Chapter 416: 【Doctor Strange in Time】

For this drooping old man, the young man obviously lacked vigilance, and he didn't respond in time when his throat was strangled, but was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, Kalulu's fingertips flickered, and several magic spikes pierced into the boy's neck, like the sharp teeth of a poisonous snake, or the mouthparts of a leech.

"Ah!" The boy cried out in pain, trying to back away in horror, but it was too late.

Kalulu gritted his teeth and held his throat tightly. The dim light on his fingertips surging, and with the beating of the dim light, the youth's smooth and plump skin quickly dimmed and withered.

Kalulu's complexion improved, causing him to straighten his body from the ground again.

At this time, the young man's companions came one after another, and asked in alarm and anger: "Old guy, what have you done!"

Kalulu waved his other hand, and the magic chains spurted out, binding the several merchants who rushed over to the place, while continuing to obtain energy from the boy's body.

This group of merchants are just ordinary people, which are the opponents of powerful mages like Kalulu, so after a while, everyone in the caravan will die in their hands.


Kalulu let go, and the last dry corpse fell to the sand, which was covered by the yellow sand when the wind blew, just like dozens of other mummified corpses scattered around.

The lives of these dozens of people have successfully restored some of his youth. Although he still looks like a white-haired old man, his complexion has greatly improved. He is no longer exhausted, and he no longer walks stooped.

Kalulu closed his eyes and looked a little intoxicated.

After stopping for a long time, he opened his eyes, looked around, and murmured, "I need more..."

From the moment he grabbed the boy's throat, all the conscience and principles he once adhered to have vanished and ceased to exist.

Kalulu begins his slaying journey for his new principles: self-sustainability and strength.

In the midst of the constant slaughter, he became younger, stronger and more depraved, and even began to enjoy sin.

For a long time Kalulu believed in himself of a noble and firm character, but when the fall came, he adapted very quickly.

North America.

"The Blood Clan won't let you go!" The young man who fell to the ground looked at his dead companion and said in fear and anger.

"Blood clan, what is that?" Kalulu said disdainfully, then reached out and grabbed the opponent's throat, skillfully turning it into a mummified corpse.

After a series of killings, his body has long returned to the state of youth, and the magic has also advanced, which makes him completely like the current way of life.

However, when Kalulu was about to leave here, the surrounding space distorted sharply, showing a folded shape.

When he saw this, his expression changed greatly: "Nildi!"

Immediately after, Nierdi walked out of the portal. She glanced at the nearby corpse, full of shock and anger: "It turned out to be you, Kalulu!"

"Is it a surprise to find me?" Kalulupi said with a smile, and secretly clenched his fists nervously.

Nielti: "Thousands of people died at your hands, not even women and children. You have completely lost your conscience!"

"Conscience?" Kalulu sneered, "There is no conscience or evil in this world, only power!"

Hearing this, Nielti looked very complicated, stared at him, and spoke again after a while: "I should have thought of this day..."

Kalulu raised his brows: "What do you want to say?"

"You never understand what you're up to," Nielty said. "It used to be, and it's the same now."

"You have stood up for justice and purity, but you don't understand them, you're just fulfilling the dogma established by others. You continue yourself, too, not out of an understanding of life, but out of fear of death and seeing my return The imbalance in my heart when I was young..." she said slowly.

"All your pursuits are just blindness, and all your persistence is just fanaticism. For you, there is no difference between being aggressive and falling."

Kalulu got a little excited: "Do you think you know me well?"

Nierdi sighed: "Who knows you better than me? I think we all remember that you and I were lovers who climbed the Himalayas together, but unfortunately those two magic books separated us."

She didn't speak any more.

There is no doubt that it is meaningless to say anything to today's Kalulu, a demon who has been completely depraved and wantonly slaughtered.

Nierdi took a deep breath, shaking his hands.

Following her movements, two huge magic shards shot out from the palm of her hand, like two golden-red thunderbolts, hitting Kalu Road.

Kalulu knew how powerful she was, and he was on guard for a long time, so he reacted immediately, holding up the magic shield with both hands.

"Boom!" Two horses burst open on the shield, making a loud noise.

Nierdi turned his hands immediately, and the surrounding space was twisted again, upside down, making Kalulu almost slip.

Not to be outdone, Kalulu also shot to distort the surrounding space, restoring the space near him, and then condensed a black magic arrow with his backhand, which shot at Nielti.

Nielti opened a fan with both hands, swept up and down, and bounced all the black magic arrows away.

Then she clenched her hands, and her figure suddenly blurred. While avoiding the next round of attacks, hundreds of clones appeared around, surrounding Kalulu.

"Shape of Aiken!" Looking at her numerous clones, Kalulu was shocked and involuntarily retreated.

The Shape of Aiken, an extremely difficult black magic, originated from the ancient demon lord Aiken, which allows the caster to have many clones with unparalleled power.

After transforming into numerous clones, hundreds of Nilti waved their hands together, and countless magic threads spurted out, leaving Kalulu nowhere to escape, and bound him layer by layer in a blink of an eye.

Kalulu struggled hard, trying to get rid of the shackles of these threads, but at this time Nierdi threw a magic weapon in the form of armor.

This magic weapon spun in the air, and then suddenly unfolded, and put it on Kalulu, so that his whole body was fixed by iron armor, and he couldn't move.

"Farewell." Nildy looked at him.

"No, Nierdi, don't—" Kalulu was extremely frightened.

Nielti gripped with five fingers, and countless magic threads were slashed together, like thousands of sharp knives, instantly cutting Kalulu to death, and blood splashed.

Looking at the blood on the ground, she lost her mind for a long time, and finally opened the portal silently and left here.

Go back to Kama Taj's room.

Nierdi sat silently for a while, and then took out the Eye of Agamotto as if he remembered something.

After staring at this ancient and powerful magic weapon for a moment, she cast a spell with both hands, opening the Eye of Agamotto, and a faint green light representing the law of time enveloped her.

Immediately Nierdi closed his eyes and entered the long river of time.

She has entered the river of time more than once, but out of prudence, she has never entered the torrent of time until this time.

This time, with a bewildered mood, Nierdi kept shuttle, wandering aimlessly in the vision of the future.

She dives into decades, hundreds of years, and tens of thousands of branches of time...a glimpse into the evolution of humankind in the future.

Nierdi walked aimlessly through time until a long-faced man in a red cloak appeared in front of her and bowed to her like a student would treat a teacher.

"Who are you?" Nildy looked at the long-faced man suspiciously.

The man's face was as long as a horse and had some beards, and he smiled: "Stephen Strange, your student."