Chapter 420: 【Battle of Harrokin】

A azure blue thunder fell from the sky and crashed on Harojin, blasting it out and crashing a wall.

Harrokin stood up quickly, holding the warlock's eye in both hands and turning, the warlock's eyes flashed one after another, and Shu Ran turned into a dim light and drilled into his forehead.

The warlock's eye entered his forehead, his face suddenly twisted, his teeth clenched, his body trembled slightly, obviously suffering some kind of pain.

His forehead wriggled for a while, as if a few small snakes were walking under the skin, and then the eyebrows suddenly split open, and a faint green eye opened in the crack of the flesh, staring directly at Thor, who was not far away. people.

Seeing Harrokin's change, Vorstag looked shocked and said incredulously: "My God, he has a third eye..."

"This is the correct use of the warlock's eye." Loki glanced at him.

Harrokin's warlock's eyes flickered between his eyebrows, and he stretched out his hand to hold his battle axe, jumped up, and killed Thor.

Thor was not afraid, roared, and waved Mjolnir to meet him.


However, what he didn't expect was that he was kicked out by Harrokin in just a split second.

And this kick was aimed at the flaw, and 100% of the force was kicked near his unprotected ribs, so until he got up from the ground, Thor was still covering the wound with one hand, his face twitching in pain.

In the short time he just fought, he had a strong intuition, as if Harrokin had the ability to see through everything.

The corner of Harrokin's mouth twitched, and the green eyes of the warlock's eye between the eyebrows turned slightly, and rushed towards Thor again.

At this time, Fandral and Hogan threw Vorstage out together, and the huge Vorstage was like a flying hill, roaring straight to Harrokin.

Vorstageg held a long-handled battle axe, and Harrokin could not avoid his attack range, so he swung the battle axe to block.


The two huge tomahawks collided, and the huge impact made Vorstag fly to the side, and Harrokin stepped back two steps. At the same time, Fandral and Hogan came one after another, the former stirring the long sword and the latter throwing the chain hammer.

However, this seemingly closed attack was easily found by Harrokin. With a little movement, he stabilized his body and avoided the sharp edge of the chain hammer and long sword. At the same time, the battle axe in his hand smashed Fandral directly in the face.

Fandral exclaimed and hurriedly dodged, and the sharp blade of the battle axe immediately swept past him, creating a wound on his face and blood spilling out.

When he reached out and touched it, he was horrified to find that his hair had been cut in half, and he couldn't help but say, "My hair!"

"Boom--" Thor called thunder again from the sky, and in the surging clouds, the blue electric arc jumped sharply, and then poured down.

But Harrokin was already prepared. After he kicked Hogan away, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Vorstag, and swung him up with a vigorous swing.

"Boom!!" Thunder immediately slammed on Vorstage, causing him to howl for a while, and Thor was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped.

Harrokin's warlock's eye moved and suddenly stopped in a corner, as if he had found something, and sneered: "His Royal Highness Loki, you should know something about the warlock's eye."

Before he finished speaking, he threw Vostager towards this corner.

The originally empty corner was dimly lit, and Loki suddenly showed his hidden figure. He was holding a dagger, apparently trying to stab Harrokin at close range.

Seeing Vorstag flying towards him, he quickly ducked back.

Harrokin caught up with a stride, raised the battle axe in both hands, and slashed down.

Loki gritted his teeth to dodge, but he was defeated with two moves. The dagger in his hand was knocked out, and the battle axe was slashed on his shoulder, and blood splashed.

He cried out in pain, holding the battle axe in horror, while Harrokin grinned and continued to exert his strength, preparing to chop off his arm.

"Loki!" Thor yelled angrily when he saw his brother was seriously injured.

Mjolnir flew out, blazing straight to Harrokin with a roar.

Harrokin was hit and screamed in pain. He had to let go of Loki and turned to face Thor. Thor dashed over, reaching out to summon Mjolnir on the way.

"Boom!" Miaolnir blasted the arc and blasted thunder with Harrokin's battle axe.

Thor clenched his teeth, and the blue veins on his arms burst out, trying to suppress it with strength, but Harrokin's strength is not lost to him, even more than that, and naturally he can't suppress it.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought a few moves, and Thor was at a disadvantage again. He held Mjolnir in both hands, leaning against the wall behind him, his face flushed, and he desperately blocked the battle axe that was almost pressed to his face.

"It's useless, Your Highness Thor." Harrokin looked at him mockingly, "You will see my battle axe cut into your eyeballs and into your brain!"

As he said, although Thor resisted with all his strength, he still couldn't stop the advance of the battle axe, and watched the axe blade approach his right eye.

Soon he felt the coldness of the battle axe making him almost breathless, and at the same time he had to close his right eye, hoping that his eyelids would buy him a little more time.

"Hahaha!" Looking at the powerless Thor, Harrokin laughed frantically.

Immediately, his battle axe finally cut through Thor's skin, and blood spilled from Thor's closed eyelids and onto his face.

Thor gasped violently.

In maybe a tenth of a second, his eyeballs will be in direct contact with the battle axe.

Am I about to lose an eye?

Thor couldn't help but think of his father's image. Although he loved his father, he obviously didn't want to inherit his one-eyed image. The future of losing one eye is terrifying.

Thinking of this, Thor's heart suddenly burst into a huge power.
