Chapter 417: 【Reunion】

"my student?"

Strange said with a smile: "Yes, six hundred years later, an arrogant neurosurgeon came to Kama Taj and became her student after being taught by Master Gu Yi."

Nierdi thought for a while: "I see, you are the next generation Supreme Mage... It seems that you are very skilled in time magic."

"No one is proficient in time magic." Doctor Strange shook his head, then turned his eyes to the torrent of time around him involuntarily, "I have traveled here tens of millions of times, much more than I have gone in and out of my house, but I am still deeply intimidated. In view of the terrifying majesty of the law of time that cannot be desecrated, carefully observe its principles and remain silent about all that cannot be said."

"Keep silent about all that can't be said..." Nierdi thought thoughtfully.

Doctor Strange: "This is the unspeakable principle of time. Everyone who has entered the long river of time can vaguely feel this principle, and I believe you are too."

After a pause, he continued: "The information presented by the torrent of time often transcends cause and effect. If this information enters the real world, it will inevitably affect the operation of the world order, and some important information may even cause devastating disasters... At the very least, its results are bound to be against the whistleblower's wishes."

The two talked for a long time, and Nierdi suddenly said, "After six hundred years, am I still here?"

Doctor Strange shook his head.

Nierdi recalled what had happened recently, and was silent for a moment: "What was it like when I left, did you struggle?"

"No," said Doctor Strange. "When faced with death, you are the most calm and calm person. You taught me the meaning of life."


Doctor Strange: "Actually, that doesn't require my answer."

Nielty smiled. "Thank you, Strange."

Then she seemed to think of something: "You said that you have traveled here tens of millions of times to prevent some terrible future. I think it must be a very difficult experience to travel so many times in the long river of time."

"Yes, in order to prevent an unprecedented disaster." Doctor Strange's expression could not help but become solemn, "If we fail, the whole universe will suffer catastrophe."

Nielty: "I think you must have done it."

Doctor Strange sighed: "My time point is before the catastrophe, and the timeline of the catastrophe and after is completely chaotic, or even split. Therefore, I don't know the end of the matter."

"Time is split?"

Doctor Strange was silent for a moment: "It seems that there are two powers that surpass the Time Stone, because of their existence and struggle, the future becomes invisible, and the timeline after the catastrophe seems to be twisted into a thread... In fact, not only the future, but also the past. , now, the multiverse, all time and space are more or less affected by them."

Saying that, he led forward in the torrent of time, followed by Nierdi.

In a short time, the two came to the end of the torrent of time - it stands to reason that there is no such end, but it is really placed in front of the two of them.

As Doctor Strange said, the timeline becomes chaotic or even fragmented here, everything is invisible, and the colorful energies are intertwined to form a giant curtain that isolates the future world.

This majestic and colorful giant screen not only stands on the boundary of the future, it extends branches and lines in all directions, and also affects everything in the past. It looks like an aurora covering the sky...

Everything is here in chaos, and time and cause and effect seem to fall into the endless mud.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nierdi couldn't help being deeply shocked...

Returning to the real world from the torrent of time, Nierdi pondered for a long time until the knock on the door rang.

"Dong dong."

She woke up from her thoughts and shook her head, "Come in."

"Supreme Mage." A mage came in from outside the door. "The Book of Darkness in the library has been missing for many days. I wonder if it is with you?"

Dark Book?

Nierdi was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that the Dark Divine Book was taken away by Kalulu in all likelihood, and I don't know where it was hidden.

"You don't need to worry about it." She seemed to say casually, but she was quite worried.

There is no doubt that Kalulu must have broken the seal on the book, and now anyone can read this tome of black magic.

Let's hope you can find the Book of the Dark Gods, if other people get this book, I'm afraid it will cause some bad things. she thought.


Saka star.

It is still surrounded by countless wormholes, large and small, from which all kinds of garbage flew out, poured down from the sky, and piled up on the ground.

In an inconspicuous wormhole that did not dump garbage, a stream of light suddenly flashed, but a spaceship flew out.

As soon as the spacecraft adjusted its direction in the sky, it shot towards the north of Saka star.

Rowe was on this spaceship, and after entering Saka Star, he couldn't wait to get up from his seat, stand by the porthole and look out.

Compared with the last time I came here, Saka Star has changed a lot.

Probably with the help of Hela's divine power, a lot of the interstellar garbage piled up was converted into usable metal, and various buildings were built, and at the same time, the scene of the planet was greatly changed.

The spaceship galloped in the sky, finally slowed down and landed, and stopped in front of a palace [] with a strong Asgardian style...

At this moment, a certain room inside the palace.

In the center of the room is a bathtub. In this misty bathing water, Hela was lying on the edge of the pool, holding her wet long hair in her hands, while looking in front of her.

In front of her is a golden clock, only the size of a palm, but it is very delicate and complicated in structure, with two sets of hands showing different times.

Of these two sets of hands, one of them rotates steadily, the other is fast and slow, and there seems to be no regularity at all.

Looking at this golden clock Hela's eyes flickered slightly, it seemed a little complicated.

At this moment, a commotion suddenly sounded from outside: "You can't go in!"

"Who are you! This is Her Majesty's bathroom!"

Hela turned her head suspiciously and looked at the bathroom door, and then a figure that made her somewhat unbelievable came into view.


"His Royal Highness!" Luo Wei was so excited that he stepped forward and jumped into the bath.

Hela was surprised and a little overwhelmed. She looked at Luo Wei who had come suddenly, and put her hand on his face: "Why are you... uh..."

The battle between the lips interrupted her, and then the two lingered, the water in the pool rippling.

"Quickly catch that guy who is blaspheming Her Majesty the Queen!" The female guard who was standing outside the door had just chased in when she suddenly saw this amazing scene and her eyes widened.