Chapter 414: 【The pain of aging】

Feeling the long-lost youth, Nierdi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and smiled, feeling that it was the right choice to continue his life.

Just when she was feeling the joy of returning to her youth, a hunched figure came in from outside.

"Squeak..." The figure's slow push on the door made a series of sounds from the wooden door.

Kalulu was also very old. He was leaning on a cane in his hand. His hunched and thin body trembled slightly as he walked.

After entering the room, he squinted his eyes and looked at Nierdi carefully for a while, and then said in disbelief, "Ni... Nierti?"

"It's me, Kalulu." Nierdi's smile was a little stiff.

Kalulu was stunned for a moment, then became emotional, walked to her with a cane, and scolded with a trembling voice: "You broke the laws of nature! You greedy woman, for your own life, you turned your back on her. Let the mages abide by the law of the millennium! Acting time magic, this will threaten the safety of the entire universe."

"I didn't use time magic to prolong my life." Nierdi defended, "I used the energy of the dark dimension."

"Dark dimension!" Kalulu was still emotional, "Isn't communicating the dark dimension a threat to the order of the universe? You let the evil beings in the dark world discover the earth, and the earth will be destroyed sooner or later!"

Nielty: "Dormammu discovered Earth long ago and coveted it for a long time. It was the age of Agamotto, and I was just taking advantage of Dormammu's existing greed."

"Stupid! Arrogant!" Kalulu obviously couldn't argue with Nierdi, but he didn't show weakness, "Those who set foot in the dark will not end well. If you do this, one day you will fall into loss!"

Nierdi sighed: "There is no good or evil in power, Kalulu."

"Of course there is good and evil in power!" Kalulu said, then turned around angrily, "I won't be as degenerate and cowardly as you, meddle in the darkness, and shamefully continue my life!"

After speaking, he left the room without looking back, and slammed the door hard, trying to express his inner anger.

It's just that due to his old age and frailty, even though he tried his best, he was able to close the door, and he didn't make the expected crashing sound.

Nierdi sighed and shook his head gently...

Late at night a few days later.

"Ah—" Kalulu, who was asleep on the bed, seemed to have had a nightmare, and suddenly cried out in pain and opened his eyes.

His body was shaking violently, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he seemed to be suffering from some kind of huge pain.

In fact, Kalulu is suffering from the greatest ailment of mankind - aging.

This half-sliced ​​aging body has no vitality at all. It is like a rusted machine with parts falling off, wandering on the edge of collapse, and may stop running at any time.

As an outstanding magician, Kalulu has a keen perception, and he can clearly feel the various changes in his body.

At this moment, he was lying on the bed with stiff pain, difficulty breathing, and weak energy. In his perception, all his flesh and blood were struggling on the edge of the death quagmire.

die old...

Kalulu knew exactly what kind of situation his body was heading for.

So for a while, the fear of death came like a tide, making him tremble more and more violently.

Am I dying of old age? Standing on the brink of death, Kalulu finally understood how painful death is.

Fortunately, Death did not choose to take him away tonight.

After a while, Kalulu's breathing stabilized, and the severe pain of aging was relieved a lot, so that he could get up from the bed and drink a cup of tea to calm down.

With a teacup in his hand, Kalulu still had a little cold sweat on his forehead.

For a moment just now, he even felt that death had put his hand on his shoulder and was asking his name and last words with great interest.

too frightening……

Kalulu shook his head, trying to make himself forget the experience just now.

But then, the figure of Nierdi appeared in his mind, the figure who had returned to youth, with light steps and a smile on his face.

He couldn't help but start to recall and reverie, what can young people do?

Young people can run and jump with a strong body, tear food with strong teeth, and flow out all kinds of wonderful bodily fluids with their plump skin...

In contrast, the old man's body is like a pile of dead wood, shriveled, fragile, and tasteless.

In this kind of thinking, Kalulu quickly thought: maybe he should continue his life, just like Nierdi?

He was hesitant, and the main reason for his hesitation was his repeated rhetoric in front of Nierdi.

A few days ago, he also swore that even if he died, he would not continue his life, nor would he touch the darkness.

However, in matters of life and death, mere face is nothing.

The fear of death just now still flooded his heart like a tide from time to time, so Kalulu's hesitation did not last long, and he soon made up his mind.

I want to live too!

Thinking of this, he immediately opened a small portal to the library, and stretched out his hand to get a thick magical tome, "Dark God Book".

The magic of the Sanctuary is generally divided into three parts, white magic, black magic, and time magic.

Time magic is the most feasible and easiest way to continue life. As long as you can mobilize the Eye of Agamotto, you can easily rejuvenate yourself.

But this is also the most taboo choice. The mages know very well that time is a law that involves the fundamental order of the universe, and no one knows what consequences will be caused by manipulating time.

Among the white magic, there is very little discussion about the continuation of life. After all, this is a behavior that violates the laws of nature There is more research in this area in the black magic. This is indeed the case, so if he wants to continue his life, Kalulu must start with black magic.

There are not many black magic books in the Supreme Sanctuary. It can even be said that there is only one "Dark God Book". It is said that this book contains all the black magic in the world, and all the black magic originated from this ancient book.

Kalulu used to be reluctant to get his hands on this book, but after all, his life was the most important thing. He was about to enter the ground, and his face and integrity flew out of the sky overnight.

The Book of the Dark God was sealed, but he witnessed the sealing process of Nierdi with his own eyes, and it was not difficult to untie it.

After unlocking the seal, Kalulu impatiently opened the unpredictable black magic tome.

"Ah, this is..."

As soon as he turned the first page, he was surprised and obsessed, his eyes were blurred on the desk and he looked fascinated.