone here suddenly screamed, and the size stopped growing.

Immediately, the magic chains shot out from Nierdi's hands, instantly binding him layer by layer and wrapping him into a zongzi.

Nierdi smiled slightly: "I didn't expect the great Lord of Darkness, Dormammu, to be so easily fooled."

Dormammu's clone was shocked and angry: "You lied to me!"

Dark energy surged up in him, trying to tear Nierdi's magical chains, but to no avail, he was still bound tightly.

"Don't waste your energy, Dormammu." Nierdi dragged him in front of him, "Your current avatar is about one-thousandth of the power of your body."

Looking at Nierdi's expression as if he was looking at his prey, Dormammu's clone was a little scared: "You... what are you going to do!"

"Of course I get your power Nierdi looked at him," The power of one thousandth of the Lord of Darkness is enough to do a lot of things. "

Before he finished speaking, the layers of magic chains that bound Dormammu's clone turned, as if forming a meat grinder, twisting him repeatedly.

"No—" Dormammu's clone growled in despair.

Soon, under the grinding of the chains, his body and consciousness collapsed, turning into a mass of pure magical energy, suspended in mid-air.

Looking at this pure, evil and wonderful magical energy, Nierdi hesitated for a moment, then gently waved.

The magical energy floated in front of her, and then turned into strands, blending into her body from all directions.

With the integration of this energy, the traces of the years on her body were quickly wiped away, and the wrinkles faded like a tide.

In a short while, Nielty regained her youth, and from old age, she became a young woman again, but her hair was inexplicably lost.