Chapter 415: 【Degenerate】

Stress can always make people burst into extraordinary potential, and the pressure of survival is naturally even more so.

Under the threat of aging and death, Kalulu devotes himself to the study of the "Dark God Book", and his black magic attains a thousand miles and advances rapidly.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with his past accumulation. Although Kalulu is not conspicuous under the illumination of Nierdi, a magical genius that has been rare in a thousand years, if compared with ordinary mages, he is still regarded as an outstanding talent, and his life-long accumulation is not trivial. Aside from Nielty, Kalulu is pretty much the best magician on the planet.

A few days later, Kalulu already understood the life extension method Nielti used.

"Dormammu..." He closed the book of the dark gods and murmured the name of the demon **** that symbolized darkness.

As the lord of the dark dimension, Dormammu possesses a very high level of magical energy, or in other words, he himself is a high-level magical energy body.

If you can absorb the power of Dormammu and use it to transform yourself, you will not only have no difficulty in continuing your life, but you can also understand magic at a higher level.

As for the method of absorbing, it is nothing more than using the guardian circle to cut off a Dormammu clone during the process of Dormammu entering the earth, and then absorb the clone.

It's easy to say, but it's clearly not the case.

Dormammu has just been tricked by Nielti once. Counting the one that happened to Cagliostro more than a thousand years ago, the Lord of Darkness has already suffered two losses in the guardian circle. Impossible.

Thinking of this, Kalulu couldn't help but feel remorse in his heart, and even couldn't help but slap himself lightly.

Why were you so stubborn in the first place? Why are there so many inexplicable persistence?

If I hadn't disliked black magic back then, and finally, together with Nierti, intercepted energy from Dormammu, I wouldn't have to suffer from the pain of aging anymore, wouldn't it be beautiful to live a long and young life and do whatever I want?

In addition to remorse, he couldn't help but feel jealous. The more he thought about Nierdi's return to youth, the more unbalanced his heart became.

These fermenting emotions gradually destroyed Kalulu's concerns and made him start to consider some dangerous choices.

Maybe try the Eye of Agamotto for yourself?

The Eye of Agamotto can rejuvenate people, there is no doubt about that.

It's just that after the first generation of Supreme Mage, for thousands of years, mages have rarely used the Eye of Agamotto, occasionally using it, and using it on dead objects in a small area.

The use of the Eye of Agamotto on a living being, such a big death, happened only once in the historical records of the Supreme Sanctuary, and it caused quite serious consequences, which directly led to the death of that generation of Supreme Mage.

Kalulu hesitated for a long time, but in the end he believed what he wanted to believe and was defeated by luck.

Just be careful, it shouldn't be a big problem...

He immediately got up and went to the room where the Eye of Agamotto was stored.

The Eye of Agamotto was quietly placed on the stone platform, and Kalulu stared at this ancient magic weapon, and immediately cast a spell with both hands, dispelling the magic circle around the stone platform.

After the magic circle protecting the magic weapon was lifted, he reached out and tried to pick up the Eye of Agamotto.

"Ah!" However, as soon as he touched it, Kalulu seemed to have touched boiling water, screaming in pain and withdrawing his hand like lightning.

There is also a layer of incantation on the instrument!

He reacted immediately, and at this moment, a portal opened in the room, and Nierdi walked out.

"Kalulu, what are you doing!" Her expression changed.

Kalulu hesitated for a moment, then he gritted his teeth, reached out and threw a magic whip, wrapped around the Eye of Agamotto and tried to escape.

However, regardless of his magic level or reaction speed, he was not as good as the Supreme Mage Nierdi, who had returned to his youthful state.

Just as he was about to open the portal to escape, Nierdi waved his hand, and the surrounding space distorted, causing him to roll over and fall to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"Ah..." Kalulu twisted his waist, lying on the ground and moaning, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Nielti snatched the Eye of Agamotto from his hand, then looked down at him: "Do you want to use the Eye of Agamotto to prolong your life?"

Kalulu bowed his head and panted, and was caught by Nielti. The strong sense of humiliation made him speechless, and of course, there was even more intense physical pain.

Nierdi said angrily: "Don't you know the consequences of using the Eye of Agamotto on a living being? I have studied time magic for decades, and I dare not use this method to prolong my life, not to mention that you are not proficient in time magic at all. !"

Kalulu was finally able to get up from the ground at this time, but still holding his waist, he panted and said: "I have no better way than the Eye of Agamotto! The way to use Dormammu has been blocked by you. If he is dead, he will definitely not be fooled again!"

Nierdi: "I have taught you about black magic hundreds of times, but you chose to refuse without exception... It wasn't me, it was you who blocked your way."

Kalulu gasped more and more violently, his face flushed red, and his voice was excited: "It's you! You didn't tell me beforehand, you extended your life for yourself, and finally left me with nowhere to go!"

Nierdi was silent for a moment: "I just didn't think that your insistence turned out to be fake."

Kalulu shivered all over by this sentence, his wrinkled face twitched, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

He shuddered and nearly fell to the ground again, but Nierdi held it up in time.

"Go away!" Kalulu angrily got rid of Nierdi's supporting hand, then leaned on crutches, opened the portal and left here.

He teleported himself to a desert, not because he did it on purpose, but because of a teleportation error.

The fragile body that was devoured by aging, and the excited and chaotic emotions made him unable to maintain the stability of spellcasting.

It's desolate and hot here It made Kalu Road, which was already exhausted, even more fragile and painful. After walking a few steps, it collapsed in the desert, panting weakly.

Death was approaching him again, and with more ferocity.

Kalulu realized that today is probably his own death.

Like everyone, he has imagined the scene of his death many times, but he never thought that when he was about to die, he would be so fearful, unwilling, and so indecent.

Until the moment he was about to close his eyes, his heart was still dominated by pain and fear.

"Old man, do you need water?" At this moment, a young voice suddenly sounded from his ear, pulling Kalulu back a little from the brink of death.

Kalulu looked at the figure squatting beside him, a young businessman with a camel behind him.

Looking at this young man, some sinful thoughts began to breed in his heart.