Chapter 419: 【Odin's Sleep】

The next day, Luo Wei and Hela got on the spacecraft and sailed to a huge wormhole in the sky, preparing to leave the Saka star.

"By the way, Your Highness, is that Gao Tianzun who is keen on competition and cheating still alive?" On the way, Luo Wei suddenly remembered Gao Tianzun, the original owner of Saka Star.

"It's possible that he's still alive." Hela thought for a moment, "When the Asa Army invaded Gao Tianzun's building, he happened to be driving a spaceship to escape, but the wormhole he chose was not right. dead."

Rowe nodded.

He originally thought that Gao Tianzun and Hela had a confrontation, but he didn't expect this old guy to run away directly, and he also ran the wrong way. It is estimated that he will never see this Gao Tianzun in the future.

The two's spaceship passed through the wormhole, and after a while of driving, they reached Asgard.

"This..." However, from a distance, looking from the ship's porthole, Asgard was actually full of war and destruction, causing both Rowe and Hela to widen their eyes.

"What happened?" Hela asked a little worried.

"Of course I don't know either. According to the outside world, I have left Asgard for more than 300 years." Rowe looked at the pilot of the spaceship, "Speed ​​up and reach Asgard as soon as possible."



Golden Palace.

Asgard's heart, the splendid Golden Palace is protected by a huge energy shield, and its owner Odin, the god-king, is lying quietly on the bed at this time, motionless, as if falling into a deep sleep.

Frigga and her two sons Thor and Loki were all surrounded by the bed, all looking solemn.

"When will Father wake up?" Loki looked at his mother.

Frigga shook her head: "Aging is eating away at Odin. I let him enter Odin's sleep, which can delay his aging. During this period, he cannot wake up at will. Otherwise, his spirit will be severely damaged."

Loki frowned: "Who leaked the news that the father was sleeping..."

Thor looked at Odin on the bed in silence. After a while, he picked up Mjolnir, turned and walked out the door: "I'll protect the father and Asgard."

"Thor, Harrokin has the eye of the warlock in his hand, you are not his opponent. Let Tyr and the others deal with it." Frigga said quickly.

Thor said: "Mother, I have been a warrior for a long time, retreating will not be my choice. Tyr is also an old man, I can't let him protect my father for me."

Saying that, despite the obstacles, he strode out of the palace and shouted: "Vorstage, Fandral, Hogan, go out to fight with me!"

"I've been waiting for a long time!" Volstage's huge body ran over first and patted Thor on the shoulder, "Let's go and teach that **** a lesson!"

Fandral and Hogan followed, next to Thor.

Loki hesitated for a while, his eyes flashed, and then he got up and followed out.

"Why are you going?" Seeing that Loki was going out, Frigg couldn't help but grab him, "My child, you are not as good at fighting as your brother."

"I can be of some help," Loki smiled, "and if Thor gets swept up in his head, I can also dissuade him in time to prevent him from making some bad choices."

Frigga was silent for a moment, and finally did not stop him, but said: "Be careful. If you really can't do it, don't force it, I can make Odin wake up early."

"I understand, Mother." Loki said and ran out.

"His Royal Highness Loki." Fandral first noticed Loki who was following him, and said with some surprise and playfulness, "I thought you would stay inside and not come out."

Loki looked at him, smiled politely but not sincerely, and said nothing.

The five people strode out of the Golden Palace, and there was a scene of war outside.

All kinds of alien creatures walk through Asgard, some of them are human-shaped intelligent life, and some are no different from beasts, roaring and rushing, the scene is chaotic.

Although in a one-on-one situation, these invaders are not the opponents of Asgard at all, but they are huge in number, almost all over the mountains and fields, washing Asgard like a flood.

In addition, among the invaders, there are some powerful people. They are not weaker than the Asgardians. Together with a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, they have created a scene of destruction for God's Domain.

And the leader of this intruder was the fugitive Harojin of Asgard back then. He held the eye of the warlock, and with a wave of his hand, a fiery beam of light swept out, and all those who dared to confront him were wiped out.

"Hahaha!" Waving the eyes of the warlock, Harrokin laughed wildly, "Asgard, Odin, your doomsday is here!"


Just at this moment, with a roar, Miaolnir shot out in the surrounding thunder and went straight to Harokin.

Harrowkin's expression changed, and he quickly held the warlock's eye with both hands, and immediately a faint green beam of light shot out from the magic weapon, and met Mauernir head-on.


A deafening bang Miaolnir flew out backwards, turned in mid-air, and flew back to Thor's hands along the trajectory of the arc.

"His Royal Highness Thor, long time no see." Harrokin looked at Thor.

While speaking, his eyes gradually swept to Loki, squinting his eyes, something meaningful: "Ah, and His Royal Highness Loki."

Loki suddenly became a little nervous, and his hands behind his back couldn't help clenching fists, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Thor held Mjolnir and pointed at him at the same time: "Harojin, you shameless criminal who murdered your fellow clan, how dare you go back to Asgard!"

Harrokin sneered: "Why don't I dare to come back! Asgard is weak, Odin is sleeping, this is the time when the new king is born!"

"The new king?" Thor held Miaolnir high, and thunder and clouds gathered in the sky.
